ECAT Driver Tests Positive For COVID-19

June 17, 2020

An ECAT employee has tested positive for COVID-19, according to Escambia County.

ECAT management was notified by the employee on Tuesday, June 16. The individual drove on Saturday, June 13 for the first time since April 8.

The county is taking steps to notify employees, but a county news release made no mention of any attempt to notify passengers. The route driven by the employee was not released.

“Our priority remains the safety and health of our employees and passengers. The break room was fogged. Door handles are wiped down daily and there continues to be plenty of PPE and cleaning supplies. Buses are disinfected every night and ECAT operators are required to wear masks while driving buses,” the county said in a news release.

In conjunction with ECAT management, the Florida Department of Health will evaluate the ECAT facility for testing space today, and testing will be available Thursday and Friday on site for employees.

File photo.


5 Responses to “ECAT Driver Tests Positive For COVID-19”

  1. Rider on June 18th, 2020 11:00 am

    Why are you not releasing the bus route?? There are HIGH RISK PATIENTS that ride the bus and have every right to know. Jo.

  2. Jay on June 18th, 2020 8:00 am

    I think it is important to disclose the route on this. I was tested at the UWF COVID swabbing site a 7 weeks ago and got results back in 5 days, and thankfully negative. So I guess everyone is different and it depends on how many people are getting tested that day? I’m just glad that’s free to all Florida residents…because it looks like I’ll be going back to UWF today for another. They really need to release the route or be doing some serious Contact Tracing. Come on, ECAT.

  3. pencil on June 17th, 2020 10:15 pm

    Bus Route please . . . . . that’s as important as the dates. What about the passengers who rode with that driver and then transferred to another bus?

    What about those who waited in the station? Full disclosure is the best and only way to properly trace potential contacts.

  4. Daniel Mitchell on June 17th, 2020 6:37 pm

    Its no worse then going To UWF and you get results back 3 weeks later. Thinking no news is good news. But it comes back 3 weeks later positive. In the mean time get 2 more tests done and got results back 3 days and both of them are negative. Thinking we are nothing but Guinea pigs.

  5. Rider on June 17th, 2020 6:12 pm

    Why are they not telling us the bus number or route? Why is there not a press conference? Oh wait. Escambia County doesn’t do those