Escambia Schools Announce Complete Reopening Plans; Parents Must Choose From Three Education Plans

July 8, 2020

The Escambia County School District has unveiled their plans for reopening schools at full capacity in August, as mandated by the Florida Department of Education.

The plan was announced Wednesday afternoon by Superintendent Malcolm Thomas, as he noted that six foot social distancing simply won’t be possible with the “traditional” school option.

Three Choices for Each Student

Parents will choose between a traditional return to campus with in-person instruction, virtual learning with a connection to enrolled school and online virtual school through Escambia Virtual Academy.

“These options for our students and parents are by no means perfect,” Thomas said, “hopefully, by providing as many educational opportunities as possible, essential instruction will move forward during such unprecedented circumstances.”

Those options, in more detail, are:

Traditional -

This model represents a return to the school campus and the classroom where students will interact directly with their teacher(s) and classmates.  If an option is not selected in FOCUS for a student, then this will be the default selection. The school day will follow the standard bell times and standard schedule that includes all the core classes and other subject areas.  In short, it represents a return to the traditional school environment – with several significant changes involving enhanced health and safety precautions.

Remote Learning -

The remote learning model is designed for families who would like to maintain their connection to their enrolled school, but don’t yet feel comfortable sending their student(s) back to school in August.  Students will attend school remotely, following the standard school schedule and bell times.  The lessons, assignments and grading will be similar to traditional school.

“This is not what we did in April and May,” Thomas said. “Students will have a schedule.”

Virtual School -

The virtual model is ideal for students who wish to have more control over their learning path and pace, and for whom a flexible daily schedule is important.  In this learning model, students often work on assignments in a virtual environment during non-traditional hours and maintain contact with their teacher and classmates using web-based class sessions, email, text messages and telephone calls.

Once parents have reviewed the options available, a selection must be made to choose an option which best meets their student’s needs by a deadline of Monday, July 20, 2020.  Parents and guardians will utilize their parent/student FOCUS account to choose this selection.  It is important to note that the instructional model chosen will place the student within the selected learning option for an entire (9-week) grading period.  Every effort will be made to ensure students will start the 2020-2021 school year ready for success.

Parents will have until Monday, July 20 to choose the option that is best for their student by clicking or tapping here. If no selection is made, the student will be placed in the traditional option.

Back to School Safety

Students will be encouraged, but not required, to wear masks, and they will be expected to socially distance. At the elementary school level where social distancing is difficult at best. Students will spend most of their day only interacting with students in their class.

Dining will take place in the classroom, cafeteria, and outdoors. Dining in the cafeteria will be limited in an effort to promote social distancing. Hand sanitizer will be available at all points of meal service.

School bus operators, school bus assistants, and students will all be encouraged to wear masks while aboard the bus. All buses will undergo disinfection of commonly touched surfaces at least twice per day as per District guidelines. Hand sanitizer will be available on buses for students and staff.

Most sporting events will have a smaller, “more select crowd” with less exposure. Certain gatherings will not be allowed during the first semester but will be reevaluated for the second semester. Crowd sizes will be governed by state and local and state guideless. All sports will be offered during the 2020-2021 school year, but with restrictions.

Frequently Asked Questions


Now that we know what the options are, what comes next?

Take time to familiarize yourself with the options, and then choose the option that works best for your student. After reading the descriptions of the options, you can review the Frequently Asked Questions.  When you are ready to make your choice, go to the blue Select an Option button.  You will be directed to the Focus login page where you will login to your parent/student account to make your selection.  If you have more than one student, you will have the opportunity to make a selection for each one. The deadline for making your choice is Monday, July 20.

Will parents and volunteers be allowed on campus?

For quarter 1 parents, volunteers, mentors, and visitors will not be present on campus. This will be reevaluated each quarter.

Will students be expected to take FSA?

Yes.  At this time the Florida DOE has indicated plans to test in the spring.  All options (Traditional, Remote, Virtual) will be expected to participate.

Will there be an open house this year?

No, there will not be an open house this year.

Will students be able to go on field trips?

There will be no field trips in the 1st quarter.  This decision will be reevaluated each quarter.

Will parents be allowed to attend conferences on campus?

Yes.  Face to Face conferences are permitted, however, parents may also request virtual conferences.

Will parents be permitted to walk their student(s) to class?

No.  For the safety of students and staff, no visitors will be allowed on campus.

Will there be orientations this year?

Orientations will be performed on a limited basis.  Consult your school’s website for specific information regarding orientation.

If I do not make a selection for my student, in which option will they be placed?

The Traditional Option will be the default selection.


Once I choose an option, can I change my mind later?

A continuous and consistent learning environment is best for student success. However, parents and students might have compelling reasons to seek a transition from one option to another.  For the sake of continuity, transfers from one learning option to another may only occur after the completion of a grading period.

Will each option offer the same classes?

Core classes will be available under all three options. The Escambia Virtual Academy (EVA) and Remote Learning options will have a limited selection of electives. These will differ from courses available in the Traditional model.

Is the Remote Learning option identical to the distance learning we experienced during the final months of the school year?

No.  It will feature a robust curriculum with an assignment load similar to the Traditional model.  Based on feedback from students and parents, there is a clearer idea of which factors contribute to greater student success. Those factors include more frequent real-time interaction between students and teachers. Also, the Remote Learning model will incorporate standard school schedules and bell times, leading to a learning experience more connected to teachers.

Under the Traditional model, will elementary students be able to have recess?

Yes. Recess will be organized to emphasize social distancing. Playground equipment will be sanitized between use.

What options are available to children in the Voluntary Pre-K program?

The Traditional model is the only option available to children in the Voluntary Pre-K program.

If I choose the Escambia Virtual Academy (EVA) or Remote Learning option will my student be able to participate in athletics?

Yes, students will have the same opportunities to participate in athletics at their zoned school.

Will IB be offered through one of the online learning models?

Yes. IB will be available through the Remote Learning model, as well as the Traditional model.

Has the start date for the 2020-2021 school year changed?

No. The first day of school for students for all options/models will be on August 10.

If my student is enrolled in Dual Enrollment part/full time what option should I choose?

You will select the Traditional Option.


Will students wear masks in classrooms?

Students are encouraged to wear masks or cloth face coverings.

Will students be expected to socially distance?

Students will be socially distanced to the extent possible. At the elementary school level, where social distancing will be extremely difficult, students will spend most of the school day interacting only with students in their class. By limiting their exposure to a small number of students, the chance of infection is reduced.

What steps will be taken to ensure that surfaces are clean in classrooms?

Maintenance workers and school custodians will clean frequently touched surfaces throughout the day and conduct overall cleanings at the conclusion of every day. Other non-custodial staff members will be expected to do their part keeping surfaces clean and will be provided spray bottles and microfiber cloths for additional cleaning.  Teachers will have access to cleaning supplies for their classrooms.  Student hand washing will be frequent.

What other steps are being taken to ensure a healthy environment?

Escambia Schools will partner with parents in educating students on the importance of handwashing, hygiene, and social distancing. Hand sanitizer will be made available in classrooms and workplaces. The schedule for changing air conditioning filters has been accelerated.  Water fountains are being retrofitted to be bottle fillers.  Temperature checks will be performed on staff and students as appropriate.

What will my student’s school do if a classmate or staff member is infected with COVID-19?

Communication will be sent to parents and staff that if they are exhibiting symptoms, they should not come to school or report to work. If a student exhibits symptoms at school he/she will be taken to the school clinic and the parent or guardian will be notified.

What if a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19?

The Florida Department of Health in Escambia County will notify the district if a student or staff member tests positive. Parents of students in the affected class will be notified, while not specifically identifying the student or staff member. The Health Department will conduct the appropriate notifications of individuals who have been in contact with the person infected. The Reopening plan is designed to limit the chances of infection and to limit the disruption to a school or workplace in the event of an infection.


Will the district be completing Child Find and evaluation when school reopens?

Escambia County Schools will continue to identify, locate, and evaluate students suspected of having a disability and needing special education and related services. At the same time, being mindful that students have been displaced from their typical learning environment when initiating the referral process. Some evaluation procedures can be completed in remote learning situations. Some evaluations require in-person contact with students or observations of students in school settings. Escambia County Schools is conducting evaluations remotely and in-person while adhering to public health guidelines for the safety of students and staff.

How will Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings take place in the Fall?

Escambia County Schools is committed to providing families an opportunity to have meaningful participation in the special education process. Whether in-person or an alternative format, such as videoconferencing or by phone, IEP teams will partner with families to determine the most practical format to conduct IEP meetings.

Will students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans receive accommodations in EVA and Remote Learning?

All students attending EVA and Remote Learning will have access to many accommodations that naturally occur in the virtual setting. In addition, EVA and Remote Learning may be able to provide additional accommodations per a student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan if the accommodation(s) is/are applicable to the online educational environment. Please note that some accommodations may not be possible to implement in the online educational setting.


What steps will be taken to limit exposure in the school cafeteria?

Dining will take place in the classroom, cafeteria, and outdoors. Dining in the cafeteria will be limited in an effort to promote social distancing. Hand sanitizer will be available at all points of meal service.

What steps will be taken to minimize frequent contact to surfaces during meal service?

All items will be individually packaged to minimize frequent contact to surfaces and facilitate grab and go meal service.  This will allow students to eat throughout the campus as appropriate.


What steps will be taken to limit exposure on school buses?

School bus operators, school bus assistants, and students will all be encouraged to wear masks while aboard the bus. All buses will undergo disinfection of commonly touched surfaces at least twice per day as per District guidelines. Hand sanitizer will be available on buses for students and staff.

Why are sporting events allowed and not pep rallies, dances, and back to school nights?

Most sporting events have a smaller, more select crowd, and therefore involve less exposure. At this time only certain gatherings will not be allowed 1st semester and will be re-evaluated for 2nd semester.


Will athletes be required to wear masks?

Not during competition or practice, but they will be encouraged to wear masks or cloth face coverings while riding the bus to and from the game.

Will parents still be allowed to attend games?

Yes.  Crowd capacity will be determined based on state and local guidelines.

Will sports still be offered next school year?

Yes. Sports will be offered in the 2020-2021 school year. The same sports will be offered as usual with some restrictions on social distancing, cleaning procedures, and masks (optional for athletes). Students will be encouraged to wear a mask on any bus trips to games.

If a student chooses the EVA or Remote Learning option are they able to try out for school sports?

Yes. If you choose the EVA option you can participate at your zoned school.  If you choose the Remote Learning option, you will be able to participate in sports at your enrolled school.

Will volunteer coaches be permitted?

Yes.  However, they will be subject to temperature checks and encouraged to wear a mask.


Will students wear masks in the band room?

Students will be encouraged to wear masks or face coverings when not playing instruments.

Will students be expected to socially distance in the band room?

Yes.  The band room will be arranged for social distancing and band students will adhere to the guidelines for social distancing as much as possible.  Rehearsals will be outdoors when appropriate.

Will band students travel to away football games?

During the first quarter, restricted travel to Escambia County and Santa Rosa County football games and band events can take place.  In some cases, only a pep band may be at the game.  This decision will be reevaluated each quarter.

Will students participate in concerts and performances?

Yes.  Performance opportunities are key to a student’s band experience.  For the first quarter, outdoor performances and live stream performances can occur.  This decision will be reevaluated each quarter.

Will band parents be able to chaperone and volunteer in the band?

Volunteers are not permitted during the school day.  After school, parents can be part of the band booster program if they have completed the ECSD volunteer paperwork and participate in a band COVID19 parent orientation.  Band booster parents will be encouraged to wear masks, practice social distancing, and volunteer with the same small group every time to limit exposure.

How have band uniforms been sanitized?

Band uniforms have been cleaned and sanitized following the manufacturers’ guidelines.


32 Responses to “Escambia Schools Announce Complete Reopening Plans; Parents Must Choose From Three Education Plans”

  1. Disgusted on August 5th, 2020 4:17 pm

    There are no words that can express the stupidity behind the decision to allow children to return to a traditional classroom setting. Didn’t the director of Education say, ” only about 14,000 something children will die from the reopening of schools?” Question……… What is meant by “only?” One child dying from COVID-19 and the ignorant decision to play Russian Roulette with childrens’ lives, is one too many. Shame on you all for deciding to reopen schools. Mine will not be attending a traditional classroom setting at all. This is truly disgusting.

  2. BRANDI CROSBY on July 12th, 2020 7:39 pm

    My question/confusion is this: will any fever a child has mandate a 14 day quarantine? I mean a fever could mean a multitude things, not just COVID-19; same as a cough…i.e., allergies/sinus issues.

    Maybe I missed the clarification in the video.

  3. Lee on July 10th, 2020 6:02 pm

    @Too2Tired – If we return to school without even the requirement for students to wear masks we will be shut down within the month. As of today we’ve had a 127% increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations just since July 1st, and who knows what numbers will be when we see the effects of the July 4th weekend. Even if kids aren’t sick they can spread it. Schools have a difficult getting subs in a regular school year. What’s the plan once teachers get sent home and classes have no coverage? Splitting classes and sending them to other rooms won’t be an option. Sounds like we are letting what we want to do override what we need to do.

  4. terry b lewis on July 10th, 2020 12:50 pm

    Kids will never practice social distancing. Won’t happen.

  5. Too2tired on July 10th, 2020 11:48 am

    Emily and Kathy… Thank you! You make perfect sense of the situation at hand! People, why are you complaining? You have three options for your kids! Do what is best for your family and leave everyone else alone. If you fear for your kids, keep them home! If you want your kids to go to brick and mortar schools, send them! It is a personal decision so please do not put tags and guilt trips on people that feel different about their decisions! And Michelle… stay home if your calling as a teacher is not as great as a need to teach! Bus drivers, wear a mask yourselves to protect you from these kids that you are afraid of. Common sense people! Can’t we all just get along?

  6. Mary on July 9th, 2020 9:36 pm

    And that’s why we Love our job?

  7. Lee on July 9th, 2020 6:22 pm

    Today the CDC said it will NOT revise its guidelines as the WH announced. Does that mean students will now be expected to wear masks? The majority of health experts say masks are the most effective way to stop the spread. What are we waiting for???? Obviously only some people wearing masks and others acting like people are not getting sick or dying is not working.

  8. David Huie Green on July 9th, 2020 1:25 pm

    “Only about 1% (3188 positives out of 318000 population) of Escambia County has tested positive fore COVID-19 since February. That is TOTAL. If you are uncomfortable with those odds,”

    Actually, those aren’t odds. They are just numbers. Consider the fact that the population of the county hasn’t risen, but the number of infections has.

    Of those who have been exposed, infected, and tested 3,188 in Escambia County came back positive as of yesterday. Those would be the odds if everyone had been exposed and those who would be infected were infected and they had all been tested and the total was still 3,188.

    “Of the 763 test results returned on Monday, 13.1% were positive in Escambia County” doesn’t even tell us anything about the big picture, just that a hundred more were added to the total. It doesn’t even tell us that the 663 or so who came up negative were ever exposed or if they might get sick later. In fact, quite often people test negative for a few days after exposure, so people exposed two days before the test, could be sick before the results came back.

    There COULD be some who could wallow in the virus and never get sick. It isn’t likely, but we don’t know. A lot of times we don’t actually know what all we don’t know.

    We don’t know how many have avoided exposure or been lucky enough to have only been around people who either were not infected or were decent enough to take measures to not infect them. That is unlikely to be the situation when children get together in school.

    We do know as more become infected, more are able to infect. A better measure would be to know how many have been infected and never showed symptoms. If you donate blood, they will test and tell you. I don’t think there are enough tests for everybody in Escambia County.

    Some believe the ones who had it and are over it will not catch it again. Others believe they will — or at least might. We don’t know, they just believe. Belief won’t give real answers, “gut feelings” have been wrong more often than not.

    The ultimate decision is that of the parents. It is bad to intentionally give them false information to work from.

    David for better knowledge, such as how to cure it

  9. Lee on July 9th, 2020 1:23 pm

    @Emily – Countries returning to school successfully got their numbers under control FIRST. We seem to be doing it backwards. Some areas of our country might be okay, but certainly not those where numbers are rising. On Monday it was reported that even people who tested positive but exhibit no symptoms of COVID-19 are showing lung damage. Young people with permanent lung damage? Because we can’t figure out testing and some people wont do something as simple as wearing a mask??? We lead the world in COVID cases because we are foolish. We need to get a real testing program in place if we are serious about getting back to anything that looks like normal. Our children and school employees should not be treated like Guinea pigs. I’d like to know what precautions are being taken at the schools attended by the children and grandchildren of the folks who decided to reopen schools. I doubt most of them have any idea what a regular school day involves.

  10. Kathy on July 9th, 2020 1:18 pm

    These are all excellent choices for ANY family. Mr. Thomas did an excellent job of explaining each one and answering questions (as best he could at this point) at the press conference. If you haven’t listened to it, please take the time to do so. It is on the district webpage.

    This is not an easy time for any of us and tough/hard decisions are having to be made. Make the choice that is BEST for YOUR family and do not criticize others for making a different choice.

    We will get through this.

  11. Kim on July 9th, 2020 1:09 pm

    @ Michelle… I agree with you 100%. Isn’t your union suppose to protect you?

  12. Michelle on July 9th, 2020 11:35 am

    Why are we not taking into consideration the health and well-being of the staff that you’re asking to return to a highly probable breeding ground for infection?! All office spaces, retail, restaurants, etc are given the safety of social distance/coverings/limited capacity except for the people you are placing in these classrooms. Someone needs to stand up for our teachers, paraprofessionals, and other staff members and not put them at such great risk. Their lives matter too.

  13. Stephanie Peebles on July 9th, 2020 10:34 am

    Just a reminder that one option for school this fall is homeschool. It may not fit everyone’s needs but it’s great for our family. I’m co- president of Homeschooled Kids and Company, which is a homeschool support group. We can and would love to help answer any questions you may have during this time.

  14. No bullying on July 9th, 2020 10:02 am

    At least we can all look on the bright side. Bullying will almost drop 100%, because most (if not) all the bullies will choose to learn from home, which means the good kids can learn in a non-fearing and non-violent atmosphere. This will be the best time for the intelligent children to attend school, because they like being in the school environment where they can learn (in a safe environment) without having to deal with bullies. This goes the same for teachers who have to take time away from the good students to deal with the bad students. Since the schools cannot keep children safe from the bullies, the Coronavirus will.

  15. Kirstie on July 9th, 2020 9:55 am

    It upsets me that my daughter starts kindergarten this year, and I wont be able to walk her to her class

  16. THE DOER on July 9th, 2020 9:15 am

    We have three options:
    1. Return to school but realize your child will have social distancing rules and guidelines.
    2. Stay enrolled in your brick and mortar school but do your lessons remotely. You MUST BE LOGGED ON THE COMPUTER from the start of the school day until the end. If not, your child will be counted absent. This is not a pass/fail option. This will be totally different from what happened at the end of last year. Every lesson counts, etc. You will still be a student in the school of your choice (regular school) and will be counted as such. You may participate in your school’s sports or extra-curricular activities.
    3. Enroll in Escambia Virtual Academy (EVA), which is under Florida Virtual School. This is a Florida public school as well. Through the EVA, your teachers will be Escambia County teachers. You may complete these assignments and lessons at your leisure, as long as you stay caught up. It is rigorous, and students need to understand that. There are programs to check for plagiarism, etc. You are NOT enrolled in your brick and mortar school in this option, but you are enrolled in the EVA.

    These are all great choices, especially considering the situation. Parents and students should choose wisely according to their own needs.

  17. Jordan on July 9th, 2020 9:03 am

    Well, my question is this. How did all of the people in retirement homes get the virus? Or the inmates in prisons? I really don’t think they went on a walk outside and got it. So the answer is that someone from the outside had to bring it in to them. I have read so many responses from people both for and against wearing masks. Who is willing to send their child to school wearing a mask who meets a child from a home of a DO NOT CONSENT child who may be asymptomatic and infect your child who can bring it home to your 85 year old grandmother. I remember the old days when the fear was keeping lice out of our children’s hair.

  18. Eileen Roberts on July 9th, 2020 8:48 am

    I don’t think that they should have school because everyday we get case after case of the Coronavirus here in Pensacola Florida…. I think that all of the kids needs to do there school work at home…. the person that are over all of the schools should realize that any student can catch the Coronavirus and don’t realize that they have the Coronavirus and spread it to the students at school…. The person that are over all the schools should say to their selves am I’m putting all the students at risk by them going back too school…. who ever are over all of the schools in Pensacola Florida should say to their selves that if we do reopen thall of the schools if any of the students die with the Coronavirus by going back to school that it will be on the people that is over all of the schools here in Pensacola Florida

  19. Leon on July 9th, 2020 7:36 am

    Don’t send your children back to school until The White House permits public tours. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

    White House Tours Status: CLOSED

    There are no plans for opening the White House for tours anytime soon. Status: White House Visitors Office information line: 202-456-7041

  20. Emily on July 9th, 2020 1:16 am

    Only about 1% (3188 positives out of 318000 population) of Escambia County has tested positive fore COVID-19 since February. That is TOTAL. If you are uncomfortable with those odds, then you may choose to keep your child home in Remote or Virtual options. If you are comfortable with sending your child to school, then do so. However, it is never your place to judge ANYONE else’s decisions. Some parents cannot meet their students’ needs at home. Some students’ need in person services. Some students’ need the support network they have at school for their mental health (which is still important even during a pandemic). Of course their are some families that are best served by their student staying home (compromised immune issues, or other reasons). Please make the best decision for your family and move on.

  21. L. Lewis on July 9th, 2020 12:03 am

    SMH in disbelief that the people who are suppose to have children best interest at heart is willing to sacrifice our children lives to crave & comply to government that could not find their way out of a closed paper bag. When children start dying, let the blood be on your hands. We can get another chance to go back to school but not another life. I’m a nurse on the front lines & you have no idea of the impact of the deaths of patents with Coronavirus. I’ll quit my job first before I send my child back to your death trap. Shame on you.

  22. Ylanga V Dublin on July 8th, 2020 9:32 pm

    I hope that the Schools stay closed for the safety of our children. And the safety of School board staff.

  23. Puddin on July 8th, 2020 8:36 pm

    Hmmm, so we can wear a mask or not. But we’ll all be crammed together like sardines on the buses.
    While I see that there really isnt much else to be done at this time. If this plan goes forward, as is, every school employee and student will be infected by the end of September.
    I have no idea how to fix this. As a bus driver, to cart my kids and still practice social distancing on the bus, if would take me 3 trips in the morning and there again in the afternoon. I would be working (actual drive time, not including the extra cleaning) about 14 hours a day. I cant imagine that this would be workable. For my own self, I expect that I would be exhausted after the 1st week.

    All I can say is “please pray for us all”. We’re going to need it.

  24. Citizen on July 8th, 2020 6:45 pm

    I know it’s difficult to balance working full time and having a school age child at home full time.
    But as a HS teacher in Escambia County I can tell you that social distancing is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Classrooms, cafeterias, hallways, and buses are packed and overflowing and there is not enough physical space to practice social distancing, regardless of the intentions or plans of the superintendent.

    It is foolish to limit capacity in stores and restaurants but send our children, teachers, and school district employees into overcrowded Petri dishes.

    It is also foolish to have a mask mandate in Pensacola businesses and buildings but make it “optional” in schools.

    Remember that whatever your child is exposed to will be brought home and shared with your entire family.

    I will not be sending my child to school in the Fall and I’ve talked to several parents and teachers that will do the same.

    I suspect that things may change at the 11th hour, like they seemingly always do in our district.

  25. Single mom on July 8th, 2020 6:39 pm

    Does anyone know if the after-school care for elementary students will be available? Or if they are considering closing it?

  26. David on July 8th, 2020 5:25 pm

    I’m impressed. This plan appears about as comprehensive as you could expect, and appears to attempt to satisfy those that are eager to attend and those that feel they still need to stay home longer.

  27. J.M. Tate highschool Student on July 8th, 2020 4:52 pm

    Why on earth are you people not REQUIRING prople to wear masks?! As a student, I can safely say that nobody cares about what is merely encouraged. If it is required, there will still be some who refuse to comply, but I can guarantee you more people will wear them if they are required. And also, if someone tests positive, why would you not require them to stay home? Peoples’ lives are at stake, not just those who are older as we previously believed, but it can effect anyone for example the poor 11 year old boy who died IN FLORIDA! Please reconsider these things I don’t want to end up dead and I don’t want my friends dead either or anyone for that matter.

  28. donna glaze on July 8th, 2020 4:19 pm

    My grandson will be attending kindergarten, how will he get to his classroom? If there is to be no orientation, how will he and I know what to expect?

  29. Maria on July 8th, 2020 3:51 pm

    And also if students choose virtual if they are in culinary course will they be allowed to still take that course or any electives

  30. Maria on July 8th, 2020 3:49 pm

    If students do virtual will they be allowed to go to proms, go to their graduation, and take senior portraits

  31. Anne on July 8th, 2020 3:17 pm

    God Please BLESS and Keep those involved in the education of OUR Children in whatever role you play in our school system.
    Interesting Challenges yet also Great Options for more parents to be involved and to actually see what is being presented to the students.
    Stay Well…

  32. NOBRAINER on July 8th, 2020 3:11 pm