All Of These Major Retailers Are Now Requiring Face Masks, And Winn Dixie Reverses Course

July 21, 2020

Several major retailers have implemented face mask mandates. And Winn Dixie, which said they would not require masks, has reversed course.

Face masks are now required at:

  • Walmart
  • Sam’s Club
  • Publix
  • Lowe’s
  • BJ’s Wholesale
  • Walgreens
  • CVS
  • Kohl’s
  • PetSmart.

Face mask mandates will go into effect at Home Depot on Wednesday and at Target on August 1.

Southeast Grocers, parent company of Winn Dixie, first said they would not require shoppers to wear face coverings. But Monday the grocer said that due to customer feedback face masks will be required beginning Monday, July 27.

Face masks are required at all businesses within the city limits of Pensacola and across the state of Alabama.

Pictured: Publix Super Market at Nine Mile. Photo for, click to enlarge.


59 Responses to “All Of These Major Retailers Are Now Requiring Face Masks, And Winn Dixie Reverses Course”

  1. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2020 12:48 pm

    ” There is no vaccine for the common cold in which is a corana virus.”

    Actually, Coronavirus makes up about 10-20% of all colds.
    Rhinoviruses make up 10-40%, parainfluenza viruses are part of another 20% of colds. Some 20%-30% of adult colds, presumed to be viral, remain unidentified; we just know they are sick..

    The common cold isn’t.

    Sure it is common but it isn’t one thing. It is a number of diseases with common symptoms. There are hundreds of them. That is why traditional vaccines couldn’t protect you from “the common cold.” Even if it protected you from one of them, you are fair game to the others.

    Nonetheless, just because all of the diseases we call “the common cold” have not been cured, that doesn’t mean we can’t, just that scientists have not so far. Work is being done on developing just such a cure and if it is successful, it won’t only cure all colds caused by rhinoviruses, it might just cure all the coronoviruses as well as asthma, encephalitis, myocarditis, polio and AML in a single treatment.
    (Flu is another matter, but similar work is being done to stop all forms of flu even if they mutate so you won’t have to wonder which will be the one circulating around every year.)

    “The same approach of targeting a protein in our own cells also worked to stop viruses associated with asthma, encephalitis, myocarditis, polio and AML.

    “This gives us hope that we can develop a drug with broad antiviral activity against not only the common cold but maybe all enteroviruses,” Carette said.”

    David for success

  2. BRING IT ON on July 23rd, 2020 9:45 am

    Your mother said if someone jumps off the roof are you ?

  3. Lee on July 22nd, 2020 9:54 pm

    For those who think masks aren’t necessary or that the virus isn’t as bad as we are hearing, who do you think is filling up ICU beds? Are the healthcare workers being interviewed just actors? If you aren’t wearing a mask, you aren’t serious about getting back to school, work, etc. In fact, it’s likely you will be partly responsible when the state shuts down again.

  4. ALEX on July 22nd, 2020 9:34 pm

    i am a sheep and proud of it. better a sheep than a hog. as a sheep i proudly follow the rules that society should live in. i tried wearing a diaper over my face but it stunk and i could not breathe so i will just wear a mask.

  5. I agree on July 22nd, 2020 5:24 pm

    I agree with come on now
    I pay my taxes as told by the government, I wear shoes and a shirt in stores as required. It is a lame argument that your rights are being violated. We are told everyday what we can and can’t do.

  6. Richard on July 22nd, 2020 12:25 pm

    Most everyone are sheep and will give up liberty for a false sense of security. This virus may never have a vaccine that works. There is no vaccine for the common cold in which is a corana virus. Scared sheep.

  7. Come on now on July 22nd, 2020 10:30 am

    Speed limits, seat belts, smoking in restaurants and no shirt, no shoes, no service. I think your rationale for not wearing a mask makes no sense. We follow laws and rules everyday. Just an excuse to not wear a mask. Stupid is as stupid does.

  8. Lee on July 22nd, 2020 9:54 am

    Seems quite afew posters are offended by the mask mandate. The reality is that the majority of people want to get back to somewhere near normal and are wearing masks to get there. If you think people supporting masks are the minority, just look at what parents have decided about schools reopening.

  9. David Huie Green on July 22nd, 2020 9:27 am

    “if a store denies you services from not wearing a mask that’s discrimination. And before anyone says it’s not. Let’s look back to the Colorado cake maker who didn’t want to make a gay couple a cake was sued for discrimination it’s the same principle.”

    Discrimination for medical purposes is allowed, in fact encouraged. They frown on removing organs from healthy people, for example.

    But go ahead and sue after they arrest you for trespass by entering without permission. Lawyers can always use some more money.

    Just in case nobody told you, the Supreme Court sided with the cake decorator based on the fact that those ruling against him did so due to their antipathy to
    his religion — which is protected by the Constitution. The right to life is also a protected right.

    Also studies have determined that mask wearing not only protects those from the infected masked person, but those wearing masks were less likely to be infected by people like…well, those who don’t know they are infected and don’t care if they infect others.

    “The results of the Missouri case study provide further evidence on the benefits of wearing a cloth face covering. The investigation focused on two hair stylists — infected with and having symptoms of COVID-19 — whose salon policy followed a local ordinance requiring cloth face coverings for all employees and patrons. The investigators found that none of the stylists’ 139 clients or secondary contacts became ill, and all 67 clients who volunteered to be tested showed no sign of infection.”

    Less likely to be infected and the infections tend to be milder, less lethal. Doing something for public health is permitted — folks actually used to expect the government to try to keep us healthy. Some still do.

    David for truth

  10. Mask Wearer on July 22nd, 2020 4:20 am

    I frankly don’t care whether you wear a mask or not, just make sure that you don’t come close to me.

  11. The numbers on July 22nd, 2020 1:21 am

    @ cw hey man just because you test positive for the virus doesn’t mean your sick. It kinda like testing positive for hepatitis A you had it but didn’t have any symptoms. So that doesn’t make you sick. That’s the real problem with this daily update thing. Just because it’s a positive test doesn’t have any meaning if your not sick.

  12. Really on July 22nd, 2020 1:18 am

    @CW do the math was saying you cannot be kicked out if you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask. And they can’t ask you if you have a medical condition. I can see why this country isn’t mentioned in the end times of the Bible. You’ll give up your rights and pander to the minorities and no am not talking about race people. When the few tell you what you can and can’t do that is the minority am talking about. So let me ask you all this question, so when I women has an abortion and kills a baby because she didn’t want to ale birth control or the man doesn’t wear a condom should we start fining them and threaten them with jail time. Oh wait that’s their right to kill innocence. But you won’t stand up for that. You all will find out on judgement day where you will be going. And it won’t be because you didn’t wear a mask.

  13. Alisa on July 21st, 2020 11:11 pm

    Amazon, here I come! Have always done my best to shop local to keep people employed and tax dollars in the community. Have had too many issues with incorrect orders when I use curbside pickup or delivery.

  14. CW on July 21st, 2020 8:53 pm

    @Do the math

    Do you really think those 6,074 cases are all there is? There are many more people that are sick than that, but they haven’t been tested, and many won’t be tested.

    You can come up with all the scenarios you want, but the reality is that YES, you can be kicked out of a store for not wearing a mask. You can threaten to sue all you want, but it likely won’t do you any good. I doubt you’d even find an attorney to take your case.

  15. Kathy on July 21st, 2020 8:16 pm

    If you don’t want to wear a mask, fine. Place your order online. Most will home deliver. Problem solved!

  16. Do the math on July 21st, 2020 7:41 pm

    For all you who can’t do math their has been 6,074 cases in Escambia county. Which has approximately 400,000 people. That’s a infection rate of only .015 percent. Ridiculous that people can’t do simple math. Wearing the mask doesn’t protect you from getting the virus. It’s against HIPPA laws to ask someone if they have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing one. Not to mention if a store denies you services from not wearing a mask that’s discrimination. And before anyone says it’s not. Let’s look back to the Colorado cake maker who didn’t want to make a gay couple a cake was sued for discrimination it’s the same principle. Many people can’t wear mask do to medical conditions so I guess no one cares or think about that. You just want to be corralled like cattle. I will go to the stores and I will not wear a mask.

  17. Stable on July 21st, 2020 7:19 pm

    I think we see injecting Lysol and putting a light in you will not work. All we have to combat this virus is a mask. If you know of someone who has it and survived, ask them about it. It is not a joke.

  18. DJuan on July 21st, 2020 5:08 pm

    If you want to spread the virus, resist the urge to wear a mask, and go visit your own relatives. A friend of mine who stated it was a hoax just got out of the hospital. Barely made it out. He’s not singing that song…

  19. J.S on July 21st, 2020 1:36 pm

    Seriously people……I will wear my mask not only for me but for u and my family….its just so sad people don’t take this serious it spreading like wild fire and people don’t care.well I do and if u don’t like it I don’t care I’ll go through what ever it takes I stay home and not spread it..I pray for all the dumb people who don’t wear mask pray u don’t get the virus I know a couple of people who do have it as I text this they said this is the worse thing they’d ever had so keep spreading it all u non-mask people it’s to easy to ot put one on and stop the spread. Everyone’s gonna be mad when they shut it all down ready if they do

  20. Just Wear Your Mask. on July 21st, 2020 1:34 pm

    @ Clarke

    That is yesterday’s percent for the state of Florida.
    Today’s positivity rate is 19.8%
    Let’s be real. This isn’t “magically going away” like the president says….

  21. Anne on July 21st, 2020 1:19 pm

    No Worries, many of the places that we shop at are on this list.
    Mask UP and go in, like we will and have no troubles doing so.

    You one Not wanting to wear a mask then that’s Your Right and take your business elsewhere, No Problem for us, just GO…

    Simple matter of Personal Choice and Personal Responsibility.
    We do NOT want to get sick so follow the Mask Rules.

  22. Clarke on July 21st, 2020 12:55 pm

    To Please Wear Your Mask: I do believe the virus is a serious matter, but the positivity rate released by the Florida Department of Health yesterday for Escambia County, Florida, and published on was 12.5%, not 20.8% .

  23. Jordan on July 21st, 2020 12:08 pm

    @Kickinback – Dr Fauci said that way back at the beginning of this mess to save masks for doctors and nurses. When more information starting coming in and then corrected himself. If the virus keeps spreading then businesses will stay closed.

  24. just sayin on July 21st, 2020 11:41 am

    Thank you for the list. I will shop at the safest stores I can. Those saying they will no longer shop at these stores is crazy. Why would you not want to be as safe as possible? Mask are not full proof. They are just cheap insurance, just like a seat belt. No guarantees but they both just might save your life. Why is this so hard to understand?

  25. David on July 21st, 2020 11:39 am

    What a bunch of whining, blithering uneducated Karens
    These comments are the most uneducated, immature, all about me me me all the way from front to back
    Grown a– adults setting the 2020 standard for ignorance.
    Its all about Me me me to hell with everyone else.

  26. ALEX on July 21st, 2020 11:32 am

    all of you “judy’s” stay away from me and my stores. i am a SHEEP and i will proudly wear my mask even if it saves only one life, or maybe none. as a sheep i will proudly do my part for the USA and my neighbors. i will even defend your right to not wear a mask if it is against the constitution(but so far i have not found anything about masks in the constitution) so all you non-mask wearers, stay home and keep us SHEEP safe. thank you for your understanding and caring.


  27. JJ on July 21st, 2020 11:30 am

    The saddest part, all of you professed “scientists” that are giving your 2cents, have never run any tests yourself. You read papers written by paid spokesmen. Politics is a science too. Hints why they call it Political Science. Politicians do what they are trained to do by so-called “” higher “” educators. Deceive the public, deflect and avoid, use broad statements, to leave room for imagination. All because we are all predictable as a majority. The ones who buck the “”powers, “that may or may not be” are left as lambs. Devoured, by the few wolves, who control so many sheeple. You are the MEEK, a certain book speaks of your inheritance of this earth.

    Yes I know, the quotations are in the “wrong” place.

  28. Julie on July 21st, 2020 11:00 am

    Not a fan of masks, will try to use local farmers markets. Do you know how many times I touch my face while wearing a face mask? Doesn’t these germs live on the handles of carts and items we pick up in a store. Why aren’t these places requiring people to wash their hands before entering a store and mandating using hand sanitizers. A few have them if you choose to use them but since a mask is required shouldn’t they require hands to be clean?

  29. JTV on July 21st, 2020 10:49 am

    I don’t wear a mask for me, I wear a mask because I don’t want the government to close my gym (mine is closed forever now because of the government mandated closure) I don’t want other businesses, especially the little guys to lose their livelihood. Please consider folks. I am so antimask, but want to do my part to save the places that suffer by government decisions.

  30. Please Wear Your Mask... on July 21st, 2020 10:38 am

    20.8% Tests positive yesterday….. Sad… Wear a mask to protect your self please, and if anything for your neighbor
    Love thy neighbor like thy self.
    Just because you don’t believe in wearing a mask doesn’t mean you can’t respect others when you’re out in public.

  31. Meaghan on July 21st, 2020 10:35 am

    These comments are golden and prove exactly why the state of Florida is recording higher daily infection rates that other countries are combined.

    Science is real, your conspiracy theories are not.

  32. Mo on July 21st, 2020 10:20 am

    First of all ..I’m not doubting a severe acute respiratory syndrome is floating around but masks Should be a choice….if it makes you feel better than wear one..if not dont..
    But explain to us the following..
    1..if it’s so bad….then why aren’t there biohazard bins to put masks and gloves in?
    2. Why aren’t more hospital people infected? Afterall hospitals have air conditioning ..or do they shut ac off? the virus is being recycled thru the air
    3. Why is the pandemic emergency order set to expire day after elections?
    4. The main reason the Amish communities and the homeless communities aren’t infected…they dont watch tv..

  33. Exhausted emotionally on July 21st, 2020 10:13 am

    If a face mask is that important why are we not able to be with our family’s when DIEING!!! Even without COVID…. a friends grandmother in nursing home, they were very active in her life there, seen her daily, picked her up for church on Sunday’s, took her out to eat…. suddenly unable to see her at all!!! She thought they abandoned her and cried on phone with them saying she had become a burden to them…. she didn’t understand…. and she died of GRIEF within a month!!! They STILL wouldn’t allow them to see her even when they called to tell them she was failing fast…. .. UNTIL SHE DIED!!! THEN they let them put on mask and WALK RIGHT INTO HER ROOM WHERE SHE LAID DEAD!!! Common sense???????!!!!!!! Anyone have any left??? Another friend, took her mom to ER and wasn’t even for COVID, they then said she had it

  34. Wyatt Derp on July 21st, 2020 10:08 am

    “…many people say that it is patriotic to wear a face mask when you can’t socially distance.There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!”

    –donald j trump

    So….is trump deep state now, too? It’s so hard to keep up with you folks.


  35. Lee on July 21st, 2020 10:07 am

    Anyone serious about getting back to school, work, etc. , can do something as simple as wearing a mask.

  36. Just me on July 21st, 2020 9:59 am

    Disappointed in the ‘cave in’ from Winn-Dixie….we were.was so proud of WD for their stand and we had decided to buy our groceries there,even though they are higher….we are retired and on a limited income,so we have to shop where we can get the best deals…….Thank God for His Merciful Loving and Protective Arms…………

  37. JimC on July 21st, 2020 9:54 am

    All based on erroneous reporting by CDC and FDH, and panic and fear stirred up by the left, and bought into by the easily led.

  38. Just me on July 21st, 2020 9:47 am

    Just another piece of the control puzzle……herding process being initiated…..wake up,people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. bewildered on July 21st, 2020 9:36 am

    I am still waiting on an official explanation how all this testing works. get tested and :you are advised to go home and isolate and wait for results. negative : go about your business and if positive you need to stay isolated until you get well. So far so good!
    However, you can get infected every minute of the day from all sides – so when will all this testing ever end? test all 330 million people in the US and then start again from the beginning. ? Why not concentrate on the sick people and leave the infected 80% or whatever without symptoms alone. ? Don’t answer that with contact tracing – totally impossible.
    Gives credence to conspiracy theory that testing is simply a way to get everybody’s DNA without rousing concern.

  40. Billamus on July 21st, 2020 9:31 am

    Go ahead sheep, wear your mask. In just four months we have given away freedoms for the “greater good”. It will not stop here. Masks are merely the beginning. Next you will have to get mandatory vaccines, be told where and when you can go places and the government will tell us all what’s “good” for us. Open your eyes, masks do not work. The government does not have your best interests at heart.

  41. Just listening on July 21st, 2020 9:29 am

    “Stupid is as stupid does”. I believe wearing a mask is a two way street— I don’t want what you have and I don’t want to give you what I have. Simple—Wear your mask in public. This helps with the COVID and during flu season. It’s no time to be simple minded and hard headed it’s called being safe and NO it’s not the mark of the Beast. Just saying

  42. judy on July 21st, 2020 8:50 am

    I can easily avoid all the mandated mask places…and I will.

  43. Niknak50 on July 21st, 2020 8:39 am

    If the masks really do work, and are really effective, then why can’t you go see your loved one in a nursing home, or why would a loved one have to die alone in the hospital? Tell me please.

  44. Hugh Campbell on July 21st, 2020 8:35 am

    I’m always seeing comments on this platform and other social media platforms about how folks will not get the chip, mark of the beast , etc,…let me ask you ,..what do you think this is (the mask)??,..why are we the people allowing it to be so powerful, controling every faucet of our daily lives??,..isn’t it the same thing?? i mean really!! give it a name, same thing..just lies after lies from the science authorities,..restrictions placed on food suppliers and grocers ( needed businesses ) as well as complete shutting down of retail businesses, why the difference, is covid only in the mall but not the food suppliers stores?,..covid discriminating against retail malls and other small businesses??,…think about it,…so before we start spouting our mouths off about “mark of the beast” and getting chipped,. whether we like it or not,..a time to decide to make an active stand on this is here,..i for one am sick of it,..start writing these businesses and government officials stating your opinions about this and also advising on your intention to vote out compliant gov’t officials and/or not shopping at businesses who require this,..itt’s time..

  45. Good job on July 21st, 2020 8:23 am

    I will go these stores now that mask are in place. I had stopped going to certain stores and did pick up service. I will be glad to get out of the house and visit these stores now.

  46. Just saying on July 21st, 2020 8:22 am

    I believe in freedom of choice. You should not be required to wear pants.

  47. Nope on July 21st, 2020 8:21 am

    They can “require” all their dear little hearts want, but they’re not forcing me to put that little piece of useless cloth on my face.

  48. ProudArmyParent on July 21st, 2020 8:17 am

    Responsible people use Common Sense! Wearing a mask makes NO sense at all! Fauci himself stated when this whole COvid-19 crap broke out that mask would not prevent the virus. Now he says differently because a mask has become a means of control.
    The country is becoming a herd of sheep! I for one will NOT follow any shepherd, but my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  49. Nrichard on July 21st, 2020 8:11 am

    Masks do work!! Look at countries with declining infection numbers.

  50. Nrichard on July 21st, 2020 8:10 am

    People fail to realize a basic fact. As ICUs fill with COVID patients, this will prevent or delay medical care for others.
    Example 1: Car accident with extreme injuries that will require an ICU bed after emergency surgery, or treatment in the ER. (Most car accidents I see usually have more than one patient that fits this scenario).
    Example 2: Person at home suffers massive heart attack, that develops a clot in the brain or lungs. This person too will need an ICU bed after they are stabilized at the hospital.
    Both examples turned away from the nearest hospital (best chance of survival with minimal long term effects), due to no ICU bed. Would you be okay if your loved one died just for there not being enough space?
    If you can’t, you are probably a high risk if you catch the virus anyways, and should not be going out anyways. Too many places offer delivery and/or curbside pick-up.

  51. Um, No on July 21st, 2020 7:52 am

    @Jr The CDC is literally saying the opposite. Do your research instead of just believing whatever cable news pundits tell you. Wear a mask.

    From the article: “We are not defenseless against COVID-19,” said CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield. “Cloth face coverings are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus – particularly when used universally within a community setting. All Americans have a responsibility to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.”

  52. Staci B on July 21st, 2020 7:47 am

    Full Support! Wearing a masks protects others from you, it does not protect you from others! Care for others that may not be able to fight off a virus that you may be carrying ❤️
    For those who feel like they are being forced to do something against their will and therefore refuse… shame on you! Self evaluation time because one day you may need someone to care about you!

  53. Jr on July 21st, 2020 7:42 am

    Wearing a face mask is a false security just like a defective condom, both causes unwanted results.. The CDC and every doctor except a democrat Dr. has said face mask serve little to no purpose. Has anyone ever thought about why the federal government does not supplying the general public with face mask since “they are the ones spreading the virus.?” I see idiots daily driving around with a face mask and gloves on, they get out their automobiles do their shopping come back get in their automobiles and drive around again. What purpose has their “virus protection” served?

  54. Thomas on July 21st, 2020 7:40 am

    Not doing business with companies who demand compliance with junk medicine that does more harm than good.
    This is a good opportunity to support local farmers, seafood markets and butchers. The food is fresher and it supports our own community. We have good ones in this town. I will just order anything else online and not from any of those stores.

  55. Jordan on July 21st, 2020 7:35 am

    I was in a Walmart yesterday and you might have to have a mask to get in but they do NOT enforce people keeping them on. I saw several people not wearing a mask and even more with the mask pulled down off their face.

  56. Karen on July 21st, 2020 7:19 am

    Brianh. Try online ordering at wal-mart. It works great. :)

  57. Kickinback on July 21st, 2020 7:17 am

    Response for Brianh’s comment.
    As a responsible person, we all must do many things, some against our wishes, to ensure a safe environment for all. For instance, stopping at a stop sign or traffic light; driving the speed limit, waiting in an orderly line for our turn, etc.

  58. Brianh on July 21st, 2020 5:34 am

    All are places I will no longer do business with. Forcing anyone to do something against their wishes in order to purchase needed supplies is dead wrong.

  59. Henry Coe on July 21st, 2020 3:50 am
