Vehicle Drives Through Pensacola Protesters; Man Carried Across Pensacola Bay Bridge On SUV’s Hood

June 6, 2020

A vehicle drove through a group of protesters in downtown Pensacola Saturday afternoon, carrying one man on its hood across the Pensacola Bay Bridge.

A group of protesters had walked the short distance from the Graffiti Bridge on 17th Avenue to Bayfront Parkway, locking arms and temporarily blocking access to the Pensacola Bay Bridge. The Ford Flex drove at a slow speed through the group, with one protester jumping onto the hood of vehicle.

The driver continued slowly, with the man on the hood, three miles across the Pensacola Bay Bridge where the vehicle was stopped by Gulf Breeze Police.

The man was transported by ambulance to a hospital, but there was no word on severity of any injuries.

After about 20 minutes, Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson arrived to speak to the group, and they left the roadway a short time later.

Police are continuing their investigation.

Images for, click to enlarge.


135 Responses to “Vehicle Drives Through Pensacola Protesters; Man Carried Across Pensacola Bay Bridge On SUV’s Hood”

  1. Puddin on June 11th, 2020 8:31 pm

    Wow! He jumped on the hood of the vehicle and hes the victim? If you jump on my car I’m going to assume you plan to hurt me. I will call 911 and keep moving, slowly and carefully, but I’m not going to stop unless I see an Officer.

  2. Estrella Nueva on June 10th, 2020 9:47 am

    A just Sayin… I answer to a higher power. You answer your own questions with judgment. My origins are none of your concern.

  3. Just Saying on June 9th, 2020 10:16 pm

    @Estrella Nueva,

    You answered one question and ignored the others. Care to reply?

    Have you spoken to anyone at CSX? Have they told you that they consider this to be defacing their property? Are you omnipotent? Read everyone’s mind, think you know everything?

    Where did you live before coming here? I’m sure there are local traditions there that others might find strange. Does that give them the right to ridicule those traditions? No, it doesn’t.

  4. David on June 9th, 2020 8:22 pm

    131 posts I have read With this much negativity and hate….multiplies the problem.
    No one person on this post is happy about anything
    The 131 post is a perfect example of the hateful world today
    Millions of people world wide has this same anger ….and we are going to fix it?
    Because each person is living in their own little world and NO ONE is welcome in it
    And they say the human is civilized
    Ironic is it not.

  5. Estrella Nueva on June 9th, 2020 3:22 pm

    Just Saying…the answer is No. Questions for you. How do you know that no one cares that I was appalled about the graffitti bridge? Are you omnipotent? Read eveyone’s mind, think you know everything? Yes graffiti bridge is still ugly. if it is not yours do not deface it.

  6. Forrest Fulton Hilbish II on June 9th, 2020 11:58 am

    Please do not block traffic, it’s already bad. Peaceful protest do NOT include blocking traffic. One step away from rioting.

  7. Judy mills on June 9th, 2020 10:47 am

    The rioter got what he asked for. He jumped on an innocent mans car and threatened his family. By the way, when someone jumps on your car, that is a threat. He did exactly what he should have done and has the right to self defense. If he gets charged for self defense, maybe it’s our turn to protest. Get over yourselves. White people have been the victims of police brutality too, why aren’t you defending them?

  8. Just Saying on June 8th, 2020 11:31 pm

    @Estrella Nueva,

    If it bothers you so much, perhaps you should contact CSX and ask THEIR thoughts on the matter. If they have no objections, it would not be vandalism. Would that change your opinion to allow it to be called art? If not, your objection is simply that you don’t like the style, correct? If so, art has many different forms. You aren’t required to like them all.

    I said no one cares that you are appalled. I stand behind that statement. I certainly don’t. I do care that you are maligning part of our history by telling us how ugly you think it is, calling us disrespectful and lacking in intellect. As to wallowing in the gutter, no, ma’am, I did not. That would only have been if I had resorted to insulting and disrespecting you…the way you just did every Pensacolian who loves our Graffiti Bridge. I will let you remain in the gutter by yourself.

    You mentioned the abortion clinic, and I have a question. Did you agree with those who demonstrated against its presence? If so, are they not “demons” per you logic in a previous comment?

    Thank you, William, for checking that and showing that the graffiti is NOT illegal. I appreciate all that you do for our area.

  9. jordan on June 8th, 2020 6:23 pm

    I just heard that now the mayor has to get involved. If these protesters want respect – they are going about in in the wrong manner (you have to EARN respect). They want their lives to matter by taking AWAY the rights of other people.

  10. Justice on June 8th, 2020 4:52 pm

    @ Estella….And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for. thee that one of thy members should perish, and. not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

  11. Estrella Nueva on June 8th, 2020 4:24 pm

    CSL anti-graffitti coating was invented because I am not the only one who thinks graffitti is not art and believes it is vandalism. Graffitti is also a form of gangs marking territories. I intentionally avoid graffitti because the neighborhood has been marked, which gets back to….starting a demonstration where there is graffitti, no good will come out of it.

  12. Ann on June 8th, 2020 2:31 pm

    I would have done the same thing this driver did, I would be afraid to stop, they would no doubt have hurt him badly, ride on, you have my permission, hope this 200lb. thug didn’t put a den in your hood! In plain view he tore off your mirror, make him pay. We need a new slogan for Pensacola. COME TO PENSACOLA FOR A FREE RIDE ACROSS THE 3 MILE BRIDGE TO PENSACOLA BEACH, A SCENIC VIEW AND VERY BREEZY!!!!

  13. Rasheed Jackson on June 8th, 2020 1:09 pm

    Must we get so personal with our comments? Concerning the RR trestle and it being paid for by tax payers, Yes it is quite possible tax payers helped to fund the building of this structure. When one considers that the RR’s were heavily supported by the federal government early on it is very probable that federal funds were used to construct the bridge. If not directly then indirectly by way of grants, that were many times in the form of land grants. The federal government would give land to the rail roads and they would in turn sell it to raise money to build their systems. So, it is quite possible that the 17 avenue bridge was built with taxpayers money.
    I must agree with Estrella Nueva, Graffiti is not art it is vandalism, unless the painter owns the structure. I hate seeing rail cars all painted up. these cars cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and I am sure the owners are not giving permission for them to be defaced. For those who have no problem with it maybe they should offer their homes and autos to the painters and allow them to express themselves on their property.

  14. Joshua on June 8th, 2020 11:22 am

    @ Estrella Nueva
    I get what your saying about Art and the nuance
    You are correct..therefore I am starting a Go Fund Me for you to purchase an Etch-a -Sketch to master your art taste
    You can submit your renderings to The Vessel in Hudson Yards located in New York
    They even have brunch for your required taste

  15. John Johnson on June 8th, 2020 11:02 am

    Hello, police? Yeah, this man won’t stop and let me off his hood.

  16. William Reynolds on June 8th, 2020 10:34 am

    A note to those discussing the discussing graffiti bridge….the bridge, officially known as the ” 17 th Street CSX Railroad Trestle” in city code is EXEMPT from the City of Pensacola’s vandalism laws.

    It’s a little over halfway down the page in Sec. 14-1-223 after item (n):

    “Exception: The 17 th Street CSX Railroad Trestle shall be exempted from the provisions of this section.”

  17. John Doe on June 8th, 2020 9:33 am

    sure, get out of the road and let us through, but I’m not going to keep driving with someone on my hood no matter how slow I go. That’s just stupid, as is jumping on someone’s hood. they both need to be charged.

  18. David on June 8th, 2020 9:30 am

    @ Estrella Nueva…beauty is in the eye of the beholder….bridge..people..your points are null and void…

  19. Right on June 8th, 2020 9:09 am

    We need police reform. State should declare open season on rioters and looters. And this is not a protest; it is a riot.

  20. BG on June 8th, 2020 8:36 am

    I’m all for the ones at 17th Avenue and their well mannered vigil on what’s happened. I’m thinking the ones who blocked the roadway arent Local and I e learned they were informed by the people at 17th that they weren’t with them in this. If that idiot would of jumped on my vehicle he would of been brake checked at a higher speed and “released” into the waters below that bridge…to cool off, so ti speak. I hope he’s charged with a serious crime(s) for jumping on vehicle…tearing off the mirror and for being plain stupid. For those gathering at 17th. I applaud you all and WE STAND AS 1

  21. bewildered on June 8th, 2020 7:59 am

    “Peaceful protesters should not be painted with the same brush” Simple solution: don’t hang around with thugs and criminals and ask them to join your movement. Keep your demonstration separate like it is being done in other countries. Stand up to these professional looters and thieves . is truly the last honest and independent media in our vicinity. You are immediately painted as racist or braindead Trump supporter, when you only want the truth so you can form your own opinion on any subject. Listen to a speech from an individual on TV (both parties) and the summary reported by the TV channels gives it a total different meaning. Wake up folks! We are already a country where the media is run by party officials who decide what they want the population to think. Sad….

  22. Estrella Nueva on June 8th, 2020 7:38 am

    Scribblings on property you do not own does not constitute an art form..

  23. Estrella Nueva on June 8th, 2020 7:35 am

    Debugar and overused and abused phrase just sayin’ it does not take a troll to think the graffiti bridge is ugly. If no one cared about my opinion you would not have responded. You sure wallowed in the gutter very quickly on this one. Yes graffiti is ugly, destructive of property, by your own words illegal, and nothing to be proud of. It is one of the ugly pieces of Pensacola history, along with the abortion clinic.

    Taxes do support maintenance of roads and bridges regardless of who pays and what bucket of money the funds came from.

  24. deBugger on June 8th, 2020 12:11 am

    @Estrella Nueva

    we KNOW you’re a TROLL
    are you a Russian Agent, or
    Cali Cartel-funded rouser of
    rabble & divisive provocateur?


  25. Just Saying on June 7th, 2020 11:35 pm

    @Estrella Nueva,

    Interesting nugget for you here…the railroad is responsible for upkeep on the Graffiti Bridge, not the taxpayers.

    No one really cares if you were “appalled” that Pensacolians are proud of our Graffiti Bridge. It has been a tradition since at least the early 1950s, so this is nothing new.

    Graffiti IS art. It may not be what you like, but that doesn’t make it any less an art form. There are many extremely talented artists who regularly display their work, and there are many of us “common citizens” who will regularly go out of our way just to see what beautiful artwork is currently up there.

    Please don’t belittle what is an infamous part of Pensacola history. We are, indeed, very proud of our bridge and our local talent.

  26. ROBERT on June 7th, 2020 10:38 pm

    Takes a really stupid person to jump on the hood of a car and then he ripped off the side view mirror…This guy deserves a darwin award….protest is fine but do not block taffic and or do criminal acts’s stupid and dangerous….This moron gets no sympathy from me and i don’t care what color he is…black or white…an idiot is an idiot….

  27. Matchbox on June 7th, 2020 10:27 pm

    You know I have been stopped many times by the police…I speed just a little…and I have never had a gun drawn or had to be thrown to the ground…if you act calmly I’m sure the police will also.. always seems to work…if you have a problem that is what the courts and trials are for ..act like a fool get treated like a fool

  28. Molino Miss on June 7th, 2020 9:06 pm

    Why weren’t the road blockers arrested? City needs to take control of our town.

  29. Estrella Nueva on June 7th, 2020 8:57 pm

    David, Graffiti is not art no matter how proud you are of your scribblings. Taxpayers maintain roads and bridges. And yes I was appalled when I learned of Pensacola’s so called pride in their eyesore of an ugly bridge. The bridge is ugly, the graffiti on boxcars is ugly and so are the intentions of graffiti destroyers of property. Blocking intersections and roads is ugly and so is the intent of those who do so. Ugly graffiti does not make me a lonely person. I live on a higher plane with many others who do not share your viewpoints.

  30. Annie Dortch Gilmore on June 7th, 2020 8:23 pm

    Reading most of these responses breaks my heart. I am in tears because the area where I grew up–North Escambia County, Florida–with all its faults is remembered by me as filled with Bible reading God fearing people who have the love of Jesus in their hearts. I feel the hatred that goes along with your words and I wasn’t even part of the protest. I am choosing NOT to meet your hatred with hatred but with LOVE. My Bible teaches me to love my brothers and sisters and it makes NO distinction between race, ethnicity, age, social status, political beliefs,etc. Some of you are wishing death and injury to other people and it is heartbreaking. If you are Christian and you are NOT denouncing the hatred in the words of so many in this comment section, then you are part of the problem. God sees us and EVERYTHING that we do and what we type!! So many of my white friends who saw the video of the murder of Mr. George Floyd have asked me this question, “what can I do to help with the racial injustice problem that we have in our community”. This is my response to them and to all of you who may read this. First educate yourself by speaking with your black friends, relatives, neighbors, church members etc. to get a “real” sense of the problem–not what you hear about on TV. Next, just TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WISH TO BE TREATED! I really believe that this can change America and make it a great nation in which ALL people feel free and valued and will not feel the need to protest.

  31. Reform on June 7th, 2020 7:57 pm

    I grew up in a law enforcement family and it disgusts me to see this broad brush where police take the heat for a few bad cops. Most people would not take any job for that pay, even not considering the risks and stress that goes along with it.

    That being said, I agree that reform is a very good talking point. But lets talk about reform for all parties.

    You can’t do much of anything now days with out a permit. Children are fined for blocking a sidewalk to sell lemonade with out a permit, but these “peaceful protestors” can block streets, jump on peoples cars, spit and spew profanities at citizens, and disrupt commerce without any accountability.

    Here is an Idea…

    - All that want to protest can do so freely with a permit.
    - All Protests will be giving a designated date, and an area to exercise their right without interrupting the flow of everyday business.
    - All persons will submit their contact information on the permit.
    - Police will be provided to insure the health and safety of all protestors as well as citizens and property.
    - Protestors with opposing views will not be allowed to mix in the same area.
    - Number of protestors will be limited pending police personnel that can be available to keep it safe.

    AS SOON as the first brick is thrown, fire lit, or other act of violence is perpetrated, ALL permits will be revoked, all protestors will be disbanded., and the person that committed the violation will not only be held accountable, but will be banned from ever getting a permit to participate in a protest again.

  32. BT on June 7th, 2020 6:29 pm

    Yes, this idiot deserves to be arrested. Yes, anybody blocking traffic deserves to be arrested.

    But no, peaceful protesters don’t need to be painted with the same brush. People protesting peacefully get my respect, whether I agree with them or not.

    And while we’re at it, let’s not paint all police with the same brush. The ones that started this and are continuing to mistreat innocent citizens are scum and deserve to be treated like the criminals they are.

  33. Shannon Lassiter on June 7th, 2020 5:39 pm

    Ignorance. If people would protest in a manner that made since then maybe others would join in and protest also. What does it help to stand in the middle of a road for people cant even operate a vehicle or to jump on a hood of a car. Pure ignorance. Make it count and not just for a reason to act up.

  34. isolated on June 7th, 2020 5:01 pm

    I have two thing to tell these people if they get on the hood of my car..

    - 0 TO 60 IN 3.4 SECONDS.


  35. Non car hopper on June 7th, 2020 3:17 pm

    The protesters were doing good at the 17th Street bridge until they started breaking the law and blocking traffic. It appears the protesters will not feel they are being heard unless they start blocking traffic, looting or burning down buildings. It is sad that protesters feel they are doing good by supporting someone who has a violent criminal past and their actions (resisting arrest) escalates the situation to the point they become injured or killed by the police. It is obvious that if everyone was law abiding citizen and cooperated with the police, then we would not have these issues to protest. The biggest change the protesters can do is educate people not to commit crimes and to cooperate more with the police when the situation calls for it. Otherwise, we put the police in a position where they will do less to protect us because they fear they will get disciplined for having to use force to protect their lives and other lives.

  36. G S on June 7th, 2020 3:03 pm

    People protesting peacefully is a good thing. But when they are protesting a civil rights violation and then violate the rights of others while protesting just goes to show they really don’t understand what they are protesting for or either don’t really care truly about the cause. Don’t violate someone else’s right to travel freely. They should charge the protesters for violating the rights of others. The rioters are not protesters they are thugs. Just terrorizing the cities and should be treated like terrorists.

  37. Richard cranium on June 7th, 2020 2:29 pm

    Any protester blocking a road should be ran over.

  38. Liz Tuck on June 7th, 2020 1:35 pm

    I am not much of a righter, but have something to say. I have read a lot lately about we have to have police reform. What I. Pray for now is for everyone to stop now with the protesting and think on both sides of all the problems we are having about different color of our skins. We are all God’s children whether we believe it or not. What happens to one effects the other. When a black person is killed it effects is all in some way. Or when a white is killed. They are someone’s love one, and it hurts us all in some way. Thing is. We need to look at the blacks that have been killed by police. Then turn it over and look at the white police that have been killed. Two a couple of days ago in these protests and there have been others . So it appears there has to be reform on both sides. Also drugs are always are going to make a huge difference in a person’s actions They do thing normally they wouldn’t do that should be a big concideration.

  39. Mike Martin on June 7th, 2020 1:28 pm

    Did not see anyone trying to block the train in previous videos as it went across the
    Grafitti Bridge…..

  40. Santa rosa on June 7th, 2020 1:08 pm

    I’m glad we have a real news organization in NW Florida, like NorthEscambia. WEAR 3 chose to do a profile on the protester instead of the victim in the car. They are pushing their own false agenda. Channel 3 is such a joke and they seem to want to sew discord in the community to get a story. Makes me sick. Also, all those protesters are illegally blocking state highways. So the vehicles have the right away. The protester said in his interview that the driver of the car was antagonizing him. Well, get out of the road! I hope the city will arrest him for criminal mischief.

  41. Earl on June 7th, 2020 12:44 pm


  42. EMD on June 7th, 2020 11:32 am

    Marxist agitators and their DUPES ! Always trying to destroy our way of life. And the “masses” they always speak to and deceive, just go, “BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Disgusting and tiring.

  43. BRING IT ON on June 7th, 2020 11:28 am

    When officials and the police start doing their jobs this wouldn’t be happening. These protester/terrorists are going to force GOOD AMERICANS to using deadly force. They put themselves in these situations so any action used on them will be because of their actions. It all boils down to one word, CHOICE.

  44. Local1 on June 7th, 2020 10:52 am

    People have the right to protest and they have been doing it peacefully and properly from what I had saw, BUT the moment they blocked the road, this changes things.
    From what I understand, If you block the road, then you are keeping someone against there will, that person can do what is needed to escape endangerment and entrapment in fear of being harmed.
    The driver exercised this properly, he should have never blocked the road or got on her vehicle.

  45. Beulah Boy on June 7th, 2020 10:46 am

    When the train was coming across the bridge and had the right of way you did not see anyone jumping on it….

  46. Bewildered on June 7th, 2020 10:21 am

    The hood jumper got his moment of glory from our great local Television station who views him as a hero. As far as the driver of the car, I hope he can stay anonymous – these mobs are dangerous and might seek revenge.

  47. David on June 7th, 2020 9:00 am

    @ Estrella Nueva ..the bridge was not paid for with taxpayer money
    You have to be the most lonely, sad person in the world
    Educate yourself little lady
    THE 17TH AVENUE RAILROAD TRESTLE BRIDGE was built in 1888. A local Pensacola landmark, people have been painting the bridge for generations and the paintings change daily.

    Anything and everything gets painted on the graffiti bridge: tributes, professions of love, invitations to prom, well-wishes to sports teams and graduates, anniversaries, holidays, birthdays, profanity, hopeful messages, celebrations, drawings, artwork, community event announcements, and the list goes on. People get engaged here, and some have even gotten married here. The bridge attracts painters, photographers, and tourists who want a sense of what Pensacola people are all about.

    Graffiti coats every square inch of the little bridge, so that the art has moved outwards into the parking lot nearby and the railroad ties above. As with most graffiti, it’s not strictly legal, but the Pensacola community seems to have accepted the bridge and the art on it as a local landmark. Police largely look the other way as they drive past the nightly taggers.

    The artists know that nothing is permanent here—their works of art might be painted over in matter of hours—but if they put something really good on the bridge, it might just stick around for a while.

  48. Mel on June 7th, 2020 8:54 am

    Stupid man. Protesting is fine but breaking the law while protesting makes your actions worse than what you are protesting. Climb on my hood and I will remove you somehow and I really don’t care at that point. Grown adults acting like animals I’m glad nobody got hurt. That man would be getting my car fixed and I would ask the judge to give him a lot of retraining. Classes on how to be a better person.

  49. Estrella Nueva on June 7th, 2020 8:52 am

    First of all, Graffiti bridge is a testament to lack of intellect and disrespect for taxpayers who paid for the bridge, and sends a message it is OK to destroy property. Secondly, intellectuals demonstrate with written words and votes. Thirdly, demonstrator has 12 letters. The first 6 letters of the word incite disrespect for anyone, including themselves.

  50. Don Neese on June 7th, 2020 8:10 am

    Romans 13:13
    Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

    Fascinating how God clumps rioting and drunkeness together.
    Like 3 angry sisters. Protesting draws out the drunks and the drunks turn riotous.

    Drunkeness in this text has nothing to do with alcohol. Drunk on revenge, lust, lies, ignorance etc…..

  51. Roger williams on June 7th, 2020 7:36 am

    These people are no longer protester. When you blocked the road you became terrorists. Thanks to hood boy all the people at the railroad bridge are considered terrorists that at any second could become violent.

  52. Dee on June 7th, 2020 7:13 am

    Alissa, what if it was a black guy on the hood and people started saying “stupid black guy”? You would call them racist. So why is it ok for you to be racist towards white people? I agree the guy was stupid but why don’t we leave race out of it. I mean, isn’t the purpose of these protests to stop racism?!?

  53. Whisperjet on June 7th, 2020 6:47 am

    …we have seen this over and over..Ferguson Mo..Minneapolis Mn..NYC..even Pensacola..people out there breaking the law have to be taken off the streets ..Society creates laws , judges and jury’s and police to enforce this..When you are an outlaw and you foolishly resist arrest , you are throwing the dice…

  54. Quacky on June 7th, 2020 6:25 am

    Thank you Chester. Your post was dead on. And for those of you who say that they are willing to kill a man over a broken mirror are just nuts. Being able to carry a weapon is a right but common sense has to prevail. I also think that those who said they would shot him is just running off at the mouth. The protester was wrong but so was the driver. Stop and the the Police deal with it and if the protesters attempted to enter the vehicle then take defensive action. They both need to go to jail and be held accountable. Two wrongs never make a right.

  55. David Huie Green on June 7th, 2020 3:22 am

    “Officer, this gentleman is trying to carjack me.”

    “Officer, this gentleman refuses to use a seatbelt.”

    “Okay, fella, we’re there. You can get off now.”

    “Stranger, I’ve been trying to explain this is not how car-pooling works. Could you explain it to him, officer? I have a protest to go join. It was supposed to be around here somewhere. Dang, I need a new prescription for my glasses.”

    David for reasonable explanations

  56. Jay on June 7th, 2020 2:21 am

    I’m sorry he is dumb. But throwing color in there is what’s wrong today. It’s offensive.. but today’s world saying stupid white man is acceptable. Why??? And yes the other protesters chasing the car weren’t gonna just say hey.

  57. Alisa Hilson on June 7th, 2020 2:12 am

    Stupid white man. The other protestor have nothing to do with his idiotic actions. You can’t generalize the group by his dumb actions. Only an ignorant person would jump on the car. White people throwing bricks to start the riot and looting and now this foolishness don’t define the people who are doing things the way they are supposed to! I hope he gets arrested!

  58. Jay on June 7th, 2020 1:32 am

    If you don’t get out of the way of moving vehicle. Your county needs to invest more in your school’s. And if you think if you should be arrested for not stopping for the smarty in middle of road that won’t be moved agin invest more in your schools.

  59. Hmmm on June 7th, 2020 1:23 am

    First, to all the people saying the road was closed. The highway was NOT supposed to be closed. There was a peaceful protest going on down on 17th street, and then some braniacs started standing in a main highway to get in and out of Pensacola. Did you see all the people chasing the vehicle? When people have been dragged out of vehicles, beaten, vehicles damaged, etc.? I wouldn’t have stopped, either! I would have some point slowed down suddenly to remove the idiot trying to break my mirror off, and then driven around him. The drivers of that vehicle have LESS than zero fault in this and should be given a commendation for not slinging dude off at 60 mph. I was as appalled as anyone about what happened to George Floyd, but looting, being violent, jumping on cars, and attacking people is not going to help the issue. It actually is reinforcing many of these cops beliefs and having an negative effect.

  60. Be serious on June 7th, 2020 1:18 am

    In multiple areas across the country, protesters are stopping vehicles and attacking people inside. If you step in the street with intent to stop a vehicle, it must be assumed you are not of sound mind, and may be an attacker at this point. This guy jumped on the hood, he wasnt run over. He’s a scumbag.

  61. Dan on June 7th, 2020 12:55 am

    Thank you AUTHOR & for reporting EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!!! Its soo flipping refreshing to read actual news/reporting instead of artfully placed words to lull me into sheep think…. thank you thank you thank you.

  62. KW on June 7th, 2020 12:04 am

    What goal was achieved by blocking traffic? Violating other peaceful citizens rights is not how problems are solved or voices heard. In order to remain peaceful EVERYONE must participate respectively. What about the rights of those that choose not to participate? Do not violate another’s constitutional rights and expect it to be okay. I respect anyone who stands up for what is good and right but I disagree with blocking traffic across the Pensacola Bay Bridge, it was selfish. Every victim of police brutality and harassment deserve justice but not by acting complete fools to get it. Be the change you want to see in the world. The families of every victim disagree with spreading hate and violence in the names of their loved ones. Get out there and VOTE that’s how things change for the better in this country.

  63. Jason on June 7th, 2020 12:01 am

    McBean, you missed the point. 17th Ave is where the protest was held. This protester and others chose to leave the 17th Ave trestle site and attempted to shut down traffic to/fro the Bay Bridge. The Driver was within his rights to continue. Way to Many witness who say the protester chose to jump on the car versus allowing the car to drive on as is required by Florida Statute. Its illegal for “protestors’ to willingly block the highway from the motoring public.

  64. The truth on June 6th, 2020 11:45 pm

    Let’s remember that while you have the right to peacefully protest. You DO NOT have the right to impede the rights of anyone else. You must remember that the driver might have feared these so called protesters They might of pulled him out of his car and done harm to him. I promise you that if MLK was here he would be shaking his head in discuss. Also for those of you who think the driver is in the wrong. Let’s remember that florida is a stand your ground state. So just remember that if you plan to make someone feel unsafe.

  65. Stumpknocker on June 6th, 2020 11:12 pm

    To F Mcbran your kidding right, after seeing all the violence on tv and people getting snatched out of their cars why would some stop, they should not have been in the road to begin with, sidewalks are for protesting no roadways.

  66. 429SCJ on June 6th, 2020 11:11 pm

    Poor vehicle’s passengers must have been fearing for their lives.

    Strange that a grown man would jump onto the vehicle’s hood as opposed to stepping aside and allowing a tax paying citizen to exercise; their constitutional rights.

    Next time get a permit and coordinate with Police, to reroute traffic.

  67. CommonSense on June 6th, 2020 11:01 pm

    And you want to Defund the police? Police stopped the vehicle ha ha.. So how is that going to work out for you when the police are gone? Some of you act like the driver placed the idiot on the hood and drove him 3 miles. And please stop the silly scare tactics. We used to wind surf on top of cars running 40mph in front of school Sit down already and be quiet.

  68. F. McBean on June 6th, 2020 10:43 pm

    As an individual in a “marshal ” role for protests and marches I am frequently rerouting vehicles away from the people in the street or thoroughfare. Drivers have been notably courteous and willing to take an alternative route. It seems that the majority of those commenting missed the point. This driver drove through the crowd. A crowd of people. For you who are religious, “God’s children”. I don’t know if the person who ended up on the hood was belligerently grandstanding or what his agenda was but it pales in comparison to anyone who would drive through a crowd of protesters. What rock does your humanity crawl under when you are faced with discomfort or inconvenience? Do you think that the people bearing it out in the rain and standing up for what they believe in day after day are doing this to inconvenience you? Please people where have your hearts gone? Have a little grace.

  69. Dee on June 6th, 2020 10:42 pm

    Get up to speed then slam on brakes. Guaranteed he won’t make the mistake of jumping on a car again after that.

  70. Bo on June 6th, 2020 10:19 pm

    Caption should read “Can you guys drop me off at the Gulf Breeze Chick-fil-a” lol.

  71. Not Today again on June 6th, 2020 10:06 pm

    I hope we can find out who the driver is. I’d like to help replace his mirror that this fool broke off.

  72. Over this bs on June 6th, 2020 10:03 pm

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. What exactly did this turd need to be transported by ambulance for? Waste of time & resources for a REAL emergency.

  73. DK on June 6th, 2020 9:46 pm

    Last time I checked them roads were paved for automobiles and paid for with taxpayer money?None of the protesters doing what the one did today does not have a job therefore doesn’t pay taxes so stay off the asphalt!

  74. Big red on June 6th, 2020 9:40 pm

    Did any of you early birds see this same guy confronting west bound (on the bridge) traffic this morning at 4 am?

  75. 911 on June 6th, 2020 9:35 pm

    A protestor jumping on a car is no long a peaceful protestor…911 immediately. Hostile, unsafe protestors should be stopped in their tracks and held uncomfortably accountable for jeopardizing public safety. This unsafe activity should not be considered cute.

  76. NPC on June 6th, 2020 9:26 pm

    @ Sanrina Dunwoodie. Assinine? Who pulled the permits to “close the street”? People standing in the street does not draw the conclusion that it is closed. At what point does common sense get lost? Children were once taught not to play in the traffic. The Lord takes care of babies and fools, the one on the hood was no baby.

  77. denbroc on June 6th, 2020 8:49 pm

    The lyrics of the opening stanza of the song that was playing in the background:

    In the mornin’ you go gunnin’ for the man who stole your water
    And you fire till he is done in but they catch you at the border
    And the mourners are all singin’ as they drag you by your feet
    But the hangman isn’t hangin’ and they put you on the street
    You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turinin’ ’round and ’round
    You go back, Jack, do it again


  78. Samuel Marshall 2nd on June 6th, 2020 8:36 pm

    Typical a white male trying to distract attention from the black lives matter protest. Why couldn’t he just be peaceful and law abiding like the black people at the protest? Why did he have to be the center of attention? Now this draws attention away from the purpose of the protest and makes it all look foolish. This white man messed up a perfectly good protest by wanting to act like a fool and harass someone who has nothing to do with it. Why would he jump on some random citizens car passing through? A lot of the protests are violent across the country with property damage, fires, killing police and physical attacks on business owners protecting their businesses. A reasonable person would be in fear for their life when a mob surrounds their car and blocks them. I support the driver, not the white selfish male protester. By him acting a fool and taking away from the protest, that’s inherently racist.

  79. tim on June 6th, 2020 8:28 pm

    The only point that this protester made was that stupidity still runs rampant in this country.

  80. JOE on June 6th, 2020 8:15 pm

    2 ton plus suv, man jumps on hood, did not get hurt, did not fall off, did not get some sense knocked into him. Lucky, but not too bright. Peaceful protest to raise awareness, and what is the center of attention?

  81. Willis on June 6th, 2020 8:12 pm

    Keep on you idiots.

  82. Chester on June 6th, 2020 8:05 pm

    Driving a human being across a bridge is very excessive and extreme that could have been an horrendous scene had something went wrong for people to witness 2 wrongs have never made it right and I bet the guy driving is in deep trouble as well if this is ok and the driver is within his rights why did the cop stop him because the driver used very poor judgment as well and somehow he has to not believe in the protesters because would someone who actually was ok with the protesting have done this?

  83. Sabrina Dunwoodie on June 6th, 2020 8:05 pm

    For anybody saying the guy who jumped on the vehicle would he seen as a threat that’s asinine. The guy who drove through decided to drive through a CLOSED street!!! He’s the threat! He could have hurt people at the protest and the guy on the car. Remember we have seen a horrible amount of vehicles driving through crowds. Why do we forget so easily? The driver deserved to be arrested.

  84. car man on June 6th, 2020 8:01 pm

    they should learn cars on the road —— people on side walk.

    block my road and will get a ride also, my hat is off the this driver.

  85. William S Janes on June 6th, 2020 7:32 pm

    Climb on my car and we will talk about your protest at my house. Don’t worry about the dogs the owner is another story. Lay down for this people and you will be on the ground the rest of your life. If they want to peacefully protest fine anything else then you must face the consequences.

  86. Chester on June 6th, 2020 7:25 pm

    It seems to me both the protestor and the driver of the vehicle made bad choices which is what’s the problem here and across the nation. If a human being should for whatever reason decide to jump on my moving car I would just out of simply respect for human life I would immediately stop and let the law come and do there job now both these people have entered the world of judicial

  87. Eric on June 6th, 2020 7:25 pm

    If I would have been the driver of that vehicle, I would have considered the person who jumped on my vehicle a threat, especially when the guy committed felony vandalism. I would have had zero issue replacing my windshield because of the bullet hole, or holes, depending on how bumpy the road is.

  88. jordan on June 6th, 2020 7:03 pm

    I never thought i would live to see the day when rioters, looters, and people burning down other people’s property would be treated like GODS and when the police who are trying to protect us are being treated like the bad guys. How much more of our country is going to be ALLOWED to be destroyed?? If you thinks it is crazy now – defund the police and have NO ONE to protect you. If the rioters/criminals would not commit crime they would not have to be physically detained. Also check out what excited delirium is.

  89. T on June 6th, 2020 6:48 pm

    Don’t use this event as an excuse to ignore the issues being addressed by literally every other demonstrator at this event protesting peacefully.

    Look at the color of his skin.

    Allowing the actions of one white man to influence your perception of a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest is inherently racist, a scenario that doesn’t even begin to allow for what is being demanded, which is simply justice. Stop looking for scapegoats and first look at the change you can make in yourself if you wish to see peace. This won’t be ignored any longer.

  90. cj on June 6th, 2020 6:14 pm

    Why in the world wouldn’t we be annoyed at the protester? He was in the roadway blocking traffic – what if he had held up someone with a severe medical condition. All over this country and some others they are trying to take away our rights.

  91. John Greystoke on June 6th, 2020 6:06 pm

    - Did the driver leave the street to engage?

    — If not, whet were they doing in the street?

    - What did the idiot on the hood hope to accomplish?

    - Is the gy who asked, “Where the friggin’ police?’ pro or anti Blue Lives Matter?

  92. Diane on June 6th, 2020 5:59 pm

    I’m so glad I don’t live by grafetti bridge. I bet they’re so tired of it. Ari…i don’t think this driver was “trying” to run someone down. The idiot protesters were blocking roadway, or trying to. Then that driver also has numerous idiots chasing him down the road. NO WAY I WOULD OF STOPPED. I would of seriously contemplated a brake check at top.of bridge …..i think he should be arrested. If I walk out & jump onto someone’s car I guarantee I’m going to jail.

  93. beulahwood on June 6th, 2020 5:56 pm


  94. Klondike Kid on June 6th, 2020 5:51 pm

    @ James Caffee – Did you see the FL statute that Jason referenced ? Whatever your grievance is , your right to demonstrate doesn’t extend to blocking the roadways. I submit further that with the Stand Your Ground laws in this state , and as your vehicle is an extension of your home , one could end up getting themselves shot jumping on someone’s vehicle. I , for one, would consider that as a tactical assault launched against me . Many , many of us are carrying a firearm here.

  95. NPC on June 6th, 2020 5:51 pm

    @James. Imposing your will on someone else is not a protest. We all understand what happened and I know of no one who condones the actions of the officer. To riot, loot and cause more deaths has not nor will it ever produce a positive result. If people protested, as some currently are, everyry time a life was taken in an unjust manner, our country would be a pile of ashes. Would that make peace and harmony?

  96. Karen on June 6th, 2020 5:44 pm

    Hope he enjoyed the ride over the new bridge. And @James Calfee my plan to “Make America Great” is again vote TRUMP2020!

  97. Lone chief on June 6th, 2020 5:31 pm

    Mob rule mentality…again. Protest peacefully…without physically impacting others is cool. I’m surprised there haven’t been more incidents as such. Yup, there’s LAWS that state not to impede a thoroughfare. Arrest and charge the “protester”. Then tell him to get a job.

  98. Paul on June 6th, 2020 5:29 pm

    I hope they charge the driver with distracted driving also..

  99. Wayne on June 6th, 2020 5:28 pm

    @ Ari, what planet are you from…the car did not jump on the man, the idiot as you jumped on the car. the car did not jump on the man.
    You Boogaloo

  100. Lock them up for breaking the law on June 6th, 2020 5:25 pm

    Lock them up for breaking the rules don’t make any mistakes while arresting

  101. David on June 6th, 2020 5:20 pm

    When you block an egress , it becomes another legal issue.
    .2 I.Q. by doing this…Ford 1 protester 0

  102. Karen on June 6th, 2020 5:19 pm

    Mr. James Calfee, is calling someone Karen not derogatory as well? You invalidate your argument with this. If you want change you aren’t going to get it through calling people by racial slurs. That would be going backwards for all of us.

  103. We don't need this here on June 6th, 2020 5:18 pm

    If your not coming out to abibde by the law and peacefully protest just stay home because one dumb a$# can ruin all the hard work done by hundred and thousands or more !!!!

  104. jp on June 6th, 2020 5:15 pm

    Is it against the law to block a public road?
    Where were the local law enforcement officers?
    Where were the local elected government?
    All pandering to law breakers?
    What were those people blocking the road protesting , the desire to block a public road?
    Government can not please everyone!
    Not enforcing laws leads to anarchy, looting, and burning.

  105. Publicity on June 6th, 2020 5:11 pm

    Just a big soap opera if you ask me

  106. Not today on June 6th, 2020 5:07 pm

    Not today, not tomorrow, not next week………jump on my hood, tear off my mirror, you’ll have a new hole in the back of your head where the exit wound is and you can attempt to breath from there. I was good with the protesters here until this happened. Try me……….

  107. The Dark Knight on June 6th, 2020 5:06 pm

    You’ve got to be joking. It is criminal to try to block access to any public road or bridge. What’s next? People should accept it when “PROTESTERS” start trying to drag drivers out of their vehicles? Try that when I roll through. Better know GOD

  108. Jdub on June 6th, 2020 5:03 pm

    Thanks Jason for post the FL statue on this. I was going to look it up! Between Jason and Ant…y’all have pretty much summed up my thoughts exactly.

    This guy that jumped on the hood and all those blocking the road are idiots! And then to add destruction to the vehicle he willingly jumped into. Really! What a jack*$$! They took a perfectly peaceful protest and took away the whole purpose of what was going on at graffiti bridge. Injuries…yeah I’m calling B/S on that too! I hope the driver is NOT charged on anything and this moron that got on that vehicle is charged. SMH.

  109. Charles Darwin on June 6th, 2020 5:02 pm

    Fantastic, another contestant for my awards.

    Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes

  110. JTV on June 6th, 2020 4:55 pm

    Block me in protest, watch me run you down. I’m not part of your protest.

  111. AJ on June 6th, 2020 4:50 pm

    The protestors had my support until they start to pull this kind of garbage. YOU will lose any support you have gained if you start this kind of stuff. Police yourselves! Stop people from doing stupid things and you will keep the support of the community.

  112. Margaret on June 6th, 2020 4:49 pm

    They are protesting anymore. This isn’t anything it has to do with protesting. I hope they got the mans name so he can pay for the car owners mirror. It’s against the law to block the roads in protest

  113. J.Larry Seale on June 6th, 2020 4:44 pm

    Only in Pensacola can you see how the “dumb”
    act …..This act of a “non local” will act………

  114. Ant on June 6th, 2020 4:43 pm

    I am glad the protest in Pensacola have been for the most part peaceful, but anytime a person or group of people take away a right of another ( such as the right to drive down a public road or hwy.) then it has changed from peaceful to forcing a agenda on another that they very posibly do not express the desire to be apart of. I know the law states that the pedestrian has the right of way. But that is to cross the road or hwy not to overtake a passage that is used to commute to and from by the general public. With that being said, it is my belief that the driver was in the right to do as he did, to many innocent people have been hurt stopping for this kind of protest. I also believe that the protesters blocking public access should be held accountable for trampling on anothers right. And that will not be taking away the protesters right to free speech, the right to assemble or the right to be heard and protest. I just feel that sometimes people have good intentions and do things saying they have a right to do it and they do but not at the cost of intruding on the rights of others.

  115. Get out the street on June 6th, 2020 4:34 pm

    Did he sent the hood?!? Destruction of property!!

  116. Get out the street on June 6th, 2020 4:33 pm

    That fool would have gotten a 60mph brake check from me. He would have definitely been injured, but it would just be him hitting the pavement at a high rate of speed.

  117. James Calfee on June 6th, 2020 4:30 pm

    It sickens me to see that people are more annoyed at the protester. Let’s remember why these people are protesting. God forbid major societal change inconvenience someone trying to cross the bridge. Please Karen, tell me what else you plan to do to make America Great.

  118. Ann W Spillman on June 6th, 2020 4:29 pm


  119. Larry on June 6th, 2020 4:23 pm

    Agree with all the previous posters. #1… Don’t stand in the middle of a roadway, #2 Don’t jump on top of the hood of a vehicle…. # 3 GET A JOB!

  120. I'm just sayin on June 6th, 2020 4:22 pm

    At least it wasn’t a black black lives supporter could you imagine how that would have went probably his cousin or sister trying to draw unneeded attention

  121. Stacey on June 6th, 2020 4:19 pm

    He should have to pay for damages to the vehicle. Your right to “protest” should not impede my right to not protest and go wherever I want to go.

  122. Here’s a thought on June 6th, 2020 4:19 pm

    Those that have been peacefully raising awareness all week have said this group is NOT with them. This group of people came out today for the sole purpose of starting trouble. They’re not protesting, they’re NOT raising awareness they are causing chaos. Which is their goal.

  123. Danielle on June 6th, 2020 4:17 pm

    The music!!!!! HAHAHAH

  124. Danielle on June 6th, 2020 4:16 pm

    The music….. that’s epic!!

  125. Ari on June 6th, 2020 4:16 pm

    Doesnt matter what the protestors did, trying to run someone over is still attempted murder.

  126. George Floyd on June 6th, 2020 4:12 pm

    Florida has stand your ground laws

  127. Stacey Vincent on June 6th, 2020 4:01 pm

    You are stupid enough to jump on said vehicle then said driver fears for their safety, and I would not have stopped either. The protesters should be required to not block the roadways. He should be ticketed and not the driver.

  128. Jason on June 6th, 2020 4:00 pm

    Florida Statute 316.2045 states “It is UNLAWFUL for any person or Persons willfully to obstruct the free, convenient, and normal use of any public street, highway, or road by impeding, hindering, stifling, retarding or restraining traffic or passage thereon, by standing or approaching motor vehicles or pedestrians traveling thereon; any person or persons who violate the provisions of this subsection, upon conviction, shall be cited for a pedestrian violation, punishable as provided in chapter 318.

    The fact these protesters willingly entered the roadway, and if as reported, placed himself” on top of the vehicle’s hood, then he should be charged accordingly. I’m sure the operator of the motor vehicle was in fear for their life of being attacked by those “protesting” who opted to “take over the roadway.

  129. ensley boy on June 6th, 2020 3:57 pm

    Arrest the protester, he was trespassing.

  130. Sharon Bennett on June 6th, 2020 3:56 pm

    Idiot! I’ve been very impressed until today with the peaceful protesters and being very proud to live in Pensacola where people don’t lose their minds … now this!!

  131. northend resident on June 6th, 2020 3:54 pm

    “one protester jumping onto the hood of vehicle”

    Stupid is as Stupid does!

  132. Becky on June 6th, 2020 3:35 pm

    how bout don’t jump on people’s cars.

  133. Stormi on June 6th, 2020 3:34 pm

    1. The demonstrations have been peaceful and should remain that way,
    2. Don’t block streets,
    3. Don’t jump on people’s cars,
    4. WHAT injuries? Driver was going slow and the protester jumped on the hood.

  134. bw on June 6th, 2020 3:33 pm

    The protester should be arrested,

  135. SW on June 6th, 2020 3:26 pm

    Maybe don’t block roads when protesting. The locals having been pandering to this bunch all week.
    To stop in a crowd of protesters subjects the occupants to the likelihood of injury.
    Hopefully, no charges to this driver.