Fireworks Sales Skyrocket After Florida Legalizes Use For The Fourth. And The Pandemic Means More Business Too.

July 4, 2020

Business has been brisk this year at an Alabama roadside fireworks store west of Atmore, less than a mile north of Florida line.

A year ago, it was illegal to set off many types of fireworks Florida. But this year is different, after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a new law that allows fireworks of any kind to be used on July 4, December 31 and January 1. Not just the sparklers, noisemakers and the like Floridians have been restricted to for years, but real fireworks that explode or shoot into the sky.

“Class ‘C’ consumer fireworks are legal now for the Fourth,” Fireworks Distributors owner Greg Odom said. “That means anything in the store is legal in Florida for the Fourth of July.”

That new Florida law has led to an uptick in sales to customers to both Florida and Alabama for Odom, but so has the COVID-19 pandemic that has many people not wanting to be out in crowds. And the cancellation of most area public fireworks shows has meant even more business.

“This season has been phenomenal; I’ve never seen anything like it,” Odom said. “People don’t want to get out in crowds. They would rather stay home. Families want to be families again.”

Odom’s fireworks store is located at the corner of Highway 31 and Pineville Road. He said they are offering masks to customers and working to follow recommended CDC guidelines.

The new law signed by DeSantis does not supersede any local regulations governing fireworks.

Photos for, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Fireworks Sales Skyrocket After Florida Legalizes Use For The Fourth. And The Pandemic Means More Business Too.”

  1. JOHN on July 7th, 2020 4:03 pm

    @ David Huie. Agreed. The fast food joints around me are always crowded and Wal Mart is full as well. A lot of people are lucky enough to be able to work from home too.

  2. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2020 1:38 pm

    “How do people have money for fireworks?? Out of work for months, but buying fireworks!! Keeping China happy!! God, people get more stupid by the minute.”

    Not everybody is out of work, so many have money.
    China makes good fireworks.
    People are just as smart as ever, we just sometimes do stupid things — especially if they involve loud noises and pretty lights.

    I haven’t set any off in a good while, but they ARE fun and not all that expensive in moderation. Plus, I’ve made some interesting ones myself. I do not recommend others do that. Do as I say, not as I did — and may yet do again, Lord willing.

  3. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2020 1:33 pm

    “How do people have money for fireworks?? Out of work for months, but buying fireworks!! Keeping China happy!! God, people get more stupid by the minute.”

    Not everybody is out of work, so many have money. China makes good fireworks. People are just as smart as ever, we just sometimes do stupid things.

    I haven’t set any off in a good while, but they ARE fun and not all that expensive in moderation. Plus, I’ve made some interesting ones myself. I do not recommend others do that. Do as I say, not as I did — and may yet do again, Lord willing.

  4. Adam Evans on July 6th, 2020 10:26 pm

    Vince W, first, thank you for your service. I to, served in the military but did not see combat. But, you are so wrong on this issue. It wasn’t five minutes, it was more like five hours for three nights in a row. I already hear them tonight. So that is July 3,4,5 and now 6. So if they only did it on the one legal day that is one thing. But it is like driving after a drink and driving drunk. They carried it too far. You cannot walk around in most neighborhoods firing weapons, legally, either. I am glad I don’t live in your neighborhood. God bless America is right. America is a land of freedom protected by laws. People should follow them. I am hoping the Governor will repeal his approval of fireworks since they cannot be controlled.

  5. Beth on July 6th, 2020 9:08 am

    How do people have money for fireworks?? Out of work for months, but buying fireworks!! Keeping China happy!! God, people get more stupid by the minute.

  6. Vince W on July 5th, 2020 3:42 pm

    You may not agree with me, but you have that right because I fought for it ! As a retired soldier, the sound of fireworks is music to my ear. Yes i was woke up last night and just smiled because I knew the bombs were not coming down on me. I have livestock and they were upset but no more than when people fire weapons. I truly cherish the freedoms we have and will put my life on the line to protect them. It’s obvious some of you have never have. So you lost 5 minutes of sleep, quit your winning and pray for the militarily that are dodging real explosions and protecting you. God bless America.

  7. Adam Evans on July 5th, 2020 12:21 pm

    Happy 4th, so you think it is a pet owners responsibility to build sound proof enclosures in their own homes so the adult children next door can set off explosives all night.

  8. Adam Evans on July 5th, 2020 12:16 pm

    To, OMG who peed in you guys corn flakes ?? (I guess that is your name) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a new law that allows fireworks of any kind to be used on July 4, December 31 and January 1. Which I interpret to be from 12:01am 7/4 t0 12:00 pm 7/4. But of course, people push the envelope to the limit. They started around July 1 and continued until about 3am July 5. And will probably start up again tonight. Why are people allowed to inflict loud explosions on their neighbors that can even drown out their neighbors indoor conversations?

  9. Carlos E McGugin on July 5th, 2020 10:00 am

    July 4, December 31 and January 1 is when the new law says you can use fireworks. But in my neighborhood it sounded like the bombing of Dresden beginning before sundown July 3 till around 2am on the fourth. Then again on the fourth until 2am on the fifth. No doubt about it, this is disturbing the peace at it’s worse. I am not talking about firecrackers here. These explosions were nerve wracking.

  10. Smh on July 5th, 2020 9:12 am

    Can’t believe this is the same place that threw a fit over wearing masks the past week. Can’t make me wear a mask to protect my neighbor, but my dog…

  11. Lol on July 5th, 2020 9:02 am

    @Happy 4th!!…
    You are absolutely right!! If a quote doesn’t involve spending money to “keep the economy going,” or somehow steps on my rights to be fat and happy, it IS an un-American quote.
    God bless us, every one!

  12. Happy 4th !! on July 5th, 2020 3:53 am

    OMG who peed in you guys corn flakes ??

    @Miranda – “No display of freedom is worth animals mental health” … I’m nominating this quote most un-American quote of the year… What do you suggest ? Shall we have more government intrusion and completely ban fireworks for 4th of July…?? Unreal !! Maybe have some personal responsibility for the animal in your care if it’s that big of travesty… Go put the dog in a closed room and turn a radio on to drown out the fireworks for a couple of hours…

  13. Carlos E McGugin on July 4th, 2020 9:48 pm

    Right now my dog is under a chair in my bedroom. She is petrified of all the explosions. I live in the Pine Forest road and Longleaf Drive area. It is like a war zone out there.

  14. Miranda on July 4th, 2020 5:41 pm

    Fireworks cause so much stress and anxiety to animals and people with certain PTSD. It’s be different if it was a designated time or an hour that it was allowed, but people shoot them off for days at a time and during all hours of the day and night. My dog shakes uncontrollably and we do everything we can to calm her down and comfort her.
    I’m sorry for what happened Eric, but you learned and admitted your mistake. And ekg, that’s so sad. I’m sorry. No “displays of freedom” are worth the mental health or pure fear of an animal.
    I will be so glad when Corona is gone so we can calm the shelter animals during fireworks again. That was such a nice event and it made such a difference to the animals at the shelter.
    Please be responsible and think about others when you’re shooting off fireworks. Think twice.

  15. Dwn on July 4th, 2020 5:09 pm

    More “Made in China” stuff. And all it does is burn up. I can think of many other ways to celebrate the nation’s birthday, and ways to spend or invest that truly help America and Americans.

    If they were made in the USA, I may not have indigestion over this.

  16. Lee on July 4th, 2020 4:22 pm

    Seems if the economy is so bad people would be holding on to that money for necessities.

  17. Eric McCowan on July 4th, 2020 1:28 pm

    Few years ago, I set off some walmart fireworks at my mother-in-law’s house. The neighbor’s dog had a heart attack and died. Apparently, the owners left town for the night and left the dog alone in the house, on the 4th. I still can’t get over that. People can do what they want, legally, I’m not doing them though.

  18. Jessica DeLatte on July 4th, 2020 11:31 am

    Keep your pets inside during this time of year and help prevent them from running away or getting scared and leaving due to fireworks.

  19. ekg on July 4th, 2020 9:57 am

    Several years ago, I could not find my outside dog to put him inside for the night….the fireworks scared him outrageously and he fled all over the neighborhood as the fireworks exploded………I found him two days later after being run over by a vehicle and he died by nightfall……….I don’t like fireworks out here….some people don’t do them safely……

  20. Henry Coe on July 4th, 2020 7:05 am

    It’s probably a good day for people to buy Fire Extinguishers, Ear Plugs and First Aid kits for burns.
    I wonder how many dogs will end up needing therapy after tonight’s fireworks? The rain today should help protect homes from stray bottle rockets. A couple of years ago I found someone’s bottle rocket the next day in my carport and its path had been disrupted by a 5 Gal gas container.

    I remember in my youth enjoying fireworks but something about serving in the Infantry just makes hearing explosions and rapid fire fireworks less enjoyable while I resist the urge to drop and start low crawling for cover,lol.