Pensacola Council Asks Escambia County To Implement Mask Mandate

July 17, 2020

The Pensacola City Council Thursday night approved a resolution asking the Escambia County Commission to pass a mask mandate.

The council has approved a similar mask mandate, but the city is suggesting the county pass an ordinance requiring face coverings in all public settings. The city’s order is only for inside businesses.

The resolutions states, “…the City Council of the City of Pensacola does hereby respectfully encourage the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners to pass Legislation making mandatory the wearing of face coverings in public settings.”

Councilman P.C. Wu voted against the resolution sponsored by Council President Jewel Cannada-Wynn, saying he felt it was not his place to tell another governmental entity how they should operate.

To read the full resolution, click or tap here.

The Escambia County Commission is not obligated to act upon the request.


56 Responses to “Pensacola Council Asks Escambia County To Implement Mask Mandate”

  1. joseph kanarkiewicz on July 22nd, 2020 5:13 pm

    if you do not wear a mask it does not make you a lion among sheep, it makes you an idiot.

  2. Robert Hudson on July 19th, 2020 3:56 pm

    Beginning to question the medical reports and recordings of the virus. How can you mandate mask to some, lock down your city , yet allow rioting, looting , and burning? False reports are popping up every where, But I do think the city council should mind its own business. Remember , we voted down consolidation, For a reason, we do not trust the city. How about this , reopen, all business’es. Put up a sign that states you must wear one when you come it. But hey, if you can dine out, you have to remove your mask any way, So whats the point? Seems the whole thing is becoming political, amazing right? Remember the swine flu? Yet no mask. There are also people who registered for the test, backed out, and were told later they were postive. What we are suffering from is lack of correct information. Want to reopen bars? just design a mask were you can slide in a straw. Be safe, just don’t believe every thing they tell you.

  3. DK on July 18th, 2020 5:35 pm

    CJ you hit the nail in the head research goes a long way in with you 100%.

  4. ALEX on July 18th, 2020 11:05 am


    This is either a very funny comment( a poor try at humor) or the comment of someone that is not the brightest lightbulb in the house. i hope you are just trying to be funny. may you and yours say healthy.

  5. Linda on July 18th, 2020 9:29 am

    When you are reading the comments rather than hearing the person speaking, you do not have the advantage of hearing the speakers tone. Tone of voice is just as important when getting a message across as the words we choose to use. Some of the comments unfortunately don’t need to be heard to be clear. Some people are just angry, mean-spirited and selfish. People like that will never be the calm person, they will be the loud mouthed hysterical person who will always put themselves first above everyone else. Those people always seem to shout even when you can’t hear them. I have said before that I always choose to wear a mask in public. I do this to try and help stop the spread of a virus so that all of us can get back to normal. That does not hurt anyone else. What kind of person do you want to be? A calm person who at least tries to make the situation better OR the loud mouth who does nothing but whine and complain about everyone else? Now which type of person do you think is the one who is afraid, the calm person or the one who shouts?

  6. Pd on July 18th, 2020 9:09 am

    I wear a mask. With that said I don’t think that it’s any politicians business if I do wear a mask. If a company wants to mandate that you wear it in their business that’s fine you don’t have to shop there. If they don’t want to mandate it that’s fine to guess what you don’t have to shop there.
    Vote out the communist want be dictators that want to control your life, liberty, business, churches, and guns.

  7. Jordan on July 18th, 2020 7:52 am

    @mr. Nobody
    The symptoms of covid are similar to the flu – fever, cough, etc. However the long lasting effects are worse. Remember the broadway actor who recently died? He had blood clots so bad that he had to have his leg cut off. Covid caused the blood to thicken up which makes breathing very hard. When people “recover” the long term effects do not always go away. There can be Lung scarring, Stroke, embolisms, and blood clotting, Heart damage, and Neurocognitive and mental health impacts. These can be life long problems.

  8. Ryn on July 18th, 2020 1:01 am

    @Mark Richards ACTUALLY the ADA specifies that a business can not ask about your medical condition HOWEVER they are required to make reasonable accomodations. So… with this being said you have the option of delivery or pickup which would suffice the exemption to the rule that a business MUST allow you access. Not only that but if you go onto every single company’s website and look up policies the stores do hold the right to refuse service. Its no different than “no shoes, no shirt, no service”
    @John Smith there are TONS of people still not wearing masks which is why businesses are now stating on their own that masks are required to enter. Wal-Mart, Sam’s, CVS, Publix just to name a few. This could have been done n gone if people would just take it seriously. There is someone in the thread saying they had it and I can guarantee people are “yup fake news”
    Oh and btw… The testing… The positive test is documented by name so if Sally goes to 3 spots to get tested and is positive Sally just counted as 1 positive HOWEVER if she is negative it is documented as 3 negatives so the skewed data is actually the negatives seeing as how essential workers are tested often

  9. mr. Nobody on July 18th, 2020 12:21 am

    I was wondering since the FLU and COVID-19 are so very similar will we have to wear masks during FLU season too?

  10. CJ on July 17th, 2020 11:29 pm

    For all you pro mask people the reason people don’t want to wear a mask is not because they don’t care about others. It’s because they actually do a little research and don’t just believe what all the so called experts who are on the Democrats payroll say. The odds of dying or even getting seriously sick are so so small that it’s ridiculous. And if you are very ill you are most definitely in a very small minority and not the majority. Last I knew the majority ruled in a democratic republic but obviously a lot of you don’t like that method of law. If you would like more government control and mandates maybe check out some of the socialist countries in the world and see how that would suit you I have a feeling you would be much more thankful for your freedoms in this country and try to protect them at all costs.

  11. Frankly on July 17th, 2020 11:04 pm

    With California having some of the strictest restriction and Last to open – How is that working for them?

    We need to respect one another space and opinions, And maybe Keep your to yourself.

  12. Dick Smithers on July 17th, 2020 10:10 pm

    If you don’t think masks help,then lets shut down the entire town again. Will take care of it. I am retired and have plenty of money.

  13. phillip on July 17th, 2020 9:41 pm


  14. Wyatt Derp on July 17th, 2020 9:03 pm

    fisherman, thank you.

    If people really cared about their fellow humans, they would do everything possible to save them harm.

    Y’all be safe, and have a great weekend.

  15. Wyatt Derp on July 17th, 2020 8:51 pm

    Mr. John L Smith,

    #1: Businesses are closed because people didn’t wear masks and the virus spread as a result of that.

    Because people couldn’t put their selfish nature on hold, they made this problem worse. “Mah rights” trumped “help thy neighbor.”

    After that, I really can’t decipher what you are trying to say. Please rephrase your position.


  16. John L. Smith on July 17th, 2020 7:52 pm

    All you pro mask people 2 things. If mask work then why are business closed? And the 2 thing is mask dont work. The #1 to spread the virus is by human contact. All these “so called” spike in new cases are FALSE. 1 person get tested 10 times and test positive 10 times that’s cases. Plus with all the FALSE test result you cant believe ANY of the stats. If you want to wear a mask go ahead but last I looked the city has no business tell the county what to do. 98.5% survival rate stop being sheeps!!!

  17. fisherman on July 17th, 2020 7:48 pm

    I’m the one who stated I have been wearing a mask from day one when I went out.I did this on my on I didn’t need any government official to tell me this.I balk at the mandatory wearing of the mask because it’s not law.When the government can follow their own rules then I will obey.They make policy they don’t follow.Mayor Robinson made wearing mask mandatory then said his workers didn’t have to wear them in city buildings.That’s what he said so I have to wear a mask because he said so I don’t think so.I will continue to wear my mask without being told.

  18. Earl on July 17th, 2020 7:13 pm

    I dont remember the county asking the city for any suggestions
    Are they touting to have the magic bean to the corona 19
    No…just city officials self adoration …mirror mirror on the wall
    So…the way it plays out…the virus expands…now watch this…its the counties fault for not going by the all knowing cities guide (suggestion)
    Got a ton of mirrors in the city too

  19. Infidel Numero Uno on July 17th, 2020 6:51 pm

    Mr Wu you are correct sir and thank you. To the rest of the Council, you do you and mind your business. Our commission can handle their business just fine. Don’t be bossy, and keep your grubby hands off the landmarks & statues.

  20. Jordan on July 17th, 2020 6:47 pm

    First of all – if everyone wore a mask for the next 2-3 weeks we can kill the virus. If we kill the virus out then we can open businesses and schools safely. And, no you don’t have to wear a mask 24 hours a day. You don’t have to wear one in your home or car. Just put it on when you are around other people, One comment said he was willing to wear a mask until the word MANDATORY was used and then protested – why? Younger people are getting the virus. A lot of people have survived it. But, what is their life like afterwards. There are lasting side effects of having the virus that can last for the rest of their lives. All of this can be avoided if everyone just wore a simple of cloth over their face when near others. Thank you!

  21. Lee on July 17th, 2020 5:54 pm

    Here we are again. Four months later and worse off than before as far as stopping the spread of this virus. We had a chance to make a difference, but we blew it. Appears there are plenty of folks who SAY they want to get back to normal, but are doing little to nothing to get there. If you are able to wear a mask and just aren’t doing it, we can thank YOU for the position we are all in today – uncertainty about schools reopening and a real possibility of another complete shutdown. We’ve tried it without everyone wearing masks. It’s time to take this seriously.

  22. SP on July 17th, 2020 5:28 pm

    @ Torey

    Except the Georgia only sued ONE CITY.

    Why you ask?


    Get off Fox News lol…

  23. Citizen on July 17th, 2020 4:40 pm

    We should strive to meet certain virtuous goals

    Honor, courage, selflessness, sacrifice, hard work, personal responsibility, respect for elders, respect for the vulnerable

    We need to wear a mask to meet these goals.

  24. Torey on July 17th, 2020 4:17 pm

    Ever think maybe the people who are scared and want to wear mask should just stay in their cars and let the people who arent puppets do as they please. Wearing a mask isnt better protecting you or me. Your breathe is still released in the air to the sides top and bottom. Also how easy is it to reframe from touch that nasty thing 10 times in one trip into the grocery store? If you are in fear, get your groceries curb side. Maybe DeSantis will follow suit with the Georgia governor.

  25. Mark Richards on July 17th, 2020 4:11 pm

    ADA laws prohibit the making of laws (wearing of masks) when they endanger the health of the individual. The only kind of mask that becomes anywhere close to being effective is N95 which has to be fitted for the face. 98% of all the people that are wearing masks are not being protected by their mask. Say what you want but wearing a handkerchief over your face does not do anything. The size of the coronavirus is .1 micron and N95 is .3 microns. Don’t buy into the Fear The Mask doesn’t help. You’re more likely to get influenza than Corona virus.

  26. BRING IT ON on July 17th, 2020 4:02 pm

    The Pensacola City Council should mind their own business. My advice to city dwellers is to stay in the city with your mask strapped on good and tight.
    SHEEP NO MORE !!!!

  27. fisherman on July 17th, 2020 3:29 pm

    @Wyatt Derp
    You are 100 % correct about people shopping and not wearing mask they can be very inconsiderate and nasty.When i’m out and about I wear my mask and stay away from those not wearing them.I don’t say a word to those not wearing them and I highly suggest people don’t either there are some crazy people out among us.If you go out just wear a mask.If a local store says you can’t go in without one go put it on. Please don’t confront the employee they are just doing their job as management told them.All businesses has the right to refuse you entry for not wearing one if it’s their policy.

  28. Chuck Lavoie on July 17th, 2020 2:35 pm

    The vast majority of the Covid 19 cases are in the city. The city pf Pensacola along with the mayor and his puppets need to stay out of the county’s business.

  29. SP on July 17th, 2020 1:45 pm


  30. Wyatt Derp on July 17th, 2020 1:01 pm


    Good for you for wearing a mask. But the problem is the non-maskers will not stay home. They were out in force at WD Sunday morning and kept invading my personal space, reaching across my body to grab an item after I was already there.

    When businesses like Walmart, Best Buy, CVS and others require a mask, what will they do then? Cause a scene and threaten employees?

    And for all of you who keep referencing how mask mandates are not Constitutional–go back to Civics class and pay attention this time.

    Be safe y’all.

  31. TG on July 17th, 2020 12:49 pm

    The Pensacola City Council needs to mind it’s own business and keep their liberal views in the city. I live in the county so I don’t have to be governed by those clowns. Escambia County Commissioners, it is election time. Seems best for your careers to leave us taxpayers to our own decisions concerning our health.

  32. MIKE on July 17th, 2020 12:47 pm




  33. Larry on July 17th, 2020 12:31 pm

    I have an idea, everyone can protest either for or against masks. It’s the only proven way to get results. That way the politicians can see who screams the loudest and cater to their demands. It’s perfect!

  34. john on July 17th, 2020 12:20 pm

    Someone needs to tell the Pensacola City Council that they themselves aren’t following all of the CDC guidelines, so why are the making suggestions to the county?

  35. Jw on July 17th, 2020 12:06 pm

    Well said Linda. Thanks for thinking about your fellow citizens as our family is doing the same.

  36. Matt Mathews on July 17th, 2020 11:59 am

    Maybe the City counsel should have ask the county before they voted to take down a statue,We are in county we don’t take orders from city hall,,And as someone else pointed out the tax for the Ecat that isn’t even managed in this country (its parent company is in Germany)but they want us to wear masks,Before you all start beating me up for the whole mask comment its not about the mask its about the loss of my right to choose,I am a proud veteran I strongly believe in your right to choose a mask or not.Today its a mask what will it be tomorrow,you need to ask yourself this question,Before you freely give away your rights.

  37. BT on July 17th, 2020 11:55 am

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    Right there in the constitution…freedom from minor inconvenience.

  38. Trisha on July 17th, 2020 10:54 am

    Oh my gosh! It is a mask to help protect you, your family and neighbors. I think you should get over yourself and start caring for our community. Escambia numbers keep going up because of people like you. You obviously think you and your family are immune from the COVID. I wonder how fast you would change your mind if one of your family members got the virus and died? It is nice to know that you are such a caring individual.

  39. Carol on July 17th, 2020 10:46 am

    Mask should be mandatory.
    Schools should not open until death rates go down
    How hard is it to wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart?

  40. Freedom on July 17th, 2020 10:43 am

    No maskation without representation.

  41. Against masks on July 17th, 2020 10:40 am

    County commissioners … you need to view against this! I’m sick of everyone letting others pull their strings like puppets!

  42. john on July 17th, 2020 10:04 am

    My opinion is, we are somewhere between 6 and 7 months in to Covid19. If you try to force someone now to wear a mask that hasn’t in all these months, chances are they will not care enough to wear it properly, it will become a chin guard, and it will be more divisive. The hospitals are not overrun, they don’t have people laying out in the parking lots!!! I see a lot of people that are wearing them not wearing them correctly. It’s getting used like a chin guard, people’s nose sticking out of them, its almost a joke at this point!!! I say, if one wants to wear a mask let him or her wear a mask, if one doesn’t then let it be so. One thing for sure, there is a lot of mask legislation going up around the country, and its causing a lot of enforcement issues. Not to mention some people have a medical issues and can’t wear one. As far as the Pensacola City Council they should focus on things inside of the city limits. The fact they share a border really is irrelevant at this point. Goods and services are shipped into the city from around the country on a daily basis (Covid19 can survive on surfaces as much as 5 days maybe longer) are they taking the time to decontaminate everything entering in? Covid19 isn’t just spreading through the air. CDC also mentions you still need to social distance outside whey isn’t the city enforcing this (especially when we had some protesters visit our city?)

  43. Rance on July 17th, 2020 9:49 am

    I suspect Pensacola City Council President Jewel Cannada -Wynn
    will not received another term in office..
    Nor will anti-statue City Council members along
    with Studer Rat Pack following Mayor.

  44. Smh on July 17th, 2020 9:11 am

    The CDC and countless epidemiologists have issued guidance on slowing the spread of this virus. There are perr reviewed articles on the effectiveness of masks.

    I prefer to get my information from people who barely graduated high school.

  45. fisherman on July 17th, 2020 9:08 am

    If my county Commissioner votes to make wearing mask mandatory I will cast my vote for a new Commissioner.I wear a mask when I go out have been since day one but I don’t want to be told I have to.I agree with JTV. Just let us decide for ourselves if you don’t want to wear a mask then keep you — at home.

  46. Thomas Paine on July 17th, 2020 9:02 am


    Maybe in a couple years, the city can rename Lee Square to “Dead Science Denier Plaza.” There could even be a monument with all the names of Escambia County COVID victims inscribed on it.

  47. David on July 17th, 2020 8:58 am

    Chill, asking isnt against anyone…
    Only issue is…the county does not conduct or make “legislation”
    Neither does the city
    Someone in the city needs to go back to school….
    Like paying a gas tax on ECAT in the county…remember to vote men and woman….remember that ECAT tax that was thrown at us…..
    Its really the EBT tax transit system….10M grant…poor city cant even run a ECAT line
    County commissioners…we remember that which was also pushed down out throats…VOTE VOTE VOTE THEM OUT…Councilman P.C. Wu very intelligent sir!

  48. J-THE-G on July 17th, 2020 8:42 am

    Sounds like a wonderful idea. Hopefully Ron Desantis will get on board soon too. Show some respect for the health and lives of others and wear the darn mask. Unless you just have no compassion or even a little decency you would wear the mask.

  49. Tgc on July 17th, 2020 8:32 am

    The city has already passed an unconstitutional law mandating the mask. Forbidding people from doing commerce without obeying a stipulation is not only immoral it goes against everything we believe as God fearing Christians. They are moving the bar trying to get us use to obeying the government in order to live. When in fact they are the ones that should be obeying the law. If one more curse is brought on Escambia County. It will be by their hand and there will be such a cry that they will surely listen to the government of the people by the people and for the people. For the people will not idly stand by while tyranny is wrought upon their neighbor.

  50. Bowhunter on July 17th, 2020 8:08 am

    i don’t want to wear one because i want all the city idiot’s to read my lip’s about the ( lee square ) we are rid of grover robinson so stay in the city and leave the count people alone

  51. Linda on July 17th, 2020 8:07 am

    We have all heard the expression ” a crisis brings out the worst in some people and the best in some people”. In a crisis situation, do we want to be the person who is calm and does what is necessary to help the situation or do we want to be the person who is is so angry about the situation that they are no longer a rational person willing to simply try and make things better? We all like to feel as if we are in control of our little corner of the world, but the fact is that none of us can be in control of everything around us. Life is messy, always has been, always will be. We all experience difficulties from time to time throughout our entire life. There will always be something in our lives that will test our strength and make us choose to pull our selves up from our boot straps or choose to complain and give up. Wearing a mask should only be about trying to protect the health of yourself and those around you, those you love as well as strangers. If it works to slow the spread of the virus, great, we will be saving lives and getting closer to normalcy. If it does not work to slow the spread, well it was just a small thing to do to at least try and help. I want to get my life back to normal and I will do anything necessary to help make that happen. Politicians are not scientist or medical professionals. They only care about their job and remaining in office, period. I will follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control to try and protect you, myself and those I love.

  52. John Feilds on July 17th, 2020 7:59 am

    The city counsil can go pound sand!

  53. Colleen on July 17th, 2020 7:40 am

    It is wrong for the government to force a mandate on its citizens. It is even worse when they try to coerce another government entity to do the same. This is nothing more than a power grab by those who are suppose to SERVE the people.

  54. Colleen on July 17th, 2020 7:38 am

    It is bad enough when the government forces mandates on its citizens. It is even worse when they try to coerce another government entity to do the same.

  55. JTV on July 17th, 2020 6:11 am

    I’m sure if the Escambia County Commissioners told the Pensacola City Council to leave Lee Square alone, they’d have told them to get bent. Vote them out.

  56. Dwr on July 17th, 2020 3:51 am

    My guess is if the county commissioners want to keep their jobs they will not try to force people to wear something.