Alabama Mask Order Extended; Masks Must Be Worn In Schools

July 29, 2020

Alabama’s mask order has been extended another month, and the governor has ordered that masks must be work in all but the lowest grades in the state’s schools.

In a Wednesday press conference, Gov. Kay Ivey announced the state’s mask order, which was set to expire on Friday, has been extended through August 31 at 5 p.m.

The updated “Safer at Home” order also requires masks “where possible” in schools and colleges for employees and students in second grade and above.

“These decisions are not easy and they are certainly not fun and there’s no way in the world you’re going to make everybody happy 100% of the time,” Ivey said. “Because no one enjoys wearing a mask…I believe we are making progress in this arena. We must remain vigilant if we’re going to get our kids back in school and keep our economy open.”

Ivey also encouraged school to move forward with phased openings of in-classroom learning.

“We need to do everything we can to get our students back in the classroom,” she said.

In addition to colleges and school, the mask order mandates that people wear a mask in public “when interacting within six feet” of people from different households, including:

  • an indoor space open to the public
  • a vehicle operated by a transportation service
  • an outdoor space where 10 or more people are gathered.

Further details are below, click or tap to enlarge.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Alabama Mask Order Extended; Masks Must Be Worn In Schools”

  1. David Huie Green on August 2nd, 2020 12:25 am

    “If you are this scared then PLEASE stay at home with your doors locked!”

    Sweet of you, but I didn’t say I was scared. I was talking about the rationale behind not wantonly endangering others. If you knew someone was spraying poison, you wouldn’t like it. Just because you don’t know they are doesn’t mean you know they aren’t. Should you ignore completely the fact that some ARE? Obviously you think you should. Strange, but up to you.

    “I guess you assume that everybody has it in your world.”

    Obviously not.
    If everyone had it, infection risk would no longer exist. It would be too late.
    (In contrast, only about a third of the world population contracted Spanish Flu. That’s why only 50 million souls died rather than 150 million.) A bunch of us would die and those left would do what they or we had to do.

    Since everybody doesn’t have it, healthcare workers are able to save more than they would if twice as many or ten times as many were overcrowding the ICUs, needing attention. Because of the delay you disapprove, they have found ways to reduce the death rate of the sickest. With more delay, vaccinations should save billions of people from ever getting sick. You may not think that is worth working for but unless you are going to visit those sick at home, maybe you don’t really want it yourself.

    “EVEN if others do have it, have you seen the NEGATIVE rates for the tests?”

    According to the CDC at
    “Nationally, the overall percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 was 8.7% for both weeks 29 and 30″ (Week 30 ended July 25.)

    That means 91.3% are not yet infected — or possibly have been but no longer are.
    Without antibody tests, we don’t know which.

    “Have you seen the death rate?”

    Let’s see. From
    157,898 deaths / (2,362,903 recovered + 2,243,517 active + 157,898 dead)) = 3.3% Notice there are more active than recovered. People don’t die or recover instantly. There were 70,904 new cases two days ago, 58,429 yesterday. Worldwide, the death rate is 6% of those cases resolved. That is improving as they find better treatments.

    “Turn off the news and try to live life instead of being afraid!”

    What on Earth would make you think I got that from the news? or that I’m not living life? or that I’m living in fear? I would hate to hurt others by my carelessness. I accepted long ago there are those who don’t care if they hurt others.
    They reject Christ’s teaching to treat others as they would like to be treated.

    David for better people

  2. Patti Long on August 1st, 2020 12:29 pm

    I want to thank the people who are wearing masks by order of Gov. Ivey. I just turned 70 and am a retired RN. In my years of practice there were many times I had to wear a mask before entering a patient’s room. It kept the nurses from getting sick and spreading a disease to other patients. Nurses don’t have a choice about masks. I know masks aren’t always comfortable but consider how you would feel if people didn’t wear masks and your parents, grandparents or child became infected with Covid 19 and died when it might have been prevented by the simple fact of wearing a mask. You may be not only save those lives but mine too. Keep wearing those masks Alabama. I thank you and so will many others.

  3. Masquerade on July 30th, 2020 11:30 pm

    I was in town today and it was pretty busy. What I observed was basically 100% of people in masks going about their beeswax. No problems, just people happily going about their business as usual in masks. The troublemakers must be staying home out of the way. It was nice to be part of a polite and courteous bustling community, even though I’m absolutely sure 100% of the people in masks will be glad when this is all over, and we can share our smiles again.

  4. Lee on July 30th, 2020 4:32 pm

    Thanks to all the folks who won’t wear masks for prolonging this nightmare. We’ve passed 1000 deaths a day and are moving closer to1500 daily. Masks slow the spread. It’s been proven all across the country. Stop acting like an oppositionally defiant child and wear a mask. While other states are reopening successfully, it’s looking less likely our kids will be able to return to school. One shutdown did enough damage. Another will result in even more jobs lost and businesses lost.

  5. J-THE-G on July 30th, 2020 12:32 pm

    Good work Gov. Ivey. Unfortunately people refuse to consider others and are fairly uninformed (They’ve actually been informed, they’re just Unwise) frequently around here, so they need to be treated like babies and told what to do for their own safety.

  6. Rogeer on July 30th, 2020 10:09 am

    H1N1 totaled 60.8 million confirmed cases with probably twice that number who did not go to a doctor. In five months we have seen 4 million confirmed cases of COVID, at that rate we will still be dealing with COVID issues for the next 4-5 years. If a mask is good enough to go to Walmart, it’s good enough to go to work, school, church — open the economy and put everyone back to work end the nanny state.

  7. Brianh on July 30th, 2020 5:01 am

    David Hue Green:

    “If someone came in visibly spraying poison around, would you want him where you shop?”

    If you are this scared then PLEASE stay at home with your doors locked! I guess you assume that everybody has it in your world. EVEN if others do have it, have you seen the NEGATIVE rates for the tests? Have you seen the death rate? Turn off the news and try to live life instead of being afraid!

  8. David Huie Green on July 30th, 2020 2:00 am

    “making masks mandatory is hurting business because people just won’t shop there.”

    If someone came in visibly spraying poison around, would you want him where you shop?

  9. Angel Martinez on July 29th, 2020 11:20 pm

    How silly this all is. Maybe when you lose your job and have 4 mouths to feed you all will open your dang eyes and stop believing everything you see on TV.

  10. Colleen on July 29th, 2020 10:35 pm

    Given a choice of shopping between businesses where masks are required as compared to shopping where masks are not required, I will choose the businesses that do not require a mask every time. Furthermore, I will shop online instead of spending my dollars at locally owned businesses.

  11. Tracy W on July 29th, 2020 8:32 pm

    making masks mandatory is hurting business because people just won’t shop there.
    On the other hand if regular face masks prevent the spread of the disease then why close/limit services.
    Its a catch-22, damn if they do and damn if they don’t.
    I’ll continue to order online and not wear a mask or buy from local storea.

  12. John Feilds on July 29th, 2020 3:12 pm

    Just another feel good move.