Alabama Schools Will Open In August; Remote Learning Options To Be Available

June 27, 2020

The Alabama “Roadmap to Reopening Schools” was unveiled on Friday, outlining what will happen as public schools open in the fall.

Schools will open unless the governor or local school boards choose otherwise. The roadmap is not a mandate, but operational guidance.

All districts are expected to provided virtual options for students that don’t want to return to school. Schools can open as early as August 4.

To read the complete Alabama Roadmap to Reopening Schools plan, click or tap here.

Here is FAQ created by the Alabama Department of Education:

Will campuses reopen for in-person instruction?
Yes, the expectation is for Alabama campuses to reopen for traditional learning this fall.

Who will determine if my local campus stays open?
Local Boards of Education, upon the recommendation of their superintendents and in consultation with the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) and/or local public health officials, will make determinations about specific changes in campus status throughout the year.

What are some things that might be different on campuses?
Local school systems set day-to-day policies and procedures. Communications around when and if facial coverings should be worn, for example, will come directly from your local school system. Students may expect to see changes in physical distancing, increased sanitization, and personal hygiene while on campuses.

What kind of precautions will schools have to take?
A portion of the essential guidance will require enhanced cleaning and sanitization and that all schools designate an area of quarantine for students who become ill at school.

What remote learning opportunities might be available?
In Alabama’s model, local school systems are responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures around each of these three instructional scenarios. The State has committed to offer remote learning resources through a third-party curriculum developer as well as to expand the high school ACCESS program to all school systems. It is the recommendation of ALSDE that all school systems provide access to both traditional and remote options throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

What if I do not have Internet at home?
Local school systems are continuing to inventory Internet accessibility for students. The results of this inventory can provide insights on how students can have internet connectivity throughout the state. ALSDE and school systems are diligently advocating for Internet connectivity for all students.

What can I do to help?
HOME is the first point on the screening continuum. School systems should educate and support families on identifying the symptoms that indicate staff and students must stay at home. Families should be encouraged to self-report symptoms of illness, which could include fever, new onset of cough, etc. Self-reporting mechanisms could include calling the school or calling your health-care provider

What is being done to close the digital divide for Alabama’s students?
ALSDE continues to work with state leaders to secure funding and additional opportunities for expansion of broadband infrastructure. Many school systems have already invested in innovative tactics to close the digital divide by purchasing devices. ALSDE is providing best practices as examples to school systems, distributed funds, and is providing a remote/digital curriculum to all school systems.

Will extracurricular activities be allowed?
Yes, we will continue to work with school systems to provide best practices for off-campus field trips, etc. We also continue to share the Alabama High School Athletic Association’s guidance for sports. file photo.


2 Responses to “Alabama Schools Will Open In August; Remote Learning Options To Be Available”

  1. sam on June 28th, 2020 7:58 pm

    i’ve heard you can get it off satellite. don’t know the cost.

  2. Michelle Perkins on June 27th, 2020 8:16 pm

    Who should we contact if internet is not available in our area?