Cantonment Man, 18, Charged With Sexual Battery Of 14-Year Old Runaway

July 14, 2020

An 18-year old Cantonment resident is facing two felony charges for allegedly have sex with an endangered 14-year old runaway.

Samuel Tate Mullen, 18, was charged with two second degree felony counts of lewd or lascivious battery on a victim age 12-16.

Mullen allegedly met the teenage girl after she texted to say she had snuck out of her house, according to an arrest report.

The girl told deputies she had sexual encounters with Mullen two or three times,  and that she had been dating him for two weeks in an ongoing relationship, the report states. The arrest report indicates Mullen lied about his age, and the girl told him she was 16.

He was released from the Escambia County Jail on $10,000 bond.


36 Responses to “Cantonment Man, 18, Charged With Sexual Battery Of 14-Year Old Runaway”

  1. Pat on July 18th, 2020 2:59 pm

    I agree that both are just as guilty . It is proven that the brain of an 18 year old is not any different in maturity than a 14-16 year old . She invite him over and she knew what she was doing.

  2. William Lingo on July 18th, 2020 1:50 pm

    I think it is more harmful to label an 18yr old as a sexual predator in circumstances like this, I hope he can get a good lawyer because she’s just as guilty as he is. Where are all the people claiming how much more mature young girls are than boys? They both make terrible decisions/mistakes at those ages. that’s why they shouldn’t be considered an adult until at least 21, 21 is when they can legally participate in most adult activities, why not make 21 the age of adult hood or what the heck. make it 22 with graduation actually from college instead of high-school since we all know that 18 doesn’t equal= grown, our bodies maybe mature but the mind is not.

  3. Abby on July 17th, 2020 7:53 pm

    This is clearly not just his fault. She made herself available and lied as well as he did. Don’t hang a sign on this boy. They both deserve to have some sort of probationary period but saying this she needs to learn to stop running away from home. Where are these parents?

  4. Johnny Whitehurst on July 17th, 2020 10:14 am

    If everyone with the real good advice would take their time to write their officials asking for a review of the current sex offender laws, maybe there would be some action. The boy is too young tob e labeled as a sex offender and have his life ruined. I’m writing ASAP. I have young grandsons and have never given this scenario a thought until now.

  5. Kyndall on July 16th, 2020 12:39 pm

    By my point of view the girl is just as guilty. If she was actually 16 would y’all be calling him a pervert then?? He thought she was 16. She needs to get a punishment too. His life is ruined now bc she lied about her age. And counting him as a sex offender when she clearly gave consent is crazy.

  6. Just... WOW! on July 16th, 2020 12:22 pm

    The number of GROWN adults here defending this MAN is insane to me. I do not care if she lied about her age, he ALSO lied to make himself younger because he KNEW what he was doing was wrong. There are thousands of women that are 18+ in this area and he still chose to go after this underage girl. If he can serve in the military and die for this country, vote, smoke, etc… he’s grown enough to deal with the consequences of his actions. The people defending him are the reason why victims don’t come forward..because they’re shamed and made to feel like it’s their fault no matter what. “You dress too sexy, You look older than your age, You lead him on, You pursued him”…. that does not give a grown man the right to have sex with a child! Any of you defending him or using any of those excuses should really check your moral compass. I, for one, hope he does have to be registered as a sex offender FOREVER because that’s exactly what he is… a predator. Let’s keep future little girls and their parents informed.

  7. Vicki on July 16th, 2020 11:16 am

    There are studies available which confirm that the frontal lobe of a young person’s brain is not fully developed until mid-twenties. Yet, we had rather punish and imprison rather than use a diversion program especially in cases such as this.

    Women Against Registry

  8. Jerry on July 16th, 2020 5:57 am

    Maybe he will fall under the romeo and Juliette law

  9. David on July 15th, 2020 10:19 pm

    It’s not clear to whom the 18 year old lied. Was that to the cops or to her? We need laws that deal with this based upon the Tanner stages not fixed ages.

  10. David on July 15th, 2020 7:03 pm

    If you lie you can get off these charges, when you are honeste they punish you to the full extent because they know they can’t lose and it looks good on their record. Prosecuters consider confessions a “Freebee”.

    This isn’t about right and wrong this is about control pure and simple, these laws where made to subvert reproduction and shame a large portion of the population and pit it against the others.

    He will be convicted and put on a registry yet known serial pedophiles (look up the Q list of people still flying to “Lolita Island”) like Soros, Clinton Gates and others sponsor these “laws” that put him on a registry.

    They are of course above their own laws.

  11. Jacob on July 15th, 2020 12:10 pm

    If convicted, he will face, under Florida law, a mandatory life term of sex offender registration. That means that when you google him at age 18, 28, 38, or 48, the first thing you’ll learn about him is that he molested a 14-year-old. It won’t say how old he was at the time, as that’s not how the Florida registry works. Eventually he will be presumed, by his neighbors, potential employers, and so forth, to be a dangerous dirty old man. There will be little to no opportunity for him to turn his life around and become a productive citizen. If you don’t like this outcome, tell your state representative to reform our broken sex registry laws.

  12. jerry on July 15th, 2020 10:53 am

    a 14 year old dating a guy for only two weeks and has already had sex with him 3 times. in my day after two weeks i was lucky to get a goodnight kiss. the world has really went down hill.

  13. ALEX on July 15th, 2020 10:50 am

    He knew but he still thinks like a kid. hope the judge dismisses the charges and that this young man has learned his lesson. join the Navy, grow up and see the world.

  14. Mom on July 15th, 2020 9:30 am

    this is ridiculous. This girls instigated this just as much as the boy. Where is her responsibility. Let’s use some common sense when arresting someone and ruining there lives. My grandmother married her husband of over 75 years and he was over 18. That did not make him a pedophile.

  15. judy on July 15th, 2020 8:04 am

    This person is NOT a man, and 14 year old girls are far too sexual and flaunting it these days! Who among the male readership would not have taken what was being offered by a hormonal female at the age of barely 18?

  16. Hmmmm on July 14th, 2020 10:13 pm

    Y’all talk really tough and show no sympathy for this kid, but really?? His life is pretty much over at 18, for something thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of 18 year olds have done. He could have gotten drunk, had a wreck and killed this girl, and 10 years from now everything would be behind him… prison, probation and all. No need to have to register every six months… or be banned from every park, have difficulty finding a place to live because of being too close to a school or daycare, not be able to go on his kid’s field trips, be able to take a trip out of state without checking in at his destination and the host of other things that will hang over his head. For the REST OF HIS LIFE. Mess up on anything? Get caught in a park when he’s 60 years old? Probably another 10-20 years in prison. This is a life sentence for a youthful mistake.

    Yes, he should have known better, and should be punished, but you really think he damaged this girl, who willingly participated, so much that he should be punished much worse than if he had actually killed her? SMH

    These things are all good for keeping track of dangerous people… but wow… heavvvy for something like this.

  17. She's just as guilty on July 14th, 2020 8:26 pm

    Has anyone read the last bit of this article besides the fact her admitted saying she was “dating him” last part and I quote ” The arrest report indicates Mullen lied about his age, and the girl told him she was 16.” She lied to him about her age also she’s just as guilty as him leading people on like that! What he’s charged with she should be too for lying and causing this situation too keep moving forward!

  18. Kate on July 14th, 2020 8:18 pm

    My 12 yr old daughter looked much older than her age. At Disney World, a guy cashier in a gift shop was being extra nice, flirting with my daughter. It was obvious to me he thought she was much older. Eventually, he asked about ’school’ and she tells him she ia going into 7th grade because she too, was oblivious they weren’t on the same page. Thar poor kid at Disney was shocked and apologized to me and we never saw him again, lol! I think situations can be subjective as kids are growing up. Keep an open mind because imtent and maturity makes a big difference in these situations!!

  19. Alan on July 14th, 2020 6:59 pm

    It must be wonderful to be sanctimonious.

  20. ALEX on July 14th, 2020 6:37 pm




  21. Carlos E McGugin on July 14th, 2020 3:46 pm

    It would be the same charge if she really was 16. Arresting officers do not set bail amounts. Upon arrest, a bond is to be set in accordance with a schedule pre-determined based on the type of offense until first appearance in court. Having a preset bond schedule allows the release of the defendant before court. At the first court appearance, that judge will set the bond amount.

  22. Susan on July 14th, 2020 3:25 pm

    Knew it! Knew when I saw the title all the apologists would be here for the 18 y/o and the girl ‘is a liar and a brat. ‘ You can always count on the “daughter of Eve “crowd here.He told her he was 16. He knew what he was doing was wrong. Fortunately for him he has a baby face that will draw pity. If he’s old enough for a tattoo he is making his own decisions

  23. Jason on July 14th, 2020 3:12 pm

    @Slap on the wrist —- A quick check if the Clerk of the Court website showed that these charges were warrants and the judge set the bond not the deputy.

  24. BTDT on July 14th, 2020 2:06 pm

    A sex offender in my opinion is an adult male who takes advantage of a child. The real sex offenders should be neutered and locked away for life. This kid is 18. His brain isn’t fully developed yet. Hormones will overrule intelligence each and every time at that age.

    The sex offender laws need to be rewritten, with degrees added. An 18 year old having consensual sex with a 14 year old doesn’t meet the criteria of a 40 year old man raping a 12 year old. I know men that can be found on the sex offender registry that went to prison, served their time, then got out and married the “victim”. They are not sex offenders. They are not a danger to the general population.

    I know all too well how easily kids can get into trouble. I was 14 when I married an 18 year old boy. I was pregnant. We were married 40 years when he died, but our case was the exception, not the rule. Neither of us were old enough or mature enough to be on our own and it was a horrendously difficult life. We were forced into it by parents who took no responsibility for what they let happen.

    Parents. Wake up. Leave the booze and pills alone and be aware of what your child is doing!!!

    Be reasonable. Think back to when you were that age. How smart were you! And the $10,000 bail is way too high in my not so humble opinion. I’ve seen victims of domestic violence horrified when their abusers were released an hour after being arrested, on a $500 bail.

  25. So sad on July 14th, 2020 12:02 pm

    Poor kid. I really think punishing him for this is not the answer. They are both willing participants. How is it fare for the young girl to get basically get grounded & the young boy be arrested & registered as a sex offender or felon? In cases like these its not always one size fits all kind of punishment. She lied about her age in order to have relationship with him, but he goes to jail & has to explain this the rest of his life as to why he’s a sex offender & she just has to go to her room with no tv or phone . Really? Sometimes when young people are arrested ( for being young & dumb) we as a society punish them to fullest extent of the law & just put them 6ft under the jail. I think the age of the offender needs to be considered. For cases like this to where both parties who are willing participants then both should share the blame & punishment. It’s just sad for this young kid to have to go through this. It would b different if he were 21. I personally think that you shouldn’t be considered adult until you are 21, because let’s face it at 18 you are not mentally prepared to be a adult.

  26. Shirley Hales on July 14th, 2020 11:16 am

    In this case the girl is just as guilty as he is, these young kids now days don’t think of the consequences, the girl called him to say she snuck out. I think sometime the girl needs to spend time in jail also. Most people know that young hormones are raging for male and female at this age. Just saying…….

  27. Brwildered on July 14th, 2020 10:38 am

    Stupid decision on his part. There is no doubt in my mind that the little brat was more than a willing partner. He has to live with dire consequences for the rest of his life while she thrives on the attention she gets as a victim.

  28. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on July 14th, 2020 10:22 am

    This brings back a memory when I lived in Idaho. My daughter, at the time, was 14. I caught her sneaking out to meet an 18 year old class mate. I told her this was not happening again, and I was going to call his parents. She laughed at me and said, “They can’t do nothing to him, cause he’s 18.” I said, “Yep, you are right. However, since you are MY daughter, and under age, I can do plenty to him.” The kid joined the military and got the hell out of Idaho. Years later, I saw him, while he was on leave, and he thanked me, and apologized to me. So, wise up while you can kid. You are young, and the look on your face says it all. Think with the head on your shoulders, if you get my drift.

  29. Have fun on July 14th, 2020 10:10 am

    Have fun learning jailhouse rock kid. The big boys there will teach you a lesson about messing around with a little girl. They’ll enjoy you perv.

  30. Adam Evans on July 14th, 2020 10:08 am

    Is it correct to say sneaked or snuck? Some people frown upon snuck, so if you’re in doubt about which form to use, sneaked is always the safer option.

  31. JTV on July 14th, 2020 8:33 am

    Poor kid didn’t have a chance, raging hormones, a lying girl, a lifetime of sex offenders registration.

  32. tg on July 14th, 2020 8:25 am

    Male maybe not man.

  33. Rasheed Jackson on July 14th, 2020 8:18 am

    Young girls lie about their age a lot at this age. Not every young girl OK but a lot have and will. I was young once so speaking from experience. Not defending any actions here, OK! Just want to point out some facts. This is a tough age for young men. 18 just out of high school and really unable to see the difference in maturity mentally and physically. So they must remember, “In Florida, the age of consent is 18 years of age, meaning individuals 17 years old or younger are not able to legally consent to sexual activity. Such sexual activity between an adult and a minor child will result in statutory rape charges.” BUT , there is, in Florida, the Romeo and Juliet law, ” Florida’s Romeo and Juliet law applies to individuals ages 13 through 17 years old who engage in consensual sexual activity with an adult who is no more than four years older.” These quotes are from a web site of a Law office in central Florida.

    My advice to any young man out there is this, if a girl tells you she snuck out of the house , that is a pretty good indication she is to young. Stay away. There are plenty of legal aged women out there. Don’t take the bait. Jail time and being labeled a sexual predator for life is not worth the risk. My dad had this talk with me many, many , many, years ago, and that was just one of the times I really listened.

    Parents, be aware of your daughters and who they are talking to. With cell phones it is difficult but that phone is really yours and you need to know what is on it. It is a rough world out there for a young teen and they feel they are adults and they really need your guidance and protection.

    Dads, talk to those young men. Let them know the consequences of their actions and to be on guard.

    Of course there are those who just will not listen and that is why we have laws that protect and punish.

  34. Amy on July 14th, 2020 8:11 am

    Cases like this really bother me. I see a young girl who isn’t honest about her age by admission who wasn’t coerced or forced. Then a boy who also lied but most of the 18 year old boys I’ve met over the years have had the maturity of 16 year old. Lots of raging hormones are likely to lead to stupid choices. That goes for girls as well. Promiscuity by teenagers today is crazy. This isn’t a 30yo man manipulating a young girl. It’s two young people with poor judgement. In no way would I consider him to be a pedophile or pervert that deserves to be labled and listed as a sex offender.

  35. Slap on the wrist on July 14th, 2020 7:32 am

    Well well well…a $10,000 bond…SMH…Really a $10,000 bond…He admits to the charge and gets a $10,000 bond…In other cases for example, a robbery when the victim cannot identity the suspect or suspects bonds are $50,000 plus….In drug cases bonds are set at $50,000 plus…This guy has sex with a teenage girl more than once and for %10 of $10,000 he can make bond….Only in Escambia County…Oh the arresting officer set that bond as well…SMH…

  36. Save our children on July 14th, 2020 1:43 am

    Lock him up and keep the pervert locked up