One Of These 27 People Will Be The Next Escambia County School Superintendent

July 5, 2020

There were 27 people that submitted their application to be the next superintendent of the Escambia County School District.

In November 2018, Escambia County citizens voted to move from an elected to an appointed superintendent. Malcolm Thomas, the current elected superintendent, will retire in November.

Two of the candidates for the job are current Escambia County residents.

Keith Leonard of Cantonment is the current assistant superintendent of Human Resource Services and spent 13 years as the Escambia County School District director of Human Resource Services.

Claudia Williams of Pensacola has worked for the Escambia County School District for about 32 years and is currently a guidance counselor at Judy Andrews/Success Academy. She is a former District 3 board member and campaigned unsuccessfully for superintendent in 2004, 2008 and 2012.

An appointed Superintendent Search Citizens Advisory Committee will name semi-finalists in July, followed by finalists in mid-August. According to a school district timeline, finalists will be interviewed in late August. A special board meeting to select the new superintendent will be held September 1.

The start date for the new superintendent is set for November 17. The salary range is $145,000 to $175,00 a year.

The applicants are listed below in the order in which their applications were received. Tap or click on any applicant’s name to load their resume and application information in pdf format.

  1. Dr. Peri-Anne Chobot
  2. Dr. Terry L. Nelson
  3. Leigh Ann McCray
  4. Paul Grimaud
  5. Dr. Wayne Alexander
  6. Marques L. Stewart
  7. Dr. Andrei E. Ghelman
  8. Dr. Greg S. Shull
  9. Dr.. Raymond L. Bryant, Jr.
  10. Adam M. Taylor
  11. Dr. David M. Schmittou
  12. Dr. Michelle E. James
  13. Dr. Earl Johnson
  14. Dr. John Millay
  15. Dr. Monica Henson
  16. Dr. Debra L. Fountain
  17. Keith C. Rittel
  18. Dr. Timothy A. Smith
  19. Keith Leonard
  20. Dr. BrianT. Binggeli
  21. Dr. Brian J. Boggs
  22. Dr. Sumita SenGupta
  23. Dr. Vincent F. Cotter
  24. Dr. Robert E. Schiller
  25. Dr. Christopher R. Quinn
  26. Christopher N. Ruszkowski
  27. Claudia S. Williams


30 Responses to “One Of These 27 People Will Be The Next Escambia County School Superintendent”

  1. Brenda on July 17th, 2020 11:44 am

    I would ask the board to please consider how long the candidate taught in a classroom and how long the candidate has been out of the classroom. We need someone who can relate to and understand teachers’ needs and concerns.

  2. Susan Smith on July 9th, 2020 9:54 pm

    My kids went to school with Keith Leonard. I knew both his parents and they went to church with us at Gonzalez United Methodist Church. Both Keith and his sister also went to our Youth there. He will be an excellent choice. I don’t live there any longer, however his father Dwight was Principal at Tate when my children were there. This will be great!
    Susan Boren Smith

  3. Cathy on July 7th, 2020 8:59 pm

    Studer and his PAC spent over 100K on a campaign to convince everyone to sign away their right to vote by saying we would do a national search and find the most amazing person in the country to come and save our schools. And now Rick’s blog has reported that a local person- Keith Leonard is going to get the job. I don’t know him at all, and he may be fabulous, but just curious what the point was with spending all that money and doing away with our vote when we are going to get someone local anyway?

  4. Jacksbrainisout on July 7th, 2020 5:47 pm

    Please dont select ANYONE with Dr. in front of their name.

  5. Citizen on July 7th, 2020 1:51 pm

    I vote for…. OH WAIT, the genius citizens of Escambia County voted to give up their rights to vote!!

    No worries, we still have a voice in Tallahassee… OH WAIT, the genius citizens of Escambia County voted to give up that voice!!

  6. Robinhood on July 7th, 2020 7:29 am

    Hope whoever is elected brings back CIVICS / AMERICAN HISTORY / AMERICANISM VS COMMUNISM into the Public schools system.

  7. Dennis V. Venturini on July 7th, 2020 2:43 am

    I’d vote for Keith Leonard if I still lived in Pensacola…

  8. Dwn on July 6th, 2020 9:23 pm

    Commenters often bemoan the loss of being able to directly elect a school superintendent.

    But what about the other five elected officials… the board members? They were nearly powerless. Superintendents, with a million idealistic campaign promises, with four years of nearly boundless power, have delivered what? Flat line results at best.

    Now the five board members have to answer to the voters for that flat line. And somehow, I see board members becoming MUCH more engaged with the schools in their districts, and therefore will expect proper attention be paid to each school, not just to executive favorites.

    Personally, I hope someone from OUTSIDE the existing bureaucracy will be appointed, with hopes of lessening some of the “it has always been done this way” mantra.

  9. Hughley John Jr. on July 6th, 2020 4:01 pm

    Stewart has my vote

  10. DK on July 6th, 2020 3:37 pm

    Keith Leonard been in local school system for 30+ years.

  11. Shannon on July 6th, 2020 2:08 pm

    Marques Stewart has my vote

  12. L. Woolf on July 6th, 2020 2:08 pm

    Marquis Stewart is the clear man for the job! A hometown guy who really cares about the well being of children first and foremost a man that really believes in making the curriculum better and showing students a multiple ways of being pillars in their communities and amongst peers, and finally a man with morals who won’t tolerate disrespect and can look you in the eyes and tell you that this is what it is, how it is and what it will be. Do the and award Marquis Stewart the job!

  13. bob c on July 5th, 2020 7:41 pm

    KEITH LEONARD gets My Vote.

    We may Not be able to VOTE for Superintendent any more.

    SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS we DO Vote for YOU and you will be Very Influential in choosing the Appointed Superintendent.

    Citizens….Contact YOUR School Board Member and Make YOUR Voice Heard.

  14. Marcia Doerfler on July 5th, 2020 7:32 pm

    Keith Leonard

  15. Kim Parvin on July 5th, 2020 7:03 pm

    Keith Leonard

  16. Sam on July 5th, 2020 6:11 pm

    I don’t understand why the voters didn’t know the meaning of APPOINTED. We lost our rights to vote for OUR superintendent. If we had the vote, I would pick Keith Leonard. However, voting for someone as important as school superintendent is no longer a possibility.

  17. Philip Wilfong on July 5th, 2020 5:54 pm

    Keith Leonard!

  18. J.Larry Seale on July 5th, 2020 5:31 pm

    lets bring someone from out of state.Who
    has no pockets IOU within this county or state…………

  19. Tiffany on July 5th, 2020 2:56 pm

    Keith Leonard

  20. Christina on July 5th, 2020 2:49 pm

    We should educate voters better. When we voted to appoint a superintendent, we gave up the right to have our superintendent lobby for us in Tallahassee. That law went in effect the same year we voted for appointment. So, now we voters only elect school board members who are the only people to whom the superintendent is accountable. Had voters known we were giving up the right to have someone we elect lobby for us in Tallahassee, things might be different.

  21. R C on July 5th, 2020 2:18 pm

    I voted to appoint a new superintendent. We elected five board members to represent the interests of the citizens of Escambia County, and to personally select a new superintendent, who will have the knowledge and experience to lead an organization the size of our school district. The “good ole boy” system of the past has not worked, nor has the personality contest for choosing a superintendent!! Board members do YOUR job. Forget friends, associates and pressure, and pick the very best candidate for this most important position.

  22. Don on July 5th, 2020 2:02 pm

    We need new blood to run this organization that spends tax payer dollars as it wishes almost zero accountability. The 2 locals are nice folks I know them both but bring in a New Person thats not beholding to the NEA with fresh ideas. Lou

  23. matt on July 5th, 2020 1:24 pm

    There are not many locals to choose from in this list.

  24. Ginger on July 5th, 2020 12:45 pm

    I’m all for New Leadership.Im hoping it will be someone who not only knows or has been involved in Transportation issues. But Someone who has insight into Other issues like our Retirement Pensions and helps build us up from feeling unimportant when School is out. We need some kind of money in the summer especially now during this Panademic we have a harder time getting work because the few jobs out here that will hire a school bus driver knowing we go back in August. Are taken. Can’t pay the bills with 125 in food stamps. Need help in the Summer months too. I lease look into that. Ty.

  25. Howie on July 5th, 2020 12:43 pm

    In November 2018, Escambia County citizens voted to move from an elected to an appointed superintendent. The citizens of Escambia County or any County should never vote for a public position to be appointed instead of elected. A majority vote – The Voice of the People works out the best when selecting a Public Leader.

    In my opinion, the two candidates Keith Leonard and Claudia Williams should be considered for the job since both are County residents. What do non-residents know about this County and especially the School System. Nothing if you ask me.

  26. Elijah Bell on July 5th, 2020 10:45 am

    Dr. Cotter #1 Dr. Schiller #2

  27. Susan Dawson on July 5th, 2020 9:15 am

    I still can’t believe the citizens of Escambia County voted to give up their right to VOTE for our school superintendent.

  28. Well on July 5th, 2020 8:51 am

    Someone tell me again how this is better.
    When you see the position could be given to someone the voters turned down 3 times.

  29. Anne on July 5th, 2020 7:47 am

    We still find it just Incredible that the Voters of Escambia County chose to Give Up their RIGHT to VOTE for Anything.
    What were y’all thinking?
    Well, as Granddaddy used to say at election time, “You get what you vote for”.
    Suppose some day in the future we won’t need to Vote at all, just let those in Power make the choices for us. So much easier that way.
    God Please Help this USA find some SENSE…

  30. JTV on July 5th, 2020 7:06 am

    Keith Leonard ✔️