Escambia County’s Unemployment Rate Improved Just A Little. But It’s Still Bad.

June 20, 2020

The unemployment rate in Florida hit a record 14.5% in May due to coronavirus economic shutdown, as Escambia County’s numbers showed a very slight improvement.

The unemployment rate in Escambia County was 11.8% in May, down from 12.6% in April. That represents 16,109 people out of work out of a county workforce of 136,356. One year ago, Escambia County’s unemployment rate was just 3%, or 4,432 people.

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 14.5 percent in May, up 0.7 percentage point from the revised April rate of 13.8 percent, and up 11.3 percentage points from a year ago. There were 1,412,000 jobless Floridians out of a labor force of 9,709,000.

The U.S. unemployment rate was 13.3 percent in May.


13 Responses to “Escambia County’s Unemployment Rate Improved Just A Little. But It’s Still Bad.”

  1. Jill A Coulter on June 23rd, 2020 12:13 pm

    Alan above says it all. It is far more profitable and safer to stay home. When I do go out for a doctors appt.etc. I see hiring signs everywhere. But, why would one take a $10 per hour job when they can have all the advantages Alan listed above.

  2. BRING IT ON on June 22nd, 2020 10:21 pm

    What do you expect when everything was shut down ? Still a lot of businesses are still badly restricted. The reason we have more case in America than anywhere else is because of all the testing and the numbers mostly come from lage cities. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were put on lock down when the regular flu comes. Test all of them and the numbers will be sky high.

  3. Upset on June 21st, 2020 6:48 pm

    Please don’t say people don’t want to work. My job ended because of covid. If I was able to keep working that’s what I would’ve done. I needed the help of unemployment and it’s not easy to get because I’ve been fighting with them for a while so believe me this hasn’t been fun for me and my family. It’s been very stressful. If you haven’t walked in other people’s shoes don’t say anything.

  4. Not your business on June 21st, 2020 4:31 pm

    Until you’ve walked a day in the unemployed’s shoes you have nothing to say. We are looking for work but the job market is flooded and many still haven’t received a dime of this unemployment money you think is too much. Hope you’re not next. Better have three months of bill money stacked up because you’re going to need it waiting on unemployment so unless you’re there you don’t have the right to judge.

  5. Tom on June 21st, 2020 9:25 am

    One thing about these checks that people seem to not understand….You only get these if you were Laid off or Fired and it takes up to 3 months in Florida to start receiving them including the involved process of actually qualifying. Several off my extended family members who worked in Oil and Gas are in this position now. The industry just is not hiring, Heck BP just fired another 10,000 workers. Don’t let pride stop you from fling unemployment. Were in a Recession.

  6. Concerned associate on June 21st, 2020 2:26 am

    It’s easy to sit there and judge. I bet you still have a job that’s why you post these comments, it’s not all true. We had good jobs and worked hard all our lives, but know when we need help we are dead beets playing the system… That is so sorry hope u keep your job because if you loose it then your a dead beet your self worrying how to take care of your family.

  7. Concerned associate on June 21st, 2020 2:19 am

    Wal-mart Creighton Rd. Has fired at least 10 plus front line workers. We have put our lives at risk for months, but know are fired for following there COVID 19 policy. They have threatened us, intimated, mad us feel humiliation.

  8. phillip on June 20th, 2020 6:00 pm

    The federal and state unemployment checks have become another form of pay not to play. By giving this money to people for nothing they have disincentivised working. Now people will reach the conclusion that they are worth that amount of money for doing nothing. If anything is expected out of them, especially anything that requires work, the amount of money must be much greater.

    There is always work if pride and slothfulness don’t get in the way.

  9. Tom on June 20th, 2020 11:30 am

    Regarding comments about the Federal $600 and state $275 keeping people at home watching Netflix..I don’t blame them, why should I? The minimum wage in this State and the Country is peanuts compared to the 1% and what other developed nations pay. Were behind the times here in America with Poverty and inequality.

  10. Ross on June 20th, 2020 10:17 am

    Hey I worked everyday for years it’s not like I wanna be with out a job but I was furloughed and my hotel is still in phase 1.. MARGARITAVILLE IS REALLY DRAGGING BRINGING EMPLOYESS BACK THEN WANT PEOPLE TO COME BACK FOR LESS THAN THEY WERE MAKING.. THATS NOT RIGHT.. so get off your high horse.. yeah it’s more money I also went 40 days without a dime and almost lost everything… maybe offer a better wage and you’ll get employees

  11. Alan on June 20th, 2020 9:57 am

    Why are the numbers not seeing a bigger drop.

    Federal Unemployment is paying $600/week, which currently expires on July 31.
    State Unemployment is paying a max of $275/week.
    That is a total of $875/week to not work.

    According to, per person average income in Escambia County is approximately $525/week and the majority of people currently on unemployment earn below that average.

    So right now, we have a lot of people earning substantially more money to stay home then go back to work. In addition, they are not having to pay travel cost, insurance companies are giving rebates, child care is not an issue, and there are numerous other areas where they are saving money by not going to work, if they choose.

    Just a guess but I think August 1, unless the federal government extends this foolish program and COVID-19 doesn’t cause another shutdown, we will see a 5-7% drop in unemployment happen almost overnight. But like I said, just a guess.

  12. Erick on June 20th, 2020 9:18 am

    It’s amazing to see there’s that many people out of work and for 6 weeks I have been advertising for painters needed amd I’ve gotten 3 responses. Telling but I’m still amazed.

  13. Bewildered on June 20th, 2020 9:13 am

    People don’t want to work – it is as simple as that! you make quite a bit more on unemployment instead of holding a job – not rocket science to choose to loaf and play!