Denied Visitation With His Wife, Jay Man Allegedly Threatened Two People With A Shotgun At Hospital

June 6, 2020

A Jay man is charged with threatening two people at a Santa Rosa County hospital with a shotgun.

Eric Reitz, 57, is facing two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office said Reitz tried to visit his wife in the Santa Rosa Medical Center, but he was denied access because visitations are not currently allowed due to he pandemic.

An arrest report says Reitz went to his vehicle and returned with a shotgun that he pointed at a nurse an a security guard. He was arrested a short time later when officers arrived on the scene.

Officers reported also finding a loaded rifle in this vehicle.

He remained in the Santa Rosa County Jail on a $20,000 bond.


10 Responses to “Denied Visitation With His Wife, Jay Man Allegedly Threatened Two People With A Shotgun At Hospital”

  1. Scuba Steve on June 7th, 2020 6:44 am

    Maybe the hospital should have it that family could facetime with a patient in the hospital? That way nurses can do their job, without family members getting other people sick.
    Just a thought because it’s a technology society now. It’s time to modernize.

  2. Regina Debord on June 6th, 2020 9:24 pm

    Maybe from this day forward,maybe we as a society, health care workers, and police start learning from the mistakes from today (past) and do something different in future. No one in the situation, seemed to do anything but make it worse. Everyone needs to try and be a better person than what they was the day before. Society should start treating each other as well as anyone else, the way they should expect and should be treated, as well as police and health care workers. There isn’t anyone perfect and as a society as well as anyone else who thinks that they are any better than anyone else. I suppose we are probably stuck with them thinking the have the right to treat others any kind of way. It’s past time for change. We need police support and the police need societies support. Abuse of power everywhere and there is way too many people going to jail, especially here in SRC. Also, we all seem to have issues with other people’s opinions. We shouldn’t be condemning others opinions, we should be respecting that right and not act like a child when it’s different from our own. But people just don’t like it, if people aren’t agreeing with them. They take offense to it and are usually very rude and somehow or another force you to think your way, by violence, arrests, or intimation. Too may people have had too much power, also too many people give them that power also.

  3. Rob on June 6th, 2020 9:19 pm

    I will say right now the staff did not do anything wrong, they did there job. It’s not the doctors making the decisions to not let people in. If you have a health emergency they are there to help you but someone coming in because of a hangnail might have to wait. This is higher up than the doctors and healthcare workers, it’s not there fault. This man made a really bad decision and acted like a fool, there was a lot more to this story than was published as to his behavior before he decided to get the shot gun out of his vehicle. Please don’t think the healthcare workers are there to be mean and rude, people don’t always know the crap they put up with on a daily basis! My son was admitted for a few days but when you don’t act like a fool trust me they will do everything they can to help you. When people make bad choices crap happens!

  4. David on June 6th, 2020 5:33 pm

    And people wonder why people stop going to a hospital for help
    Doctors and admins along with policymakers can do better than this mess
    All of you screwed up for not handling this appropriately..not by any stretch or treatment of humanity
    You make people think about going even more now

  5. tim on June 6th, 2020 1:44 pm

    There are points to consider on both sides, BUT, if he would have shot someone there would be a good chance he would never see his wife again, her being sick and him in prison…

  6. Bee on June 6th, 2020 1:37 pm

    There is no excuse for threatening any healthcare worker. He may be distraught that does not excuse common sense and common decency.

  7. EMD on June 6th, 2020 11:00 am

    I am a nurse and have been threatened with a shot gun while visiting a patient. I do not approve of pointing shot guns at nurses doing their job. However, in this case with all the mixed messages and overreach of the government, I do understand this man’s fury ! ! !

  8. ensley boy on June 6th, 2020 9:27 am

    Sometimes the Heart over rules the Mind. Kinda sad.

  9. Mel on June 6th, 2020 9:27 am

    Poor man. Yes he did wrong but it’s sad all he wanted to do was visit his sick wife in hospital. Thank God nobody got hurt and I’m sorry that the hospital staff had to deal with upset man. This is why I’m very Thankful my Mom was released from the hospital from the hospital right before Florida was completely closed. Hospital told me I couldn’t visit but I didn’t leave until I saw my mother’s doctor. Thank God they didn’t call security on me cause I wasn’t going to leave. The hospital was trying to do another surgery that my Mom didn’t remember agreeing to still drugged up from the last surgery the day before. I feel sorry for this man’s bad decision.

  10. Me on June 6th, 2020 7:11 am

    Maybe a visitation at the jail when she is released from the hospital.