Walgreens Confirms Atmore Store Was Temporarily Closed Due To COVID-19 Infected Employee

June 27, 2020

Walgreens confirmed on Friday that their Atmore store was closed Thursday due to COVID-19. It has since reopened.

The chain was notified of an employee that tested positive for COVID-19, Kris Lathan of Walgreen’s Corporate Media Relations told NorthEscambia.com in an email.

“In accordance with our established protocols, CDC guidance, and out of an abundance of caution, we temporarily closed the store for comprehensive cleaning in order to disinfect the premises. We received clearance to reopen that same afternoon. Cleanings sometimes require temporarily closing a store,” Lathan said.

“When Walgreens is notified of a confirmed or presumed positive COVID-19 case, we take rigorous action to meet or exceed recommendations and health advisories from the CDC, OSHA, public health officials, and other local, state and federal regulatory health agencies. Our clinical and safety teams also work closely with our field and store leadership to identify and contact individuals to self-quarantine and self-monitor for any signs and/or symptoms,” she continued.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


5 Responses to “Walgreens Confirms Atmore Store Was Temporarily Closed Due To COVID-19 Infected Employee”

  1. Just say sing on June 27th, 2020 10:49 pm

    You might need to get tested.

    You might not need to get tested.

    But with the lack of information provided by the store you don’t know. The hospital isn’t just going to test you because you want one despite the Vice President’s assertion.

    Just saying

  2. Kim Bartley on June 27th, 2020 7:59 pm

    I’d like to know who it was too, my husband went in there this past Tuesday to get some medicine, so I hope and pray he’s not infected, he just had open heart surgery last fall!

  3. CW on June 27th, 2020 1:03 pm


    Just goes to show that sometimes things like having a photo made aren’t that important. It’s about priorities. Right now for me it’s food and meds, I’m pretty much avoiding anything else that involves me going into a store. And for the meds I use the drive-thru.

  4. Rene Bunch on June 27th, 2020 11:15 am

    And I said just the other day that they were not wearing masks there! So now all those customers this employee assisted has been exposed. Thank goodness I have the sense to wear a mask to shop!!

  5. Pyddin on June 27th, 2020 9:05 am

    Son of a biscuit! Do we know whom? Male or female, where did they work in the store? I was in there Thursday, picking up a photo. I did sanitize afterwards, but still. Do I need to go get tested? That store is always busy, do we all need to go get tested?
    Darn it all!