School District: Online Superintendent Candidate Survey Is ‘Bogus’, But Organizers Say It’s Just Public Input

July 20, 2020

The Escambia County School District says an online superintendent survey is “bogus”, but the creators say it’s just a chance for public input.

Posts on social media are asking people to read about the six finalists for the Escambia school superintendent job and take a survey. The ECSD said in a Facebook post of their  own — in all caps — that the “SURVEY IS BOGUS”.

The creators of the survey updated their posts Monday morning to clarify that the “community based” survey is not endorsed by the school district. They said the results and comments will be emailed to school board members as form of public comment on who is “a great candidate”.

“It was created by community members to provide everyone a voice pertaining to the hiring process. It does not guarantee a certain candidate will be hired,” Donte Sheppard said in an updated Facebook post. As of about 9 a.m. Monday, he said about 200 people had completed the survey, which does not ask for any personally identifiable information.

Voters decided the next school superintendent in Escambia County will be appointed. Last week, the Superintendent Search Citizens Advisory Committee narrowed a field of 27 applicants to their top six. Next, the school board will name their semi-finalists.

Read more about the candidates by clicking or tapping here.


10 Responses to “School District: Online Superintendent Candidate Survey Is ‘Bogus’, But Organizers Say It’s Just Public Input”

  1. AAM on July 21st, 2020 8:44 am

    Regarding CMD comments:
    You must not know Keith Leonard. For one I would be glad he got it. You have prejudged which is your right but I for one would stick with Keith

  2. just sayin on July 21st, 2020 7:28 am

    Some of the idiot public voted away there rights to have any input. You had a voice but gave it away.

  3. CMD on July 20th, 2020 11:56 pm

    The survery doesn’t matter. The school district chose Keith Leonard a long time ago. Do you think they would ever allow an outsider to hold this job? New ideas, innovations? Not a chance.

  4. Sandy on July 20th, 2020 10:46 pm

    @No Excuse… yes, I agree voters did stupidly give up their right to vote for superintendent but they can’t be removed if we get a bad one quite so easily. First you have to vote out the board members which may not be so easy. This county will regret their decision for a very long time. Wait and see.

  5. mat on July 20th, 2020 5:45 pm

    Donte Sheppard,
    You should be sued by the School District
    You used their Logo and Their Name
    in something that they did not approve.

  6. John Doe on July 20th, 2020 5:30 pm

    Why can’t a third party create a survey about the potential candidates that the community at large can comment on? That’s called activism and I commend it.

  7. No Excuses on July 20th, 2020 4:54 pm

    Since some of our voters stupidly voted away their right to choose a superintendent, this survey is a waste of time and space. Appointed superintendents can also be removed if we get a bad one.

  8. READ IT on July 20th, 2020 3:07 pm

    Bold letters… (Provided by the community)

    No… you gave up your right to vote… Mr Bergosh said he can select a better one than you can..

    I voted against it…

  9. Anne on July 20th, 2020 2:32 pm

    MISLEADING and a SHAM to cause community minded citizens to think this was sanctioned by the ECSD.

    To say it was “community based” is a bucket of bilge water.

    How Dare this individual use the trappings of the Legitimate Escambia County School District to promote a private survey which has, to us, Highly Questionable motives.

    Mr. Sheppard, you surely know that The Public No Longer has any say in who is Appointed Superintendent.

  10. Mary jones on July 20th, 2020 1:54 pm

    Leonard will get it.