Contact Tracers Name Reason For Increase In COVID-19 Cases In Escambia County

June 14, 2020

Think of them as medical detectives, CSI for the coronavirus.

When a new COVID-19 case is diagnosed in Escambia County, the contact tracing begins — health department professionals work with patients to develop a list of everyone they have been in close contact with during a certain period.

And that contact tracing has led the Florida Department of Health in Escambia County to determine what has led to a recent increase in COVID-19 cases in Escambia County.

The reason? “Congregational living environments or habitats” — living in a household or activities such as riding together in vehicles.

“These epidemiologic investigation results reinforce how important it is for individuals to continue to practice disease prevention methods to reduce transmission of COVID-19 in Escambia County,” said FDOH-Escambia Director, Dr. John J. Lanza.

When a person tests positive for a COVID-19, a public health case investigator will work with the patient to create a list of people they’ve been in contact with during a given time frame. The contact tracing expert then contacts each of those people so that they can take appropriate precautions (getting tested, self-isolation, monitor for symptoms, etc.) and, in turn, create a list of people they’ve been in contact with as necessary. By using this strategy, contact tracers work to get ahead of infectious diseases and prevent further spread.

All public health professionals who conduct contact tracing are highly trained in confidentiality. When they talk to people who have been in contact with a patient, they do not share any information about that person under any circumstance.


19 Responses to “Contact Tracers Name Reason For Increase In COVID-19 Cases In Escambia County”

  1. Jen on June 16th, 2020 5:23 pm

    I think we all just need to let each other be…I for one have to be careful, not just because of COVID but because I have a cancer patient in the house, and don’t wNt to bring something home that could kill him. That being said, I have had some people be very ugly to me about wearing a mask and using sanitizer. They didn’t need to say anything to me, they didn’t need to assume I was COVID scared, and I shouldn’t have to explain myself to anybody. Just as everyone here shouldn’t have to argue their side. Everyone just needs to do what they need to do…and let everyone be, not have to push your point on others…let people be

  2. take it serious on June 15th, 2020 7:01 pm

    wearing a mask is 65% effective according to the real medical experts, not political people. quit trying to make this about politics, its about lives.

  3. ensley boy on June 15th, 2020 6:41 pm

    The virus was going down then came the protesters…nuff said. Social distancing is a big deal.

  4. Birdsong on June 15th, 2020 5:51 pm

    For those of you that think wearing a mask doesn’t help, think of it this way. If I was standing in front of you and have to pee, I bet your glad I have my shorts on. Otherwise I’m peeing all over you. Just use common sense.

  5. No Excuses on June 15th, 2020 3:14 pm

    So, don’t wear your masks, be rebellious. I am wearing my n-95 mask when I go out and you BETTER maintain six feet between you and me if you aren’t wearing a mask! Hope you enjoy getting sick. Don’t step all over those of us who don’t care to get sick, but have to go out anyway.

    And, even if you don’t have COVID-19, I don’t want your cold, flu or whatever other virus you might be incubating either.

    My n-95 masks are cleaned regularly.

  6. RHoward on June 15th, 2020 9:56 am

    Wearing a droplet mask is just like the TSA… It’s all about perception. This is an AIRBORNE illness not droplet. Therefore a mask that is not an n95 WILL NOT protect you. Public perception makes you feel better about seeing people in a mask just like the TSA is a joke but it makes people feel better about getting on an airplane.

  7. Rasheed Jackson on June 15th, 2020 8:35 am

    Wear a mask, don’t wear mask, the mask is for others, the mask is for you, We have all heard all this. Anthony Fauci said in a 60 Minutes interview t “often there are unintended consequences, people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face”. Now he is saying he said that to prevent a run on mask and creating a shortage of mask for health care workers. So who and what do you believe. Either he lied then or he is lying now. If you want follow what Fauci is saying now, wear a mask, there are all kinds out there, even designer masks, so pick one and wear it. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing one then follow Fauci’s earlier recommendation and don’t wear one, just keep a safe distance from others. According to Fauci distancing is the best tool. So you do what you feel safe doing and I will do what I feel safe doing. If you see someone not wearing a mask simply keep a safe distance.

  8. G on June 15th, 2020 7:31 am

    First of all, most of the masks being work out in public are not medically rated so what’s the point? Secondly, most folks probably don’t even wash the ones they have which is just nasty and creates more medical hazards in itself.

  9. Robert Bruner on June 15th, 2020 5:57 am

    God, guns, and the right to infect others. Gotta love smart people.

  10. Benny Dejesus on June 14th, 2020 11:36 pm

    if you do not wear a mask you are not only putting yourself at risk but you’re putting others at risk think about it God gave you a brain to use it not to abuse it common sense so don’t be bashful put on a mask please because if you don’t and if you catch the virus not only you are putting your family and others in danger but yourself for not caring for others when you wake up in the morning and smell the coffee and you are planning to go out and not wear masks stayed home and thank God for another day in the name of Jesus Amen

  11. JimC42 on June 14th, 2020 10:01 pm

    @Take it serious: A mask protect yourself, not others. My not wearing a mask is not disrespectful of anyone, except maybe those politicizing this illness. My immune system is healthy, I’m fit, and use common sense. If my not wearing a mask offends you, that’s on you.

  12. What's your solution on June 14th, 2020 6:11 pm

    So what do you suggest we do? Shut down the world and everyone stay locked up in our homes forever. Maybe then all diseases will disappear? I think everyone just needs to use common sense.

  13. take it serious on June 14th, 2020 5:15 pm

    I understand the wanting to get out but the not wearing a mask, its just disrespectable to others. Slow the spread, distant yourself and please wear a mask. Its not going away the heat won’t kill it.

  14. Laquita Hurd on June 14th, 2020 3:52 pm

    So let me get this straight. I go out and act as if COVID doesnt exist (because I must show that you can’t take away my rights and hang out with complete stranger) and go home I could be exposing my family? The numbers were dropping but I guess if ignoring all the set ups the stores have, not wearing masks, tired of cooking and the need to just damn socialize the numbers are going back up. Wow!! I am shocked.

  15. BRING IT ON on June 14th, 2020 3:07 pm

    That’s right, make it up as you go or to suit the political agenda.
    Fake news, and I’m not talking about

  16. Not playing the game anymore on June 14th, 2020 1:18 pm

    Just pretend you’re protesting or rioting. Coronavirus doesn’t infect those type events. Just events that have to do with economy and enjoying life.

  17. Jeremy Ramsey on June 14th, 2020 10:48 am

    So it’s just gonna spread the more things open up point blank period..

  18. Jeremy Ramsey on June 14th, 2020 10:47 am

    Okay but when we were on stay at home orders it dropped so these results dont make since… what its saying is as people leave there home orders are lifted people are coming in contact with virus and in return bringing them home to close quarters aka your home.. hmmm who would’ve thought…

  19. Tara Allsopp on June 14th, 2020 9:53 am

    Hmmm so staying inside locked up in your home with your family is dangerous? Who would’ve thought.