Four Pensacola Beach Lifeguards Test Positive For COVID-19; Three Others Awaiting Results

June 27, 2020

Officials in Escambia County have confirmed that four Pensacola Beach lifeguards have tested positive for COVID-19.

Three other lifeguards have been tested for the virus, and they are awaiting results. Additional information has not been made available.


10 Responses to “Four Pensacola Beach Lifeguards Test Positive For COVID-19; Three Others Awaiting Results”

  1. David Huie Green on July 1st, 2020 1:30 pm

    “We should have not opened Our state or communities to tourist so quickly
    We should have only opened to locals and proceeded with caution as we moved forward
    Our local numbers were doing good But now they have quickly risen”

    Our governor announced he had spoken to the CEO of local hospitals and was told they had ICUs available so he was going to open us up.

    Soon the ICUs will all be full. You would think all would be happy.

    Having said that, it is obvious vast numbers don’t care, so it was probably hopeless anyway. Everyone who tries to help probably helps some. Those of you who care about others may still save some long enough for a vaccine or treatment to keep them alive. You may even save the ones who don’t care.

    All you can do is all you can do.

    David for working treatments soon

  2. Geoffrey Tan on June 30th, 2020 8:33 am

    The First Amendment is a good law if used correctly. It protects people’s freedom to speech and other freedom, but not freedom of death.

  3. BRING IT ON on June 28th, 2020 3:07 pm

    You think wearing a mask will stop this. Does wearing a mask stop the flu? By the way wearing an non approved mask without a face shield pretty much defeats the purpose. Maybe some people are wearing them as a fashion statement. With or without its gonna do what it’s gonna do just like all viruses.

  4. OKay on June 27th, 2020 11:54 pm

    LiFeGuArdS? PoSiTiVE? BuT yOu CaNt cAtCh iT oUtSiDe iN tHe oPeN aiR. Oh I ThOuGhT tHe HeAt kiLlS iT. LoL. Please for the sake of the human race stay inside and wear a dang mask if you have to go out!! This is never going to end if people won’t help to stop spreading it!! You don’t spend hourssssss wearing the dang mask in a store. Get what you need and go. No one is asking the public to wear a mask for days straight, just while you have to get your essentials! Is 5-30 minutes too much to ask for to help end this crap?

  5. Patrick Brown on June 27th, 2020 2:26 pm

    All them people probably shouldn’t have been standing in those massive crowds protesting. Oh but “I was wearing a mask”. This is a load. Let it run. Quit trying to ruin everyone’s life. The virus isn’t even life threatening. GET OVER IT! quit trying to control us!

  6. Cope Cheryl on June 27th, 2020 2:10 pm

    I’m tired of my First Amendment Rights being taken away when no one has the authority to do that!! STAY At HOME if you are fearful. No one should be told what to do by anyone. I’m more concerned about losing my Rights than this “pandemic!”

  7. fisherman on June 27th, 2020 11:51 am

    @ Lisa
    I appreciate your comment and I’am not attacking you.I have practiced safe distancing and wear a mask when I need too.I have been going out daily since March and I’m still healthy. I will not test and it’s impossible to test everyone.If people are scared of catching the virus they need to stay home and please stop telling people what to do.I have family members that have caught the virus some have recovered and some are still recovering we stay away from each other

  8. Lisa on June 27th, 2020 9:12 am

    We should have not opened Our state or communities to tourist so quickly
    We should have only opened to locals and proceeded with caution as we moved forward
    Our local numbers were doing good But now they have quickly risen
    As a person living in a beach community myself all I see are license plates from other states that were hotspots! our numbers WERE Low here But not anymore! I’m aware not all cases are from tourist BUT it sure made a huge difference!
    I wish we’d test everyone & weed out whose positive whether symptom free or not..quarantine these persons for sure, test also for antibodies of negative people & we’d know who has had it & possibility not a spreader.. leaving those who are negative or antibodies free understanding they are still susceptible ..although some cases will slip thru the cracks it would slow the spread of those symptom free & spreading the virus unknowingly…it’s not perfect plan but it’s better than hurry & wait as this virus blindly gets spread…I believe this would make a huge difference

  9. Rufus Lowgun on June 27th, 2020 8:43 am

    That whole “it’s only in liberal cities and states” argument certainly hasn’t aged well.

  10. Anne on June 27th, 2020 8:09 am

    Will the beaches be closed due to a shortage of qualified lifeguards?
    Hope these Public Safety Professionals will quickly and completely recover and soon be back in the towers.
    Being younger and in incredible physical condition should be a big help to them.
    God Bless You and Thank You for watching over all of us.