DeSantis Extends Florida Eviction Moratorium

July 30, 2020

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order Wednesday evening that extends the moratorium on evictions to 12:01 a.m. on September 1.

“I hereby suspend and toll any statute providing for final action at the conclusion of a mortgage foreclosure proceeding under Florida law solely when the proceeding arises from non-payment of mortgage by a single-family mortgagor adversely affected by the COVID-19 emergency,” DeSantis said in his order.

The action is intended to provide relief for thousands of Florida residents that remain unemployed or otherwise are suffering economically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The eviction moratorium first went into effect on April 2 during Florida’s economic shutdown. This was the fourth extension.


6 Responses to “DeSantis Extends Florida Eviction Moratorium”

  1. Ron Senner on August 6th, 2020 11:52 am

    Governor DeSantis, we Landlords VOTED you into office!

    We can vote you out!

    You are helping squatters, drug addicts and other predators that prey on property owners.

    If a family cannot pay their rent then the State should pay their rent for them!

    We, as property owners should not have to pay for someone else who refuses to work for minimum wage or even make an effort to pay their rent.

    We have to pay our mortgage! We cannot and should not pay for renter regardless of their problems!

  2. Gloria Daub on August 3rd, 2020 10:56 pm

    Who is goijng to reimburse landlords who feeds their families off rental income?

  3. Janet Stevens on August 1st, 2020 9:32 am

    What about someone that does not pay rent and has not have a job but eviction called for because do meth in my home. Judge has signed,the eviction notice but still cannot sheriff’s to evict because of governors decision. Help

  4. Infidel Numero Uno on July 30th, 2020 4:51 pm

    With exception of owner finance arrangements, The banks ARE the landlords. And they ain’t hurting I assure you.

  5. Marvin Giddeon on July 30th, 2020 1:16 pm

    So, is this for mortgages only, it does not mention renters.

  6. uh-huh on July 30th, 2020 5:33 am

    So… who relieves the landlords? The banks?