Century Finds Way To Cut Two-Thirds Off Their AT&T Bill. It’s Going To Save Them $16K In A Year.

July 19, 2020

The Town of Century found that their telephone and internet expenses were getting out of hand and consistently over budget. Thanks to a self-audit, they’ve cut their AT&T bill by nearly two-thirds.

The town was spending $2,135.97 per month with AT&T. They discovered unneeded services, and found they were out of any contract with increase annual costs as a result.

The town was paying $72.66 per month for a phone line at Showalter Park for a fire alarm system that the town council previously voted to remove. And they found three accounts associated with sewage lift stations that could be removed for another savings of $433.35 per month.

An AT&T representative worked with the town and determined they could save $52 per month by renewing a contract for services at their maintenance shop.

But the biggest savings came at town hall by signing a two-year contract for service with 20 Mbps internet and up to 10 concurrent phone calls for $555 a month. That will take $797.57 off the monthly bill.

All total, the town will save $1,353.73 each month (give or take a little for fees) off their previous $2,135.97 rate. That will amount to an annual savings of about $16,000.

The town did not consider any alternatives to renewing an AT&T contract. Specifically, they did not seek a quote or information from Uniti Fiber, which provides fiber optic internet and phone service to Escambia County for the adjacent Century Branch Library.

File photo.


8 Responses to “Century Finds Way To Cut Two-Thirds Off Their AT&T Bill. It’s Going To Save Them $16K In A Year.”

  1. David Huie Green on July 21st, 2020 10:32 am

    $2,135.97 per month previous bill – $1,353.73 per month reduction = $782.24 new bill

    $1,353.73 per month less x 12 months/year = $16 244.76 less per year

    But it’s all rough so better to round down to nearest hundred dollars or so — or even thousand..

  2. Chelleepea on July 19th, 2020 7:22 pm

    It’s good they’re looking for ways to save money although ATT prices change without notice…..someone will need to review the contract before it expires.

    Chknwngs…….try $1353 x 12

  3. William Reynolds on July 19th, 2020 5:31 pm

    >>Wow. I see Century’s problem. $800 savings a month is not $16K a year!!!

    That wasn’t Century’s math; it was ours. Try again and you’ll see it’s right.

  4. Chknwngs on July 19th, 2020 5:24 pm

    Wow. I see Century’s problem.
    $800 savings a month is not $16K a year!!!

  5. tg on July 19th, 2020 5:18 pm

    Shut down Century and save a Fortune.

  6. Chris on July 19th, 2020 3:00 pm

    Next headlines ” Century mismanaged 16k of found money.” Or
    “Century mayor spends 16k on airline tickets. “

  7. Gl on July 19th, 2020 12:03 pm

    I would not sign a contract until after a 3 month trial period.

  8. Lifendason on July 19th, 2020 11:10 am

    AT&T for me has always been a rip off. When they first got cell phones years ago they ripped me off and a couple years ago they sent me a brochure saying you can have a land line for 14.99 month. I called and by the time it was over, just the phone was going to be 31.99 a month, double what the brochure said.

    BTW, 20 Mbps internet at nothing for a business, what a joke.