2020 Pensacola Beach Air Show Canceled Due To COVID-19 Concerns

July 2, 2020

The 2020 Pensacola Beach Air Show originally scheduled for July 8-11 has been canceled. The U.S. Navy Blue Angels team informed the Santa Rosa Island Authority of their decision to cancel their performance late Thursday afternoon.

“After much discussion and consideration regarding the current rise in COVID cases in our hometown, we have come to the conclusion that canceling our flights during the Pensacola Beach air show is the only way we can ensure the safety of our community we love so much,” the Blue Angels said in a statement.

“Each year we look forward to the opportunity to fly for our friends, family and neighbors here in Pensacola. This was not an easy decision to make. Unfortunately, we are navigating very uncertain and unpredictable times. We felt this was the necessary decision to make in effort to keep our community safe.”

Plans had called for the airshow viewing area to be significantly expanded from Pensacola Beach to Orange Beach.

Next year’s show is scheduled for July 9-10.


16 Responses to “2020 Pensacola Beach Air Show Canceled Due To COVID-19 Concerns”

  1. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2020 2:29 pm

    ” But one’s right to live in fear doesn’t preclude another citizen’s right to live free in this country.”

    True. You can live as freely as you wish as long as you don’t harm other people.

    “The reason all the fearful people want everyone to live likewise is so the mentality and choice will seem to be validated if others also follow.”

    It must good to be able to read minds, to know what others are REALLY thinking rather than just what they say and do. I thought they were just trying to do what medical professionals told them was for the good of the community, but it turns out that every last one of them is trying to tyrannize others. There sure a lot of those monsters running around loose, looking harmless, people of all ages, genders, races. We are doomed.

    “So by all means, live in fear, seclusion, and hiding if you choose, but stop forcing your choice onto every other citizen!”

    So you figure the Blue Angels are in on the DEEP STATE conspiracy? And yet they look and sound just like patriots who want to protect our country, their loved ones, their neighbors.

    Either that or someone else’s paranoia is contagious since those protesting protection measures sure seem scared of some vast conspiracy.

    David for mental health

  2. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2020 2:14 pm

    “Well the weaklings won again !!!”

    Blessed are the meek:
    for they shall inherit the earth.
    Matthew 5:5

    Not that meek and weak are the same thing, but choosing to do something for others comes under the meaning of the word.

    “The Blues performed over Mount Rushmore political rally where social distancing wasn’t practiced.”

    It is good when you can use taxpayers’ money to pay for your political rallies’ events. That abuse is an example of what used to be called “THE SWAMP’ before the swamp-water became “his” to use and abuse. A number of those in attendance may not feel like voting for him after the next couple of weeks, though.

    At least he’s going down swinging and slinging mud. Same old same old.

    David for the Blue Angels, long may they fly

  3. Just saying on July 4th, 2020 1:54 pm

    Well isn’t that interesting. The Blues performed over Mount arushmore political rally where social distancing wasn’t practiced. I understand it was orders from the Commander In Chief. Given their own choices they chose public safety.

  4. Lee on July 3rd, 2020 7:45 pm

    Cancellation of the Blue Angel’s is disappointing, but our country is in a crisis. There are lots of people involved with the air show, not just the pilots, so it makes sense to cancel.

  5. Chris J on July 3rd, 2020 11:40 am


  6. Rex on July 3rd, 2020 9:24 am

    Well dang! The communists got to the Blue Angels and took away my right to see them!

  7. James on July 3rd, 2020 9:04 am

    If you choose to live in fear then live in fear. Stay home, don’t assemble, choose curbside pickup, grocery pickup, pharmacy pickup, etc. It’s all completely possible as the businesses have made accommodations for the fearful. But one’s right to live in fear doesn’t preclude another citizen’s right to live free in this country. The reason all the fearful people want everyone to live likewise is so the mentality and choice will seem to be validated if others also follow. So by all means, live in fear, seclusion, and hiding if you choose, but stop forcing your choice onto every other citizen!

  8. Vicky on July 3rd, 2020 8:43 am

    Well I’m not being mean or nasty but Bring it on what if you go out and get the covid-19 and take it home to your loved ones what then it don’t make you a weakling to wear a mask it makes you one when you don’t wear one we need to protect our children and elderly people

  9. SW on July 3rd, 2020 7:29 am

    Should’ve called it a protest.

  10. Ann on July 3rd, 2020 6:22 am

    I have been looking forward to this but was saying myself I hope they cancel it. I work at Walmart and have helped customers from several different states. I assume for the Blue Angels and we really don’t need this right now with the increased Covid cases.

  11. Fly Navy on July 2nd, 2020 8:57 pm

    A very sad week without the Blue Angels.
    I sure hope the same team will return for the 2021 season. The Bkue Angels are Pensacola.

  12. Common Sense on July 2nd, 2020 6:45 pm

    Glad to see that the Blues are making better decisions than most of the general public.

  13. Alicia on July 2nd, 2020 6:45 pm

    We love to support our Blue’s and are so disappointed that they will not be performing this year. This is such an amazing event and so good for the economy of our city. We can’t wait until they are able to come back home and perform for us!!!

  14. Barbara Agerton on July 2nd, 2020 6:44 pm

    Thank you,Lord…………..

  15. BRING IT ON on July 2nd, 2020 6:23 pm

    Well the weaklings won again !!!

  16. Sheila on July 2nd, 2020 5:50 pm

    Very disappointed – your air show plan sounded safe and I do not understand the cancellation.