County Closing Recycling Site At John R. Jones Ballpark On Nine Mile Road

June 12, 2020

Escambia County is closing the recycling drop-off site at the John R. Jones Ballpark on Nine Mile Road.

The site will close Monday, June 15 and remain closed until further notice.

“This closure is due to illegal dumping and unacceptable levels of contamination commingled in the recyclable materials,” Escambia County said in a statement. “The contamination increases the cost of processing recycling materials. There have been multiple complaints from citizens, commuters on Nine Mile Road and neighbors using the park.”

Recyclables can taken to the Perdido Landfill Drop-Off Recycling Site located at 13009 Beulah Road. Residents can also contact their waste services company and request recycling service. ECUA customers can call (850) 476-0480. photo.


23 Responses to “County Closing Recycling Site At John R. Jones Ballpark On Nine Mile Road”

  1. Aaron on June 17th, 2020 8:47 am

    So nice to see this place gone. Hope it never returns.

  2. David Huie Green on June 14th, 2020 2:37 am

    “This is just another good example of the type
    of people who has moved into Escambia county,.”

    Moved into?

    They were dumping in the middle of dirt roads back in the 50s around here. Trash, dead animals, trees and other yard debris.
    These aren’t necessarily newcomers. (At least their mail was interesting.)

    David for better people

  3. Lady N on June 13th, 2020 12:31 pm

    This is sad. Not all of this is on residents. ECUA never seemed to empty the containers. I live off of 9 mile road and have to drive past the ballpark daily and that site was always full. We have only been able to use the site a few times because of it being so full. Everyone including ECUA has to do better.

  4. Dianna on June 13th, 2020 10:57 am

    Thank you for closing this! I believe that it made 9 mile road look so trashy!! Thank you!!!

  5. Mr. Metoo on June 13th, 2020 9:12 am

    I have seen the same problem at Ferrypass. Household garbage and furniture left next to bins. Before you jump on the county commissioners know the ECUA runs the recycling. They own the bins and schedule the pickup. I travel Nine Mile Road regularly and see the inmates cleaning up the mess. Also remember the good ole days before ECUA raised the garbage rates and pickup was twice a week. Now we pay more to get less service. Yet the profit is so good employees get bonuses.

  6. Hoosier Daddy on June 13th, 2020 8:29 am

    I’m not sure what is worse, the garbage dumpers at the recycle sites, or the same mind set that merely throw their garbage out of their vehicle onto the road. Sort of shows you the type of society some of our citizens have evolved into.

    But here, we are preaching to the choir. The offenders probably do not read any type of news or requests of common interest.

    And, to whoever dumped the whole beef leg at the Ferry Pass bins, I would like to place a hex on you.

  7. V on June 13th, 2020 2:26 am

    This site got bad during the pandemic and it was not being emptied. I regularly use the site. None of the recycling drop off dumpsters are labeled at any drop off location, so please don’t wonder why residents are placing things in any dumpster. There’s one sticker that is faded and small telling people what can or cannot be placed. At night, there’s no lights to assist with seeing that 1 sticker. I can’t speak for the contamination, but that could be resolved by regular pick ups rather than blaming residents. Recycling is a world wide effort and not one sided. Take it away and what then. Some of us do not have recycle bins. Assist.

  8. Steve Litton on June 12th, 2020 10:35 pm

    I never saw this problem when we had recycle bins at the Extension Office on Stefani.

    Maybe if the recycling bins were in a less heavily-travelled area and more accessible to tax-paying residents, not just the general public, they’d get more appropriate use.

  9. tg on June 12th, 2020 2:50 pm

    A plan that dosent work anywhere.

  10. J.Larry Seale on June 12th, 2020 2:13 pm

    This is just another good example of the type
    of people who has moved into Escambia county,.

  11. Freedom on June 12th, 2020 1:17 pm

    I suggest a community bonfire every Friday night to burn cardboard and make s’mores.

  12. Rusty Shakleford on June 12th, 2020 12:23 pm

    One could say Escambia County is just as self-centered as the low-lifes who deliberately dump items that are not recyclable. The easy thing to do is close it. The right thing to do is be responsible to our planet and monitor and record everyone who is using the facilities. If you don’t like being monitored don’t use it. Use our tax dollars and buy some cameras and when said low-life arrives there is a record of time and date and vehicle tag number. Take it another step and require a picture of their driver license and prohibit bags in the containers from concealing items. Find these near-do-wells who think they are the only ones who matter and fine or arrest them. I completely agree with Lou in that the responsible citizens are always losers in situations like this because of people who absolutely do not care for anything or anyone but themselves. Think about the folks who have to sort through this stuff after you dump it. They are probably being paid for this job but would you want to do it? I don’t imagine there are many takers…

  13. john on June 12th, 2020 12:11 pm

    It was only a matter of time. Used to live in Fox Run and saw the un-recyclables dumped there all the time. It’s too bad the responsible ones now get to suffer!

  14. DK on June 12th, 2020 11:52 am

    All it takes is scumbags like this to ruin it for everyone.If I had to guess the person’s dumping like this their houses probably look the same like a landfill.Sorry excuse for a human being.

  15. CW on June 12th, 2020 11:39 am

    Same thing that was happening here in Atmore, so they had to start closing it up at 4:00 everyday.

  16. Shari on June 12th, 2020 11:24 am

    I live in the subdivision across from the ball field and take my amazon boxes to recycle. Only once in the past year have I been able to use the recycle at the ball field because they are overflowing and the ground gets covered. I have been driving to Ferry Pass Fire Department where there is no mess. It’s ashamed people cant keep the one at the ball field clean.

  17. Lifenason on June 12th, 2020 10:59 am

    Wow, I see this every week and it does seem to get worse every week. I wished as Bill said that it would stay, but be monitored and fines handed out.

    If you can’t get it in the can, wait till its emptied. With that said, how often is it emptied.??

  18. Karen on June 12th, 2020 10:33 am

    I don’t blame them I went by there the other day and trash was everywhere it was awful people in my neighborhood are just as bad with our dumpsters. We live close to a grocery store and people bring shopping carts into the neighborhood and never take them back and when they return to the store so they bring another cart home its awful. Seems no one takes pride in anything anymore or has respect for other people and their surroundings.

  19. Sam on June 12th, 2020 9:09 am

    Would be nice if they could put cameras out to catch and prosecute the ones throwing out trash! It’s a shame the responsible ones will be affected most by the closing
    We have used this site a long time and it’s sickening all the garbage that gets thrown out there!

  20. Than you on June 12th, 2020 8:34 am

    Thank you for closing this and getting rid of such an eyesore!!

  21. Bill on June 12th, 2020 7:59 am

    What a shame….people just don’t care it would be nice if the site could be monitored and some healthy fines handed out

  22. Lou on June 12th, 2020 7:40 am

    I’m not surprised….when driving past this site, been seeing it getting worse and worse. As always the responsible get punished for the irresponsible. Disappointed in the response and in our community.

  23. Jason on June 12th, 2020 1:51 am

    I came past the site on Tuesday and was appalled at the amount of non-recyclable debris dumped in or around the bins. It’s frustrating to see how some folks opt to abuse these drop off sites. I wished more could be done to monitor these drop off sites and violators held accountable for their actions.