Escambia School District Approves New School Year Calendar

July 31, 2020

With the delay of the first day of school to August 24, the Escambia County School Board has approved a new calendar for the 2020-2021 school year.

The highlights are below, or click here for a printable pdf.

First Semester/First Nine-Week Grading Period

  • August 17 – First day for teachers.
  • August 21 – First day for Education Support staff members.
  • August 24 – First day for students.
  • September 7, Labor Day Holiday– All schools and offices will be closed.

October 27 – Last day of the first nine-week grading period.

  • Second Nine-week Grading Period
  • November 11, Veteran’s Day Holiday– All schools and offices will be closed.
  • November 23 – 25, Fall Holiday – Teachers, students, 10-month and 11-month employees do not work these days.
  • November 26 & 27 – Thanksgiving Holiday – All schools and offices will be closed. All students and staff will be off.
  • December 21, 2020 to January 1, 2021, Winter Break and Holidays – All schools and offices are closed.
  • January 4, 2021 – First day back for school staff and teachers.
  • January 5, 2021 – First day back for students.
  • January 15, 2021 – Last day of the second nine-week grading period and first semester.

Second Semester/Third Nine-Week Grading Period

  • January 18, 2021, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – All schools and offices will be closed.
  • March 15-19 – Spring Break – All students, teachers, 10-month and 11-month employees are off. Schools will be closed. District offices will be open.
  • March 26, 2021 – Last day for the third nine-week grading period.

Fourth Nine-Week Grading Period

  • April 2, 2021 – Teacher Work Day/Non-student day.
  • May 31, 2021, Memorial Day – All schools and offices will be closed.
  • June 2, 2021 – Last day for students, last day of the fourth nine-week grading period and the second semester.
  • June 4, 2021 – Last day for teachers and 10-month employees.


21 Responses to “Escambia School District Approves New School Year Calendar”

  1. Bob on August 11th, 2020 1:02 pm

    @Stephanie Sims

    Asking innocent people to risk their lives in the middle of a pandemic so you and your child can pretend that everything is okay is both shameful and unAmerican. I don’t know what went wrong during your upbringing, but I truly hope your daughter turns out better.

  2. Stephanie Sims on August 4th, 2020 9:19 am

    I have a 5 year old little girl who is autistic and is going into kindergarten. She is also starting at a new school this year along with a new teacher. She not only needs to meet and get to know her teacher but needs to do that so she will listen and be taught by her. My child will not look at a computer and sit there and be taught by someone she has never even met. She barely sat there at the end of last year by her teacher who she loved. So I’m sorry that this whole COVID is going on but we cannot live in fear and we need our kids back in school.

  3. INFORMATIVE on August 3rd, 2020 10:24 am

    Columbus Day? @ Emmy !!
    That’s a laugh. Are you upset you don’t get to celebrate a murderer and thief?

  4. David Huie Green on August 1st, 2020 10:49 pm

    “David Huie Green you are an overly opinionated and hilariously politically incorrect fellow! President Trump did not set the times for the different states to go back to school. The states and even the counties are deciding that. In Alabama, Mobile County is not going back to brick and mortar school until November or later, while Baldwin County is resuming school on August 12….Sorry, David, but the Democrats are pushing this (and your Columbus theory) down our throats and promoting way to much fear and near panic!”

    People without opinions are people not paying attention.
    People WITH opinions sometimes adopted those of others, sometimes formed their own.

    It is true the states and local school districts decide. Their decisions face many pressures to act different ways. Many Republican governors have refused to kill people to adopt President Trump’s “nothing to see here” agenda.

    It isn’t a matter of panic but fear caused by lies and disinformation. We will all die of something. We would like to know how to avoid the more painful or imminent deaths. Lies don’t help.

    As to the kind of man Columbus was, that’s not a theory but a set of facts. He is on record for letting Europe know there was land and riches relatively close to their west. Those riches included the people he enslaved. This is not an opinion. He went on record pushing for it. How we react to it is up to us, same as how we might react to the fact Abraham had slaves and his descendants were slaves for a while in Egypt. George Washington had slaves.

    Big deal. Injustice exists and will exist. That doesn’t mean no good was ever done. It doesn’t mean you have to reject the good or the bad

    Regardless, you found some hilarity. I count that a plus.

    An interesting take on Columbus with facts taken in context:
    The comments have interesting points of agreement and disagreement.

    David for open eyes and minds

  5. Lee on August 1st, 2020 12:47 pm

    The POTUS has suggested the election date be moved, but is pushing schools to reopen??? We have higher numbers than ever, so how does that make sense??? Desantis needs to step up and take a rationale position instead of working the political angle. 40% of teachers have, or are considering retiring early or quitting. There was already a teacher shortage and fewer people interested in teaching.

  6. Things not what they seem.... on August 1st, 2020 10:12 am

    David Huie Green you are an overly opiniated and hilariously politically incorrect fellow! President Trump did not set the times for the different states to go back to school. The states and even the counties are deciding that. In Alabama, Mobile County is not going back to brick and mortar school until November or later, while Baldwin County is resuming school on August 12. Debbie Tullis wouldn’t life be great if we could just tell our employers that we cannot come to work until our spouse comes home to babysit? I am a mother and a grandmother and I worry about my children becoming ill also. But life is full of tragedies, illnesses and even wonderful blessings. We cannot live in fear all the time. If you are too worried about Covid, keep your children home! They do not HAVE to go back to school. Sorry, David, but the Democrats are pushing this (and your Columbus theory) down our throats and promoting way to much fear and near panic!

  7. Anne on August 1st, 2020 9:48 am

    @ Emmy

    Escambia County School District, nor others in Florida, have a holiday for Columbus Day.

  8. Willene Bryan on August 1st, 2020 8:26 am

    People you were given a choice of what to do. Some people just like to complain no matter what. That must be so sad to live that way.

  9. Brandy on August 1st, 2020 7:24 am

    Every one of you who have something negative to say about a parent who is sending their kids back to school can suck a fat one. Some of us have NO CHOOOOIIIICE!! I am so sick and tired of people trying to make other people feel guilty for having to work. My 11 year old can not teach herself while I am at work, period. There is no way around it.

  10. David Huie Green on August 1st, 2020 1:38 am

    ” Christopher Columbus… It seems that some people think he was a bad person.”

    He was definitely a bad person. We never celebrated his goodness. We celebrated his discovery of islands off the coasts of the Americas because that made it possible for our ancestors to escape even worse people (or to be worse people).

    If we only honored people who were always good, statue-making would be a lost art. (We could still celebrate October 12 as Grandma Huie’s birthday, though.)

    David for celebrating every day

  11. David Huie Green on August 1st, 2020 1:27 am

    ” From my understanding its quite okay for our kids to begin school again…On the other hand there wanting to postpone elections in November because of the virus making it unsafe to vote. Its all contradictory”

    That isn’t contradictory. Our president wants schools to reopen because he wants voters to think it is safe in close quarters for hours every day so he can continue to claim he has it all under control.

    Our president would like to delay the vote which will give him his performance review grade because so many believe he has performed poorly. That is the same reason he opposed allowing voting by mail which we already have available — it will make it too easy for the fearful to vote against him.

    He consistently seeks what he sees as most favorable to him, with no concern for the safety of the millions of children and teachers and support staff and their relatives.

    If he cared for the people, he would tell the truth more often.

    David for better people

  12. Christine on August 1st, 2020 12:35 am

    Emmy, I think we may not be allowed to celebrate Christopher Columbus any longer because they threw his statue in the river. It seems that some people think he was a bad person. This world is out of control

  13. mq on July 31st, 2020 11:15 pm

    @ Tom,
    I too am confused. I know the virus is real.
    But, it is just political and will only get worse closer to the election.
    Someone, somewhere, federal state or local has got to risk their career and be HONEST with the American people. It is a very SAD situation.

  14. Tom on July 31st, 2020 9:28 pm

    Okay, I am a little confused. From my understanding its quite okay for our kids to begin school again…On the other hand there wanting to postpone elections in November because of the virus making it unsafe to vote. Its all contradictory, this is so confusing what the elected officials are trying to do here.

  15. Cindy on July 31st, 2020 9:25 pm

    It’s so stressful that they don’t just move forward with online learning. It’s the best option right now. There are parents that use the public schools as free babysitters and free meals . I just saw a mother with severe autistic son demand he got back in the classroom ( she is the type that uses school to be rid of difficult child)

  16. JohnInMolino on July 31st, 2020 7:47 pm

    OK they now have the plan for students to be in the classroom with plenty of physical separation. Just curious…with many buses already at max seating capacity, how is separation and enforcment of this fairy tale going to work into keeping things safe ? Just inquiring if this has been addressed..I must have missed the episode and trying to catch up.

  17. Gabriella on July 31st, 2020 5:50 pm

    Covid has an extremely low chance for kids getting very sick maybe like a cold and it can not be transmitted through kids and kids need actual not digital human contact

  18. Jay on July 31st, 2020 2:16 pm

    This ain’t going to happen. Virus is totally out of control right now, and no reason to think that it will be anything but worse in a few weeks because we are doing nothing to prevent spread.
    Anyone who has had a kid in school knows that they bring EVERY virus there is home. Ask any pediatrician.
    They will delay again before this starts, and eventually cancel schooling in person until the vaccine is widely available (or until there is some kind of breakthrough in how to treat COVID).
    If they do happen to make the huge mistake of opening schools, they will have to shut them down a few weeks after opening because of all the teachers and staff getting sick, and likely some dying.

  19. Debbie Tullis on July 31st, 2020 12:49 pm

    I totally agree with pat thank God I’m not the only one that sees the seriousness of this thank God my son is having my grand-daughter do her last year on remote learning i am very concerned about other children whose parents find it more important to put their children back in school then to have their children home for learning i do understand that parents need to work but i honestly think that if they would sit and figure out a plan where one parent stays home and when the other parent comes home they go to work i realize there is no easy answer for any of us during this horrible time but i believe if we would all do our part and stop being self centered we as Americans could and will get this virus under control because apparently we as citizens certainly cant depend on the government to do the right thing

  20. Pat on July 31st, 2020 8:50 am

    Expect this to change. With daily covid numbers increasing, I dont see the district being able to safely have teachers, students, and/or support staff in the buildings for 8 hours a day.
    Schools are already petri dishes on good years… They cant even control headlice how will they control an airborn virus?

  21. Emmy on July 31st, 2020 8:45 am

    Where is Columbus Day?