Two Injured In Head On Crash On East Kingsfield Road

June 24, 2020

Two people were injured in a head-on crash in Cantonment Wednesday afternoon.

The wreck happened about 3 p.m. on East Kingsfield Road at Equestrian Way. Two people were briefly trapped in their vehicles after the crash.

None of the injuries were believed to be life threatening. The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Two Injured In Head On Crash On East Kingsfield Road”

  1. The guy from the gray car on June 29th, 2020 4:54 pm

    Mark please I would love to talk to you if I you can find me on Facebook I’m not sure exactly what happened but I go through surgery tomorrow I thank everyone who went by and prayed bc I’m still here. I have a 3 yr old son to get home to but mark please get ahold of me maybe once I’m better we can go to lunch or something

  2. Mark on June 26th, 2020 2:35 pm


    Thanks for everything you did! I was panicked for sure at first, but once I took stock of myself and everything I’m glad no one tried to get me out and maybe had hurt themselves trying to do so. My boot was stuck under one of the pedals so it wouldn’t have worked anyways.

    I went to visit the car yesterday at the tow lot to get the plate off of it and actually found my glasses, so that was nice! I think the trooper or tow truck driver must have found them, as they were placed nicely on the driver’s seat. I was due for a new pair anyways, but at least now I don’t have to go for a week without while the new ones are on order. When I walked into the tow office to get them to take me to the car they didn’t believe I was the driver, there standing in front of them, after seeing how damaged the car was.

    To everyone who helped, thank you so much. Just knowing people were around me helped a ton. You mentioned the noise of the crash- yeah, that was a sound I won’t forget for some time. We showed the pictures to our daughter to explain to her why she needs to still sit in the back seat of cars until she is older.

  3. Billy Abston on June 26th, 2020 9:43 am

    I live at equestrian away and pass through that intersection several times a day, my wife and I. Kingsville Road is akin to I-110. No one observes the posted speed limit. When I am east bound and slowing down to turn into a Equestrian way, it is not uncommon to be passed by someone who moves into the west bound turn lane and goes around. We need more law-enforcement presence on Kingsfield Road. Hefty fines passed out for speeding might get some peoples attention. We moved into this neighborhood in January 2017 and there have been numerous crashes on Kingsfield Road, some with fatalities.

  4. Jennifer on June 25th, 2020 10:37 pm

    Okay sorry one more comment, Mark I felt so bad that I couldn’t do more for u, when u said get me out I knew there was no way. I was also a bit petrified which I usually am not, but a week and a half ago, I sat on the ground next to a upside down truck and held a fellas hand and talked to him for about 20 mins cause it was in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately he did not make it, so seeing u two was a bit more then I could chew on. So thankful ur okay. Okay I am done.

  5. Jennifer on June 25th, 2020 10:24 pm

    Mark you should see the picture I have of your car on the wrecker, it gave a good perspective of the passenger side, there is just no way. I am so thankful u were alone.

  6. Jennifer on June 25th, 2020 10:18 pm

    Mark, you are so right, a passenger would not have mad it…and I am shocked that you were not injured worse, although I am sure ur in a lot of pain today. It brought me tears to see you respond so thankful your are still here, honestly I am shocked u were not worse. I wish I could of done something. To Football mom thank u to for responding and again I am shocked that is all with the young man, when I looked in the car on the passenger side I couldn’t even see him, by the time I came around the other side my daughter had opened his door, and we started looking to the back til we realized he was literally completely under the dash, I don’t even know how his body folded up like that. He was knocked out cold, she got him to wake up by talking to him, but he was pretty out of it. Thank u two so much for responding, I was worried all night, and day til just now. God has a purpose for both of these men, I don’t know how …well never mind. I just know God had to have wrapped these 2 up in his arms. It sounded like a bomb went off. I will keep sending prayers up for both of you, and I hope that healing is quick.

  7. SDMO on June 25th, 2020 9:15 pm

    My cousin got hit and killed on Kingsfield. Please people be careful on that dragstrip!! Thank God both people are going to be OK.

  8. Football mom on June 25th, 2020 8:52 pm

    Jennifer……the young man in the Impala is going to be ok. He has a broken femur and had made it out of surgery last I heard. Friend of the family and we so appreciate you doing what u could and checking. Please keep him in ur prayers.

  9. Mark on June 25th, 2020 4:30 pm

    I was the driver of the red Eclipse. I ended up with a badly injured knee, bruising all over, especially from the seatbelt, and quite a few cuts. Seat belts save lives! The airbag did a great job also- I’m sure someone would have been cleaning a steering wheel out of my chest and face without it.

    If I had a passenger in my car, they may not have made it. While my side of the car stayed relatively in tact, the passenger side dashboard was pressed up against the bottom of the seat. Scary!

  10. Jennifer on June 25th, 2020 1:13 pm

    This happened right next to my house, I ran out to check on them and help…the young man in the dark grey car was in bad shape from what I saw, the fella in the red car was injured, and I imagine in pretty sore shape today. If anyone hears how they are doing…would u please let me know? My heart is sad for them, they are definitely both fortunate to still be here. Kingsfield is so dangerous, I have close calls every week on this road, but can’t avoid it since I live here. Prayers up for these men.

  11. Carlos E McGugin on June 25th, 2020 11:56 am

    They both appear to have passenger front end and side damage. Most “head on” wrecks are most time driver side front end damage. This wasn’t a usual “head on” wreck. I would love to see the Troopers report.

  12. Zooom on June 25th, 2020 8:29 am

    Kingsfield , to some, is like a “road race circuit” Irresponsible, distracted and careless drivers abound!! When will pit’s be installed?

  13. Anne on June 24th, 2020 8:39 pm

    God’s Grace and Seatbelts save Lives,
    Say your Prayers and Buckle Up, Buttercup.
    Rejoice the people will be okay.

  14. Shsron Colbert on June 24th, 2020 7:38 pm

    Wow! Someone was shown favor today! That looked awful. Glad they are ok!

  15. seth on June 24th, 2020 5:35 pm

    Passed by this on my way home. It was raining so bad just up the road on 10 Mile
    that I couldn’t hardly see out of my the windshield. They must’ve been in it too just before.

  16. Clara on June 24th, 2020 5:29 pm

    As I drove pass this crash I thought the worst and I began to pray for them…..thank God they’re going to make it.