Monday Is The Deadline To Register To Vote, Switch Parties For August 18 Primary

July 18, 2020

The deadline is Monday to register to vote in Florida’s primary election on August 18.

Florida has closed primaries. If you want to vote in a party’s primary, you must be registered in that party by the registration deadline.

For the general election on November 3, the voter registration deadline is October 5.

Voters can register online or register in person. For information on any of the registration methods, change parties or check your registration, visit


6 Responses to “Monday Is The Deadline To Register To Vote, Switch Parties For August 18 Primary”

  1. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2020 2:28 pm

    ” I also feel like if we had open primaries that candidates would have to learn to not be so divisive because they would have to earn the vote of both parties.”

    They would.

    Nonetheless, the whole concept of political parties is covered by the First Amendment.

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    Some are formed for religious reasons or to push certain goals. They are all intended to speak politically on certain subjects.

    They are effectively assemblies, usually peaceable although not always, gathered for certain political goals.

    There is no better way to petition the government to start doing something it isn’t or stop doing something it is than to get people elected to office with those goals.

    With open primaries, you allow people with political goals other than yours to select candidates which do not have those goals and they effectively take away your freedom to request those goals be implemented. Just think if the Communist Party couldn’t field a candidate because millions of us non-communists kept nominating a capitalist to run as the communist candidate.

    That doesn’t sound so bad because most of us don’t want communists but there are others we also don’t want..

    The problem is that some jobs don’t depend on political philosophy but we can only choose in primaries based on party. Irritating as it is, even that has its benefits because people rise or fall in each party based on how well they performed the lower jobs.

    The biggest problem comes up when members of a major party select someone with no proven track record of competence and reliability because he has money or power or even popularity. That is an outgrowth of the “throw ‘em all out” philosophy which can be restated “have the ignorant run the government.”

    One thing is certain, there is no perfect solution or you and I would be in control.

    David for freedom

  2. Molino Girl on July 20th, 2020 11:25 am

    In my opinion the reason to change parties is to ensure that you have some say in the voting process. As a Democrat who never votes party line, but for the best candidate, there have been many times that I have wanted to vote for a candidate but could not due to Florida’s closed primaries. It takes away your choice when you have closed primaries. If you want to vote for a particular candidate in one party, and a different candidate in a different race of a different party in the same primary you can’t. Your choices are limited to your registered party and you have to select the most important race to you at that time and choose the party for the most important one. I also feel like if we had open primaries that candidates would have to learn to not be so divisive because they would have to earn the vote of both parties.

  3. Jim Wilson on July 18th, 2020 6:43 pm

    How do i change my signature for VOTE

  4. William Reynolds on July 18th, 2020 4:55 pm

    >>>Will early voting in Cantonment or Molino be held in person and what locations?
    Why the suggestion of changing parties? Sounds political.

    Unless there is some order from the governor, there will be early voting at the usual locations. And there’s no suggestion of changing political parties. The law says Monday is the deadline to register to vote or, well, change parties. It’s fact.

  5. Estrella Nueva on July 18th, 2020 3:53 pm

    Will early voting in Cantonment or Molino be held in person and what locations?
    Why the suggestion of changing parties? Sounds political.

  6. Marcia Landis on July 18th, 2020 1:36 pm

    I want to change parties