Escambia COVID-19 Cases Up By 68; State Sees Record Increase Of 5,508 Cases

June 24, 2020


Escambia County reported a jump of 68 COVID-19 cases since Tuesday as Florida once again recorded its largest one-day increase.

The number of cases in Escambia County is now 1,312 and Santa Rosa County increased by 16 to 371, according to the Wednesday report from the Florida Department of Health.

Of the 42 deaths in Escambia County, 33 have been long-term care facility residents or staff. There have been nine deaths in Santa Rosa County, seven of those at the Blackwater River Correctional Facility and none in long-term care facilities.

Florida shattered a single-day record on Wednesday, increasing by 5,508 cases.

Statewide, there were 109,014 cases including 106,743 Florida residents. There have been 13,574 hospitalizations* and 3,281 deaths. The Florida Department of Health does not have a clear standard or definition of “recovered” and does not report a number of recovered individuals.

Escambia County cases:

  • Total cases — 1,312 (+68 since Tuesday)
  • Pensacola — 928
  • Cantonment — 73
  • Bellview — 6
  • Perdido Key — 1
  • McDavid — 2
  • Walnut Hill — 1
  • Molino – 16
  • Century — 9
  • Perdido Key – 1
  • Hospitalizations:  82*
  • Deaths — 43
  • Male — 442
  • Female — 610
  • Youngest — 0
  • Oldest — 105

Santa Rosa County cases:

  • Total cases — 371 (+16 since Tuesday)
  • Milton — 200
  • Navarre — 60
  • Gulf Breeze — 52
  • Pace — 27
  • Jay — 4
  • Residents: 129
  • Nonresidents — 1
  • Hospitalizations — 27*
  • Deaths — 9
  • Male — 228
  • Female — 137
  • Youngest — 2 months
  • Oldest — 98

Florida cases:

  • Total cases — 109,014
  • Florida residents — 106,743
  • Deaths — 3,281
  • Hospitalizations — 13,574

*“Hospitalizations” is a count of all laboratory confirmed cases in which an inpatient hospitalization occurred at any time during the course of illness. These people may no longer be hospitalized. This number does not represent the number of COVID-19 positive persons currently hospitalized. The FDOH does not provide a count of patients currently hospitalized.


18 Responses to “Escambia COVID-19 Cases Up By 68; State Sees Record Increase Of 5,508 Cases”

  1. JW on June 25th, 2020 9:59 am

    And combine it with another story of 144 in Century being isolated…don’t forget the numbers include the prisoners and they make up a huge portion of that number.

  2. Worried on June 25th, 2020 9:31 am

    Look, this virus is like a wave. It has taken this long to work it’s way down to the lower states. And I wonder if all you that are blaming our President, what have you done? Do you ware your mask, do you sanitize your hands, do you sanitize your groceries when you get home with them, do you sanitize your car handles and hands when you buy gas? There is a lot that we can do for ourselves! Stop complaining and do your part. I see people walking around everywhere not wearing a mask and not social distancing. The President or anyone else can’t hold your hand and make you do these things. If you have been to Pensacola lately, you can’t hardly get around for so many cars and people but when we first had to stay home there was hardly no one on the roads, take precautions people!

  3. Rufus Lowgun on June 25th, 2020 9:31 am

    What do I suggest? Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay at home. If you go out, go to places where you can sit outside. Pay attention to the arrows on the floor at the supermarket telling you which way to go down the aisles. Keep six feet away from people. It’s not difficult, just inconvenient.

  4. Chuck on June 25th, 2020 8:47 am

    The reason the EU is thinking about closing borders, is the vast MAJORITY of United States flights into Europe are from New York, Atlanta and Chicago. 3 of the DUMBEST city run governments in the World. Move if you are unhappy!

  5. Jerry on June 25th, 2020 5:56 am

    Its going to start doubling each day, expect many more deaths. Especially in eldery care centers and hospitals. Since no one is wearing a mask and the government is doing nothing to stop the spread of the virus

  6. Kane on June 25th, 2020 4:02 am

    To everyone complaining about “getting back to work” well that’s not the issue here. The issue is everyone at walmart/lowes/sams/every fast food place in town stopped doing ANY PREVENTION instead it’s no masks and (god this id disgusting) no hand washing (that includes fast food workers that do not wash there hands Taco Bell on Davis i’m talking about you). Also wearing your gloves to the bathroom and not changing them before you go back to work is absolutely revolting (whataburger employees this is for you).

    Everyone went back to work/beach/park and forgot we’re in the middle of a pandemic. Well when your business closes and you lose your jobs because there isn’t enough healthy people to support said business you will understand the importance of public safety after all team work makes the dream work.

    To summarize..Go to work but wear face masks when you are working with other people and the public. Social distance “get back jack”. Wash your hands like you where taught to. Don’t go anywhere you don’t have to. Only by working together and respecting one another (even if you don’t think someone else deserves that respect) can we overcome this plague.

  7. Well on June 24th, 2020 10:30 pm

    Tom, I’m not sure what rock you just crawled out from under but

    This virus ravaged these other countries 1st. The US was blocking travelers from coming here so nothing new.
    Also cases are starting to surge in some of those countries again.

  8. D.L. on June 24th, 2020 8:59 pm

    ******For all you mask wearers (especially those of you who think wearing it outside is NOT stupid

  9. Dwn on June 24th, 2020 8:45 pm

    “Who needs the EU anyway…?”

    Other than for American agricultural commodities export, industrial exports, technological advancement, investment banking, foreign stocks and bonds, overseas transport, energy exports, natural resource management and conservation, space technology,and common defense of western democracies in both Europe and North America and through the world…. I can’t really think of a reason the EU is important.

  10. Tom on June 24th, 2020 8:19 pm

    Someone mentioned what should we do? I would start by seeing what other countries/states are doing that is successful and maybe implementing those polices here. Since to me it appears our politicians are out of ideas, lets (steal) some ideas so to speak from other States and Countries that have and are keeping there Covid-19 Numbers down. Someone also mentioned (Who needs them) The other countries of the world…We do, We share this planet in every way and us boarding our selves off will only make things worse in a lot of ways.

  11. BRING IT ON on June 24th, 2020 8:02 pm

    Who needs the EU anyway and we should’ve closed southern border long ago.

  12. Henry Coe on June 24th, 2020 7:38 pm

    Wow, 68 in one day for Escambia county. That’s a big scary jump on top of the higher trending numbers the past two weeks. Damn.

  13. GM on June 24th, 2020 7:32 pm

    This trend is gonna continue and it will just get worse. In order to keep the numbers down social distancing has to be followed and masks worn. I hardly see anyone with a mask on and many look at it as a form of control…it’s not. It’s a respect and caring for yourself and others. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. I have went to pick up carry out and had to ask people to step back as they want to stand right behind me. I am big on keeping that 6 ft and will ask people to back up. Everyone needs to take this seriously – it won’t hit home till one of your loved ones gets sick with COVID and then it may be too late to comply to use the precautions that should have been used in the first place. It does no harm to take precautions but to not use them can cause great harm to yourself and others.

  14. Eric on June 24th, 2020 6:39 pm

    We should all just hide in our homes until we all go broke. Did you think that we would just quarantine for a month and it would all go away? Wash your hands, and social distance, but we can’t hide forever. Increased testing you are going to get a rise in numbers. Look at Clemson Football 1/5 of the team tested positive and none of them had any symptoms. A lot more people have been exposed than the numbers show. If 109,000 scares you, you would freak if you knew that number was probably closer to 1.09 Million.

  15. Chuck on June 24th, 2020 6:03 pm

    Tom, Rufus,

    What would you both suggest, gentlemen?

  16. What on June 24th, 2020 5:51 pm

    I suppose Biden has all the answer the Rufus, be careful exactly what you wish for. Or I suppose we should just blame our president since he is only one man, yea that makes everything easier so let’s do that lol. What a joke!

  17. Tom on June 24th, 2020 2:10 pm

    Its pretty clear the country as a whole and the state of Florida has handled this quite poorly compared to other Nations, or States in the Union. It becomes even more clear how terrible of a job we are doing when even the E.U. is considering closing borders with the USA for their own safety in Europe. Its a shame leadership is so hard to find or just ignorant to the situation.

  18. Rufus Lowgun on June 24th, 2020 1:23 pm

    It would seem that Gov. DeSantis’s Trump-like approach of not taking any responsibility and letting mayors and city councils handle it isn’t working out. Perhaps some actual leadership is called for in these troubled times.