FDC Offering $1,000 Hiring Bonuses At Century And Santa Rosa Correctional Institutions

July 20, 2020

The Florida Department of Corrections has announced $1,000 hiring bonuses at prisons across the state, including Century Correctional Institution and the Santa Rosa Correctional Institution.

The bonuses are available for new hires who complete their correctional officer certification through either FDC or certain state colleges will be eligible for the bonus. Paid training is available.

FDC has expanded the applicant base for correctional officers within the state prison system. The minimum age requirement for a correctional officer is 18 years of age.

For more information, visit FLDOCjobs.com.


10 Responses to “FDC Offering $1,000 Hiring Bonuses At Century And Santa Rosa Correctional Institutions”

  1. phillip on July 21st, 2020 10:51 pm

    not for you WIllis, but difficult jobs take high caliber men.

  2. Willis on July 20th, 2020 10:02 pm

    No Phillip, $10,000 wouldn’t do it.

  3. phillip on July 20th, 2020 7:03 pm

    This article has more negative comments than any other on northescambia, and there are articles about Century! A $1,000 signing bonus is great, the starting salary of $33,478.00 is great, a pension is great, the jobs is great for those who want it. Stop complaining and present a solution that is more than empty words.

  4. tim on July 20th, 2020 1:02 pm

    A taxable bonus to walk among the criminals, in harms way. This offer isn’t worth the digital ink is was printed with.

  5. RON MCANDREW on July 20th, 2020 12:22 pm

    I fully agree that a $1000.00 sign on bonus is minute considering the importance of the task of a correctional officer. It’s definitely not an easy job and walking this walk is worth tons more than the $1000.00 sign on.

    In this same breath officers & LEOs that are being arrested are not being arrested for – as the famous expression goes – “singing too loud in church” – If criminal actions were not addressed at the gates of prisons we’d be in the same boat as Chicago and Minneapolis today with lawlessness abound. It’s painful to see a CO go away in handcuffs but there’s yet another famous expression for that – “if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime”.

  6. Mark Ruskins on July 20th, 2020 10:07 am

    This is astonishingly laughable. Especially with how they are arresting COs and Leo’s left and right for split second decisions and considering how inmates run the prisons and defund movement,….there is no way in heck anyone in their right mind should or would consider this. I’d rather sit at home and collect than take this utterly laughable horrible stressful job and make a “slap in the face” bonus. They are banking on the failure of an education system in the rural areas pumping out 18 year olds who dont know any better. See how the attorneys and people hate LEOS AND COs? Make one split second mistake and you could be arrested and career over because of the over zealous democrat attorneys and state attorneys folding to the “hate cops” movement. Let them run their own prison LOL – Retired LEO AND CO

  7. Concerned Citizen on July 20th, 2020 9:24 am

    $1,000 bonus is laughable, almost as funny as what those poor men and women get paid to baby sit killers, pedophiles, down right worthless human beings.

  8. That’s not much on July 20th, 2020 8:40 am

    At current rates on certificates of deposit at 0.15%, if someone invested this “bonus”, they would get $1.50 interest in one year.

    A $1,000 hiring bonus is, quite honestly, laughable, especially given the risk factor.

    In the long run, moving elsewhere and starting at a higher pay level of $1,000 annually will be far more financially beneficial for a single or couple/family.

  9. tg on July 20th, 2020 8:23 am

    This tells you alot about how the system is run. Prisoners are in charge.

  10. Mr. Metoo on July 20th, 2020 6:10 am

    This has to be a joke. I have one for you. Ecua pays more, better treatment and higher quality trash and crap to .$1000 isn’t enough for the inmates to sign up. Should be a monthly bonus. Maybe if they corrected the names from jail, prison, detention and correctional to assisted living facility the job wouldn’t sound so bad.