Cantonment Man Charged With Vehicle Theft, Using Stolen Credit Cards, Business Burglary And Destroying Mailboxes

July 27, 2020

A Cantonment man is facing a list of charges for allegedly stealing a vehicle, using stolen credit cards, burglarizing a business, and purposefully running over several mailboxes.

Jake Hamilton Bray, 18 was recently charged with:

  • felony fraudulent use of a credit card for allegedly using a stolen credit card and attempting to charge at total of $494.05 in two transactions at Walmart on Pensacola Boulevard.
  • grand theft of a motor vehicle, criminal mischief and petit theft for allegedly stealing a 2004 Jeep Cherokee from DeSoto Road in Cantonment. The victim saw her Jeep a few days later and followed it to Britt Road where three unknown males exited and ran into the woods. One of the suspects told deputies they used the jeep to run over some 15-20 mailboxes in a neighborhood off Chemstrand Road. The victim claimed the vehicle suffered over $7,000 in damage and items including an Igloo color, bluetooth speaker and keys were not recovered.
  • felony burglary, grand theft and criminal mischief over $1,000  for a burglary at The Chemstrand Quickstop at 10401 Chemstrand Road. On June 18, deputies responded to an alarm at the business and found that a brick had been thrown through a window and about $2,000 worth of cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes were taken. The stolen Jeep was reportedly driven to the store.
  • burglary of a Ford Edge at the Thousand Oak Apartments on Chemstrand Road where a wallet was taken from the center console. The wallet contained items that included debit and credit cards. A total of $68.68 was charged to the cards including $17.50 at the Whataburger in Cantonment, according to the arrest report.
  • three counts of criminal mischief for purposely running off the road and crashing into two mailboxes in the 3000 block of Chemstrand Road and additional mailboxes on Orby Street. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office took reports on the destruction or damage of four mailboxes on East Kingsfield Road, two on Goldenrod Road, two on Boulder Creek Drive, two on Orby Street, and two others located on Dye and Ray streets on June 24.

In June, Bray was arrested other charged including at least five counts of burglary, three counts of larceny, vehicle theft and criminal mischief with property damage.

The arrest reports indicate at least two other suspects were charged, but their names were redacted either because they are juveniles or have not yet been arrested.


28 Responses to “Cantonment Man Charged With Vehicle Theft, Using Stolen Credit Cards, Business Burglary And Destroying Mailboxes”

  1. unkown on September 11th, 2020 10:49 am

    This is my best friend/ First love this is not him. He is a good person he just got caught up with the wrong people he is doing a lot better now so shame on all of you for bashing him everyone has made mistakes but all they can do is learn from it or don’t and i think he learned from it.

  2. Tabby on July 29th, 2020 8:59 pm

    No, don’t put him there. If one must do county time, the Road Prison is the most desirable place to do it. There are numerous reasons.
    No, send him to prison where it’ll force him to the fork in the road. Change and be a good man or keep going down the same road he’s been on.

  3. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2020 9:35 pm

    “it will all be well once the Democrats succeed in defunding police entirely,”

    The Democratic Party has no plans to defund the police. Joe Biden has specifically and repeatedly rejected the proposal. That is just another lie President Trump has approved because the truth doesn’t help him.

    Consider the fact that he knows the truth doesn’t help him.

    Beside that, police aren’t federally funded even though some programs are.
    “According to the US Census of Governments, state and local governments spent $115 billion on police in 2017 (the latest year for which comprehensive data are available). Most of this spending (86 percent) was by local governments.”

    David for truth

  4. Workin man on July 28th, 2020 6:56 pm

    This BOY still has a job at my company life sucks when punk’s like this get away with what they do because they are minors but know he is an adult so punish him accordingly because what his support system is ain’t working with all the hate going on maybe just maybe an ass spanking is required remember when you were young ur parents would wipp ur azz no mater where u were this BOY needs a reckoning “prison”

  5. Laura on July 28th, 2020 4:29 pm

    Such a fine, young citizen to help lead our future

  6. Simmer Down on July 28th, 2020 2:51 pm

    @bewildered – Florida’s House, Senate, and Governership has been controlled by Republicans for 21 years yet crime abounds. Maybe it’s time to try something new.

    In spite of what you see in some political commercials, almost nobody thinks of defunding the police as eliminating the police. You probably know this, but being an alarmist is fun, right? Why are police the first to deal mental illness and homelessness issues? If we could take those issues off of their plate they could spend more time dealing with real crimes and criminals, like this guy.

    I fully support the men and women in law enforcement. Letting them focus on real criminals is probably what they would want.


  7. bewildered on July 28th, 2020 8:48 am

    it will all be well once the Democrats succeed in defunding police entirely, All the crooks will enjoy a crime free life of love and only demand that we pay them enough to keep up a luxurious lifestyle without working for it.

  8. SHO-NUFF on July 28th, 2020 12:05 am

    Can’t stop a crook..but locking car doors and not leaving keys in them will keep them walking and easier to catch.
    Its almost impossible to hotwire a newer vehicle withnthe security features built in to them. Someone found a key..

  9. Sherry on July 27th, 2020 10:22 pm

    It is ashame that this kids are allowed to walk free. One of the boys stole his grandmother car not 2 months before.a slap on the hand does not help this kids.
    They need to put the fear in them. Praying that God comes in there life. That is the only thing that is going to change them.

  10. Amber on July 27th, 2020 9:19 pm

    It was my jeep he stole. I hope he stays in jail a long time. Not only did he total the jeep i only had a few days short of a year but have wanted since i was 17. Now i have to find another vehicle while being a single mom to a 4 year old who had his ss card and birth cert stored in the jeep while i was in the middle of moving. Im not getting near what i have put into the jeep on water pump, fuel pump, radiator etc. My life wont be good for a long time and i hope i can still have the jeep i always wanted. I hope he pays dearly. But truth is he probably wont.

  11. The Bream Reaper on July 27th, 2020 7:35 pm

    The little punk almost ran over my daughter picking up the trash can as he came back the second time around. Never saw her so scared in my life. What ever he gets will not be nearly as bad as me getting my hands on him. Lock him up and see how he fairs with grown men.

  12. ADB on July 27th, 2020 6:42 pm

    Workin man….looks like your company may have a job opening.

  13. PPK on July 27th, 2020 6:32 pm

    This group of kids have been hanging out at the house next to me for the summer. They are attached to 5 auto thefts, I have seen them out in the streets all hours of the night when mail boxes have been robbed. We have had our mail taken. They stay up all night, Mom works night sso no supervision,
    a barn out back to hang out in. The cops say not one of them has spent the night in jail! Most of them are just 15 so just a slap on the wrist! It needs to stop!

  14. Workin man on July 27th, 2020 5:29 pm

    I cant stand spell check i guess i should have proof read before submitting lol

  15. Workin man on July 27th, 2020 5:28 pm

    He works for the company i work gor he is a new hire as of lsst monday oh joy

  16. 5678 on July 27th, 2020 4:39 pm

    I reamber this young man telling me about his first Christian concert with his grandfather. I hope he does some soul searching and finds his faith in Christ. I will pray for him to find his faith as well.

  17. ADB on July 27th, 2020 2:29 pm

    Well Jake you’re 18 now. Now you will be charged as an adult. No more hand slaps in juvie court. Hope they throw the book at you.

  18. Susan. on July 27th, 2020 2:14 pm

    The mailboxes remind me of the movie Cool Hand Luke where he beheads the parking meters…….just because. Put him on a county work gang digging ditches that will fix him right up. He will be sleeping good at night. He doesn’t need to be out at night looking for thrills and taking younger people with him.

  19. JTV on July 27th, 2020 1:45 pm

    Kendra R. If the Kia Soul they stole would have been a judge’s sister’s, he’d still be in jail. They don’t care about the rest of us.

  20. Esther Hester on July 27th, 2020 12:37 pm

    I am one of the people that Jake ran over the mailbox. That was an extra expense of $254.00 to replace that mailbox. Being a Law Enforcement officer for 27 years, it is so sad to see a young person destroys his/her life. This kind of behavior can prevent him from experiencing a decent livelihood. I hope that when he is released, someone will inform him of the many programs that can help him; especially The Department of Human Resources . He is still young, He deserves a second chance.

  21. Shaking My Head on July 27th, 2020 12:32 pm

    Your parents must be so proud of your accomplishments.

  22. 1234 on July 27th, 2020 10:10 am

    J you are so young why would you ever think of doing this crap

  23. Kendra Reid on July 27th, 2020 9:31 am

    The should have never let him out when he got arrested for stealing my sister Kia soul last month

  24. Tc on July 27th, 2020 8:56 am

    Another 1 of cantonments finest hard at work !

  25. Just listening on July 27th, 2020 8:41 am

    So young and so stupid. What kind of fluid is running through the young folks vain’s. Lord intervene.

  26. sam on July 27th, 2020 6:46 am

    appears he has chosen his vocation in life. let’s hope the justice system doesn’t release him back on street before the weekend.

  27. jim on July 27th, 2020 5:11 am

    I hope the judge takes off that smirk on his face, He obviously is proud of his accomplishments and needs a long disappointment time sitting in a cell by himself for awhile.

  28. Matchbox on July 27th, 2020 4:19 am

    If you worked 12 hours a days you might be to tired to get into so much trouble..