Love Thy Neighbor: Peaceful March Held In Atmore

June 7, 2020

“Can’t breathe. Can’t breathe.”

The chants from a peaceful march echoed off the old hardware on Main Street in downtown Atmore Saturday morning.

Dozens of people marched in unity just under a mile from the Atmore City Hall to Heritage Park.

The group includes individuals of different races and backgrounds. They didn’t have a permit for the event, but that did not matter. The police chief, mayor and city council members joined in the march, along with several religious leaders from across the town.

“No justice; no peace. No justice; no peace.” The chants continued as they held signs and many wore shirts or held signs that said “Black Lives Matter”.

And then there was the t-shirt wore by a local pastor.

“Love Thy Neighbor.”

Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Love Thy Neighbor: Peaceful March Held In Atmore”

  1. Puddin on June 11th, 2020 8:26 pm

    I was so glad it was peaceful. I was VERY concerned when I heard (on FB) that people were being brought in to join the protest. Atmore is a pretty mellow place, but I left because I expected ANTIFA to come in and riot. So glad it didnt happen.

  2. Dennis Mancamp on June 8th, 2020 7:33 pm

    I wonder if BLM supporters will never call police again since they demand police be defunded and abolished. Will we hear any cries about response times? I wonder who will solve all the murders in Chicago when they have no police. Do they expect the mayor and commissioners to solve murders? Once the police are abolished and it’s anarchy, what will BLM supporters do? Live within the rubble and flames of the liberal utopia they dreamed of? 911 OPERATOR: 911 what’s your emergency?… CALLER: “I’ve been shot and robbed send help please” 911 OPERATOR: Due to budget cuts we will send someone in about 2 hours, please hold: ELEVATOR MUSIC

  3. terri on June 8th, 2020 11:14 am

    the problem is that criminals need to know that crime is NOT a given right for them and stop making the polices’ job so horrible. I would never want my kid to become a police officer…it would be like sending him/her to front line war zone. Criminals have no regard for life or for themselves.and especially for police….otherwise they would be doing something more constructive than ..becoming a professional assaulter or robber looter…or murderer…no way..would .I want to live in a policemans’ world.. They have risk jobs and their lives are on the line trying to make it better for the non criminal folks who are working and making a living and paying taxes.

  4. Active LEO on June 8th, 2020 9:27 am

    @ Tee bug—- By STATE LAW no person with a felony can be a Police Officer!!!
    No what you’re talking about before you spread LIES!!!!!

  5. BRING IT ON on June 7th, 2020 8:02 pm

    If we do not have law and order then we are different than any other 3rd world country.

  6. Paul on June 7th, 2020 7:59 pm

    Not everyone in Atmore agrees with the “love thy neighbor” theme. As recently reported by this story – Atmore Man Charged With Murder. Victim Was Both Shot And Stabbed. A lot of hate everywhere…

  7. Chris on June 7th, 2020 6:35 pm

    @tee bug: relevance to the story?

  8. #12 on June 7th, 2020 6:32 pm

    No destruction……no violence…….no looting….just the human race uniting for a cause.May God bless us and be with us as we battle thru 2020 together.

  9. Tee bug on June 7th, 2020 3:10 am

    It’s so sad that the good sheriff deputies and all the city police doesn’t make hardly enough these days to support a family and have so many positions available that a lot of the counties and city’s have lowered the criteria of being an officer for example hiring ex felons as officers not that this is a bad thing but it just shows how desperate the department’s are getting.