Only Three Adult ICU Beds Vacant In Escambia County; COVID-19 Hospitalizations Doubled In A Week

July 2, 2020

Only three adult ICU beds in Escambia County were available as of Wednesday night as data from the City of Pensacola showed that the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients has doubled in just a week.

On June 1, there were 13 COVID-19 patients in Escambia County hospitals. On June 18, there were 37, and by June 25 there were 36. On Wednesday, July 1, there were 77 COVID-19 patients in Escambia hospitals. Those numbers and those in the graphic above are actual hospitalizations by date; the numbers are not cumulative.

“One of the COVID-19 stats I’ve been paying most attention to when making decisions for our city is the number of hospitalizations each day between our three local hospitals,” Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson said. “…I don’t share this information to alarm anyone, but just to show that we are seeing a shift in the numbers and to encourage you to continue taking preventative action against COVID-19.”

There are 118 ICU beds in Escambia County with 115 (97.5%) of them full Wednesday night according to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (ACHA). All of the intensive care beds at Baptist Hospital and Select Specialty Hospital were occupied. There were two available at Ascension Sacred Heart and one at West Florida Hospital.

Two days prior, there were 16 ICU beds available in Escambia County hospitals.

There are an additional 16 pediatric ICU beds in the county, with 10 (62.5%) of them available.

It is important to note that not all of the ICU beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients. The numbers also include patients that have suffered trauma, had surgery and other critical medical issues.

Of the 1,014  hospital beds in Escambia, 330 or 24.55% were available Wednesday night, according to AHCA.


19 Responses to “Only Three Adult ICU Beds Vacant In Escambia County; COVID-19 Hospitalizations Doubled In A Week”

  1. One Voice on August 17th, 2020 12:03 am

    Only thing noones talked about is the turn around and around when kids go back. They get on bus ones got it. The class gets quarantined bus too. So Driver down 14 days. Goes back another kid test positive so Driver down. Teachers down 14 days. Classroom down. Then we go back and again……What if you send kids to school go get a job to make Desantis happy cause it’s not about funding. .right…or have to be quarantined schools get mi ssed….job gets lost cause kid can’t be left alone.So have I missed anything..other then It’s not gonna work out.

  2. Sandra on July 3rd, 2020 2:44 pm

    Send the overflow to the governor’s house that way he can see the use of a ventilator up close get the real aspect of it free up icu beds let him talk care of them

  3. BRING IT ON on July 2nd, 2020 9:25 pm

    Hey John, it does work. Get your head out the sand.

  4. Dwn on July 2nd, 2020 7:34 pm

    Mat: “ What happens when they run out of beds?”

    Easy answer.

    All the tea party patriots/yellow snake flag people who refuse to wear masks are going to take the COVID19 overflow patients into their homes, convincing them their illness is a hoax.

  5. BRING IT ON on July 2nd, 2020 6:27 pm

    Right on Fisherman…the fake news is nothing but fake made up propaganda that herds the sheep to slaughter.

  6. Wow on July 2nd, 2020 6:19 pm

    It always amazes me how many Trump supporters are doctors, nurses, or scientists. Whatever their fearless leader suggests, they follow. Hydroxychloroquine does not work for everyone! It’s not a “fix it” drug. Just because it works in some cases doesn’t mean it’s going to save everyone! Also, there has not been enough trials to deem it safe for mass distribution. The only things that do HELP prevent the spread are social distancing, wearing masks, and washing your hands… oh, and staying home if you don’t absolutely have to go out. When you don’t do these things not only are you spreading your germs, you are letting everyone around you know you really only care about yourself. Our “leadership” both in Washington and locally are terrible… if anything they are making it worse by ignoring ALL the signs that things are going south and FAST!

  7. Bewildered on July 2nd, 2020 5:03 pm

    Read Fisherman’s comment – it hits the nail on the head. I do not recall any news channel even mentioning this new maleria drug on the market for $520 a dose. Yes, big Pharma strikes again, Trumps’ suggested pill works probably just as well for very little money. The USA bought 500 000 doses so far – why are we even still talking about closing down the country again?

  8. John on July 2nd, 2020 4:05 pm

    @ John Doe and Dave. People like you are dividing us.

  9. David Luescher on July 2nd, 2020 3:51 pm

    @fisherman – The use of hydroxychloroquine was prohibited because IT DOESN’T WORK! Just because the president, who is FAR from a scientist or clinician, believes it’s “a great drug,” means absolutely nothing, he also thinks disinfectants and really bright light could be treatment options. Not to mention, the virus is just going to “disappear,” right? The actual science says it is not effective. In fact, in many cases, the science says it may be harmful. I will not argue your OPINION about pharmaceutical companies, but your OPINION on the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID is WRONG. Let’s leave hydroxychloroquine for malaria and autoimmune disorders.

  10. Plain Country on July 2nd, 2020 3:36 pm

    There will not be ANY beds available in the local hospitals after the Blue Angels show on the beach!!

  11. Lee on July 2nd, 2020 1:07 pm

    @Barbara Agerton – seems when we started reopening, some people took that to mean we were returning to normal and just abandoned any precautions. We have a compromised family member, so don’t go out much. I am very impressed by the Publix at Pine Forest. All employees wear masks and there are shields at the cashier stations. Employees were wiping down buggies and it seemed there were extra employees asking customers if they needed help. Aisles and checkouts are marked to help with social distancing. I appreciate the steps they’ve take. Most customers were wearing masks, too. I’ve been to a couple stores that seem unaware of this crisis and even cashiers had no masks. I just turned around and left. Don’t plan to support any business not doing their part. They are prolonging g the problem.

  12. Dave on July 2nd, 2020 12:18 pm

    All you hear from Washington D.C. is “fake news”and in the past how well Florida is doing.
    Well the numbers and people being admitted into hospitals due to covid19 is not FAKE. Maybe our leaders in D.C. and Tallahassee are the one’s spreading fake statements.

  13. ER RN on July 2nd, 2020 11:47 am

    This is not the first time that hospitals have been out or close to being out of ICU beds. This is actually a common issue. The problem is the patients needing ICU beds will stay in the emergency departments and that is the problem.

  14. John Doe on July 2nd, 2020 11:12 am

    sorry, but I will not roll up my sleeve and blindly accept a vaccine that was rushed by an inept administration

  15. fisherman on July 2nd, 2020 9:44 am

    No way would I take a COVID vaccine if one became available tomorrow.The government and pharmaceutical companies are in bed with each other.The FDA stopped the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID patients which cost about $37 for 100 pills.You would have to shop around to get lowest price very cheap drug.The new drug just approved by FDA made by Gilead cost $520 per dose with treatment requiring 6 doses at cost of $3120. Now you see why FDA stopped the use of hydroxychloroquine from being used.Look at the cost difference.$37 verses $3120.Who do you think is getting a large kick back.The point of all this was to show you the Federal Government would approve a vaccine they know would’t work or not safe just to get it on the market to satisfy the American peopleand the drug companies billions.

  16. Barbara Agerton on July 2nd, 2020 8:47 am

    I am not at all surprised and still very sad over this,.When I went out a few weeks ago,I noticed there were no people wearing a mask,whole family’s just acting as if nothing were wrong no Pandemic….the sales clerk helping me was wearing his mask,I was wearing mine,.while both of us were flabbergasted that we were the only ones wearing a mask……….he was very sad about it too. Set an example. wear that mask…… is about the best we can do to fight this virus,you wear your mask,and I will wear mine,the closer we will get to a vaccination,and reopening the Country again….and I ask this question once again,would any of those people allow their Surgeon to Operate without a mask??? Not me!

  17. mat on July 2nd, 2020 7:38 am

    What happens when they run out of beds?

  18. Anne on July 2nd, 2020 6:55 am

    Sad for those who are in hospital and for their loved ones who cannot visit for the comforting of both.
    Some of this virus mess reminds me of us being kids and our parents taking us to “play” with friends or cousins who had the measles. Thought was if we all got exposed at the same time we’d get the measles then be done with it.
    Surely, the thinkers today would shun us and likely think our parents were horrible people but it worked.
    IMMUNIZATIONS do basically the same thing by introducing a controlled amount of the virus so our immune systems can adapt to capture and kill the bad stuff. I hope the scientists come up with a vaccine soon, yes we will roll up our sleeves.
    Until then, the degree of Protection is up to us…and seemingly the local governments.
    Be Well, Stay Safe and remember YOU are Your Best Health Expert.

  19. Tom on July 2nd, 2020 3:54 am

    Leadership was very under prepared, Wait until Hospitals stop taking transfers out of state, and everybody is overwhelmed. Things are looking grim, especially if deaths start to climb again do to lack of treatment. What a disgrace