‘All Individuals Should Wear Masks’ According To New Florida Health Advisory

June 21, 2020

The Florida Department of Health issued a Public Health Advisory on Saturday calling for everyone in the state to wear a face mask in response to increased COVID-19 cases in the state.

Also Saturday, Governor Ron DeSantis directed the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation to increase inspections to ensure that businesses are adhering to applicable Phase 1 and Phase 2 guidance.

The health advisory provides the following recommendations:

  1. All individuals in Florida should wear masks in any setting where social distancing is not possible, unless any of the following apply:
    • A child is under two years of age;
    • An individual has one or more medical conditions or disabilities that prevent wearing a face covering;
    • An individual is obtaining a service involving the nose or face for which temporary removal of the face covering is necessary to perform the service;
    • An individual works in a profession where use of a face covering will not be compatible with the duties of the profession; or
    • An individual is engaged in outdoor work or recreation with appropriate social distancing in place.
  2. All individuals over the age of 65 and all individuals of any age with high-risk health conditions should limit personal interactions outside of the home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
  3. All individuals should refrain from participation in social or recreational gatherings of more than 50 people. For all gatherings of fewer than 50 people, individuals should practice social distancing by maintaining a distance of at least six feet from each other and wearing a face covering.

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation will enforce the following guideless, all of which were already in place:

Restaurants, bars and other vendors licensed to sell alcoholic beverages, excluding nightclubs:

  • May operate at fifty percent of the establishment’s indoor capacity.
  • May operate at full capacity outside with appropriate social distancing.
  • Bar areas may operate with seated service.

Entertainment businesses, including but not limited to movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys and arcades:

  • May operate at fifty percent of the establishment’s capacity with appropriate social distancing between groups and proper sanitization protocols.

In-store retail businesses:

  • May operate at full capacity with appropriate social distancing measures and proper sanitization protocols.

Gyms and fitness centers:

  • May operate at full capacity with appropriate social distancing and frequent sanitization.

Personal services including but not limited to tattooing, body piercing, tanning and massage:

  • May operate while adhering to appropriate safety guidelines outlined by the Florida Department of Health.

Barber shops, hair salons and nail salons:

  • May continue to operate while adhering to safety protocols.

Phase 2 continued emphasis on preventative measures outlined by the CDC and OSHA:

  • Senior citizens and individuals with a significant underlying medical condition are strongly encouraged to avoid crowds and take measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
  • Individuals should avoid gathering in groups larger than 50.
  • All persons who work in long-term care facilities should be tested for COVID-19 on a routine basis.


71 Responses to “‘All Individuals Should Wear Masks’ According To New Florida Health Advisory”

  1. Jacob on June 27th, 2020 9:41 am

    Pretty simple way around this really. All you have to do is declare you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, HIPPA laws make it illegal for anyone, including law enforcement, to require you to disclose your specific “medical condition”. There you go, you are welcome.

  2. DS on June 26th, 2020 12:35 pm

    In Broward County, Florida if your company is found to be in non-compliance with the executive order. The company will be shut down for 24 hours mandatory and $500 fine. If it’s one of the companies employee’s and is found out, the employee will be terminated no if ands or butt’s about it. My company takes this corona virus thing very serious.

  3. Judith on June 25th, 2020 4:18 pm

    Wearing a mask protects our fellow human beings, not ourselves. Period.

  4. Mona Leonard on June 24th, 2020 7:46 pm

    So does the mandate to wear masks void the law stating wearing a mask while carrying a concealed weapon is a crime?

  5. Bill on June 24th, 2020 4:04 pm

    No Excuses, please direct us to the reputable medical sources you used to site your transmission statistics. Thanks

  6. David Huie Green on June 24th, 2020 2:04 am

    “I think we can all agree the next Democratic Congress will make mask-wearing a law.”

    Since it only takes one to disprove “we can all agree,” the claim is disproved. I do not agree. Nor will it be done by Executive Order. The executive branch can not write laws and there are no existing laws which can be interpreted that way. (Remember this and go after me if I am wrong. You know who I am.)

    ” “science” (which, as we all know, has become politicized) will eventually decide that we must all wear masks indefinitely for the good of public health”

    Actually, science has not. “Science” for politics is pseudoscience, wolf-like politics dressed up in sheep’s clothing to fool and lie to the people. A good example is a politician who announces we need fewer tests because tests find what he calls “Kung Flu,” infected and infectious people. THAT is pseudoscience rather than science. Pseudoscience is “my gut tells me,” “people tell me” — especially when the unnamed “people” don’t exist or wear aluminum foil hats

    People won’t wear masks as a political statement, but will NOT WEAR masks in close quarters as a political statement because they believe only Democrats wear masks. And they will infect and kill unknown people for their politics.

    “anyone who doesn’t wear a mask will be, actually already is, shamed and ridiculed. People will express delight in seeing “those people” die off”

    This part is true. People are treated as shameful when they endanger others for politics. (Another 863 dead Americans yesterday, 36,015 new cases and shameless people proudly infecting more.)

    David for better people

  7. billy on June 23rd, 2020 11:21 pm

    Im not wearing one

  8. ADF on June 23rd, 2020 7:56 pm

    Just to clarify on my previous comment: “science” (which, as we all know, has become politicized) will eventually decide that we must all wear masks indefinitely for the good of public health. Mask-wearing will, actually it already has, become a sign of being on the right “team” and anyone who doesn’t wear a mask will be, actually already is, shamed and ridiculed. People will express delight in seeing “those people” die off (keep in mind that this is coming from the same people who claim to be all about love and tolerance) due to their “stupidity” at not wearing a mask. So there will be a lingering political agenda driving mask-wearing well into our future, long after COVID itself ceases to be a tangible threat. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next Democratic President signs an Executive Order declaring mask-wearing to be mandatory for all outdoors activity, and I think we can all agree the next Democratic Congress will make mask-wearing a law. If you doubt this, then just remember what I’m saying a year or two from now.

  9. ADF on June 23rd, 2020 7:50 pm

    Just so everyone knows: the mask-wearing will not be temporary. Get used to it. This is going to be what our lives will be like from now on.

  10. No Excuses on June 23rd, 2020 6:24 pm

    Masks are very effective if everyone is wearing them.

    Unmasked COVID carrier exposed to masked healthy person = 70% chance of transmission to the healthy masked person.

    Masked COVID carrier exposed to non masked healthy person = 5% chance of transmission to the healthy person.

    Masked COVID carrier exposed to masked healthy person = 1.5% chance of transmission to the healthy person.

    Not wearing a mask because it violates your “rights” is a stupid argument. It’s pure lazy, selfishness to not wear a mask when you can’t appropriately socially distance yourselves. Wear the danged mask. (Folks who can’t wear them for health reasons are not included in this remark). I understand the masks are uncomfortable, but do you have the right to infect me just because you won’t wear a mask? No, you do not. I’m glad Florida is at least going to enforce it for the people who are in business. I hope they will deny service to folks who don’t want to mask up to come into their businesses. That’s about the only way some of you stubborn, deaf, not me, I’m not going to protect myself or others by wearing mask people will get it. Not all of us will survive COVID-19 if we catch it. Some of us are hanging on until there is a vaccine.

    Also, the getting sick from breathing your CO2 story has been debunked. Read reputable, medical sources when checking this stuff out. There’s a lot of misinformation out there and social media is bad about perpetuating it. I believe very little of what I see on Facebook and even less of what I read.

  11. Jerry on June 23rd, 2020 3:10 pm

    you have the freedom to die in anyway you chose with my blessing just stay away from me!!!!!!!!!!

  12. DK on June 23rd, 2020 12:02 pm

    Depending on who you listen to or what Dr.says what but there still is no data showing wearing a mask saves lives period!How can someone say selfish or childish no to me I’m not going to be dictated to by Government this is not a 3rd world country but it’s heading that way with all the rules and regulations.If your old stay at home if your immune system is not up to par stay at home it’s your choice to go out knowing you may catch Covid.Me personally I’m not living in fear every day or in a bubble so forget about it!

  13. Freedom on June 23rd, 2020 11:45 am

    My point is logical. All people taking risks place some level of risk on others around them whether its just a random person, or a first responder. My point is that there is a line somewhere on this issue, and I don’t agree with the line you draw. Not because I want to hurt you, but because I think I already handle myself in a manner that respects everyone around me. And I can do so without a mask, and without the government telling me what to wear. According to a recent local news article the contact tracers said the normal situation for becoming infected is from pro-longed exposure to someone, in a car, or someon they’re living with at home, etc. Let me say that again, pro-longed exposure. Me passing you down an aisle at the store for 3 seconds without symptoms is not pro-longed exposure. Stop worrying so much.

  14. jerry on June 23rd, 2020 9:49 am

    I will not die if you do not wear sunscreen, or if you do not wear a seatbelt, or if you drown from not wearing a life jacket. but, if you do not wear a mask then you could possibly kill me and others. your freedom logic is illogical.

  15. Big red on June 23rd, 2020 8:54 am

    To all of the believers that you cannot catch a virus because you are wearing a cloth mask are insane. That’s like trying to keep mosquitoes and gnats out of your yard with a chain link fence. If you ever watched virologist do their jobs handling viruses and bacteria they are wearing protective suits and respirators not your cloth mask or even a mask made out of the same material as a t-shirt with your favorite design. As for the sheep who don’t understand that breathing your own co2 back into your lungs is healthy go research it. Common sense with your warm breath constantly breathing causes moisture which transfer to the cloth. Then the cloth fibers start to clog with moisture and keep more of your co2 in your lungs because the outside oxygen is greatly reduced coming in thru the mask which causes discomfort and people start passing out for lack of oxygen. Also watching sheepeople drive around in a controlled environment ie their personal cars that have a/c and filters that are better than that cloth mask is also insane. So if you feel like wearing a cloth, handmade mask, or painters mask is going to protect you from a covid19 virus aka FLU go ahead and prep your body weakened immune system for the next wave of flu that will be called covid20 this fall and watch how many people really get sick and will be hospitalized. By the way if this covid19 stuff was killing as many people as it is, I would think it we would not be allowed out anywhere. Also as yourself how many people have you seen die from this with no underlying medical conditions. No ask yourself if you have had a family member or friend who was going to die because of a poor health condition without covid19 dies and now is labeled as a covid death how would you feel. People please do your research on this plandemic. So to those are afraid of people who are wearing mask just stay in your safety bubble of your home and just have all of your personal necessities delivered. But make sure you disinfect all of these things outside before you bring them into your bubble. I prefer to breathe without restrictions as we have for centuries. Please people wake up about this. Research Event201.

  16. Freedom on June 23rd, 2020 8:50 am

    Some people say if you don’t wear a mask you should be denied healthcare. So… people who don’t wear sunscreen should not get cancer treatment, people who don’t wear a seat belt should be left on the road to die, people that don’t wear a life jacket should be left to drown, the list goes on and on. Or does your logic only fit what you or your political party deems as acceptable behavior?

  17. Linda on June 22nd, 2020 11:06 pm

    If you are that selfish not to wear a mask then if you get covid you shouldn’t be allowed to go to the hospital for something that so many of you think is fake, a hoax or whatever else you come up with, if you can’t have common decency to think of other people,then they definitely shouldn’t care about you Americans are the most selfish, childish ,spoilt brats, and I’m so ashamed of people, very sad what this world has become.

  18. Jeffrey Shaw on June 22nd, 2020 6:45 pm

    I want to thank all the greedy, asymptomatic people who are silently killing those of us who like my mother who has had chemotherapy, hip, knee replacement and her rt forearm in traction and all in the past 5 years, or myself who has lupus, my grandmother whose ruptured ulcer has caused her to lose a 3rd of her stomach, her spleen as well as part of her upper intestine, people like us have no immune system to respond to covid-19 sufficiently enough to keep us alive even with life support, you are killing us when we aren’t ready to die, what’s the problem with wearing a mask, I mean there’s even a congressman telling people that being told to wear a mask is being dehumanized and defacing God’s children, I mean come on, wearing a mask is good courtesy and smart, stop being and spreading ignorance, ignorance only breeds death and stupidity

  19. DK on June 22nd, 2020 6:39 pm

    It’s all based on fear it’s my choice as an American not to wear a mask if I do choose so those of you saying your being selfish no not selfish just saying if your scared stay at home like some politicians want you too.Look at the numbers of suicide and people that were never addicted to alcohol or drugs since the beginning of Covid?Wearing a mask isn’t for me so I’m not wearing one nor will I go anywhere where you are forced tooThats my personal choice not selfishness two totally different things!

  20. Freedom on June 22nd, 2020 5:42 pm

    If we go down this path then someone will have to set parameters for when masks are mandatory. And for those that don’t study history our government doesn’t often increase freedoms. That means the threshold for mandatory masks usage will eventually be that of the common cold. The old saying “give them an inch and they take mile” applies to our government and freedoms. Good luck clawing back your freedom. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

  21. Freedom on June 22nd, 2020 5:26 pm

    If I sneeze or cough into my shirt, how is that any different than sneezing into a mask? It’s not like masks are airtight. Most people reuse nasty masks, and put them in their pockets, and touch their face all day long spreading germs. The shirt I cough or sneeze into only touches me and is washed daily.The same precautions we took for years are still the most practical. Wash hands, sneeze/cough into elbows or into shirt and stay home when you’re sick. This cloth you want me to strap on my face is just to quiet the mob of sensitive and scared people looking at their government for an answer, and for the media who as usual want more government tyranny.

  22. TDG on June 22nd, 2020 5:21 pm

    @Bill how do cloth/surgical masks decrease oxygen supply to harmfu levels, especially in people with no underlying conditions?

  23. Bill on June 22nd, 2020 4:48 pm

    Steve, thanks for your comments. Not sure exactly why you are suggesting I am lying? Cut and pasted from the link you provided. Cloth face coverings: Are not considered personal protective equipment (PPE). Will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration. Are not appropriate substitutes for PPE such as respirators (e.g., N95 respirators) or medical face masks (e.g., surgical masks) in workplaces where respirators or face masks are recommended or required to protect the wearer. Surgical masks: Will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration.

  24. Joe on June 22nd, 2020 2:51 pm

    Everyone seems to want to be an armature Virologist through all of this. I work in a job in which we keep track of the articles and studies being done on this.

    Fact; This is a new illness, that they are learning about.

    Last week a study said masks don’t do as much good as everyone thinks. That study was also done via computer modeling rather than in the real world.

    The week before the articles said “wear your mask”. It gave everyone “hope” and a feeling like they were responsible for their own destiny.

    CDC and WHO are giving different advise and in short: No one knows.

    Do what you think is right for you. Don’t expect anyone else to match your viewpoint, that is the beautiful thing about this country. Good Luck everyone!

  25. David Huie Green on June 22nd, 2020 1:26 pm

    “Are masks going to be recommended forever? Is this the new protocol for every time a perceived health threat is discovered?”

    Forever? No. An effective treatment or vaccine will be developed eventually.

    Other diseases do not have the transmissibility or kill rate as COVID-19. They may still want you to wash your hands and avoid sneezing on others.

    I hope this isn’t too harsh.

    David for better health science

  26. Jesica part 2 on June 22nd, 2020 12:53 pm

    It’s time that America stops treating uneducated idiots as if their opinions weigh as must as empirical data collect and interpreted by experts.

  27. Jesica on June 22nd, 2020 12:49 pm

    Thank you for taking public safety serious. This is not political issue. It’s a public safety issue. We sacrifice a lot of our civil liberties in many different ways to ensure communal health and safety. For instance, nudest cannot cook naked for a public restaurant, people cannot poop on floor in the grocery store, parents must put their infants in child safety seats, we must all follow traffic laws. Stop being selfish and look at the greater good. If everyone wears a mask, and it prevents the spread of the virus, we saved a lot of lives. If everyone wears a mask and it doesn’t prevent the spread of virus, what harm was done? So given the choice, what kind of moral standards do you use to provide the answer that you want to put other people at risk? What moral compass allows someone to say that my right to not wear a mask outweighs your right to live? Why are you even debating this? If anybody said that you can save lives just by wearing a mask, what kind of messed up person are you were you wouldn’t wear a mask? Even if it doesn’t save lives. If it had the potential to save lives why wouldn’t you give it a try? The same people refusing to wear a mask and save a life and those that want to carry guns to save lives. Well, you just proved yourselves wrong. Your a jerk who wants a gun to feel like a bad arse, not to save lives. If saving lives was your goal you would wear a mask. Your opinion on the virus is not as valuable as the experts. It time America stop treating uneduated idiots

  28. Steve on June 22nd, 2020 11:37 am

    Why lie about what OSHA says about masks?? You stated the exact opposite of what OSHA recommends. If you don’t agree with them, fine, but don’t spread falsehoods.


    Both OSHA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) DO recommend all people wear cloth face coverings when in public, where appropriate…

    Debating facts is good. No need to lie.

  29. Bill on June 22nd, 2020 11:08 am

    Before commenting on masks one should have a look at what OSHA has to say about masks. OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The federal government agency tasked to ensure American safety in the workplace. To summarize, cloth masks and surgical masks do not work and can be unsafe due to decreased oxygen supply. Quit the fear mongering and mask shaming!

  30. Larry on June 22nd, 2020 10:26 am

    So what is the end game? Are masks going to be recommended forever? Is this the new protocol for every time a perceived health threat is discovered? If so, then plan on wearing a mask for the rest of your lives, because every year there is something found on this planet that could supposedly wipe us out.
    Do your own research, make your own decision, and forget the talking heads on the nightly news. They only sell the “news” and muddy the truth.

  31. Dee on June 22nd, 2020 9:57 am

    Im doing what I want to to and I dont have to tell you why. lol

  32. Lee on June 22nd, 2020 9:54 am

    If we want reopening to continue, we all need to wear masks in public. If heat kills it, then south Florida should never have had so many cases. As far as rights, in civil societies people act in ways to protect the community because that is what protects individuals. We all have to abide by rules and laws, not just to protect ourselves, but others. Even if we don’t like seatbelts, speed limits, all kinds of licenses, or paying taxes, we are expected to act responsibly because everything is not about us. Those not wearing masks seem to be the very people whinning about not getting back to normal. News flash: you are the folks keeping us from getting there.

  33. Kanga on June 22nd, 2020 9:14 am

    Some of y’all really haven’t known any systematic oppression or hardships that you think the health department asking you to do something simple to protect others is an elaborate plot to take away your freedom. I guess it’s just my Christian nature, but I was taught to treat others the way I wanted to be treated. Thank you everyone who wears a mask while out and about, you protect people like me who work in a place where masks are not required, but “recommended.” By the way, in my area the death rate from covid is 2%. The population of Ohio is approximately 2% of the US population. Something to think about

    TLDR your freedoms aren’t being taken away because you are being asked to show common decency. Please stop thinking that the world is out to get you.

  34. Melissa on June 22nd, 2020 9:03 am

    When l don’t wear a mask, l’m tired of people saying… “Why are you being so selfish? You don’t wear a mask to protect yourself, but to protect others?”

    Response #1: Why is your health my responsibility?

    Response #2: “lf it is raining outside, how does me wearing a raincoat prevent you from getting wet?”

    (Also a great response to those who want you to get vaccinated )!

    If masks are so effective as they claim, their mask should protect themselves. Masks are PPE (personal protective equipment) after all.

    Personal responsibility – you take care of you and l will take care of me.

    I choose to live a healthy lifestyle and boost my immune system.

  35. Melissa on June 22nd, 2020 8:45 am

    Calm down. The mask won’t protect you. They will compromise your health. Do the research. All this isn’t about a virus. It is about control.

  36. JENNIFER Y FIORENZA on June 22nd, 2020 8:30 am

    If people don’t like wearing masks, they really won’t like being on a ventilator.

  37. Jerry on June 22nd, 2020 7:40 am

    N95 Masks would be best, but any Mask is better than no Mask. Masks are to prevent those from coughing and sneezing and having it spread up to 6 feet and infect others.

    My comment is for those that don’t want to wear masks, hospital staff should not be forced to treat them for COVID if they purposely didn’t wear a mask

    Save those hospital beds and respirators for the innocent that are following the rules and still get sick

    Those shouting ” my freedom!” Its just liking drinking. You have the freedom to drink alcohol but you don’t have the freedom to harm others or possibly harm others by driving

    Its the same situation with COVID, you don’t have the right to infect others because you decide to be wreckless

  38. Marcus Welby on June 22nd, 2020 7:36 am

    My body…

    My choice…

    Stupid you say?

  39. barbara agerton on June 22nd, 2020 5:30 am

    No one is wearing a mask.I went out twice last week,just because I had to.No one was wearing a mask,that is so stupid.Parents,kids,it was a free for all.The Gov.said I believe Floridians are doing what is right,what? whatever.

  40. David Huie Green on June 21st, 2020 11:45 pm

    I sometimes think literacy is a lost cause.

    “The Florida Department of Health issued a Public Health Advisory …The health advisory provides the following recommendations:”

    Some are afraid they have given up their freedom if they take the advice which was offered to save lives. IT IS ADVICE, NOT DICTATE, a word to the wise, wasted breath for the unwise.

    One misunderstood it to mean, “This idea of wearing a mask everywhere…”
    The truth is that it never said that. It acknowledged exceptions like the fact you are unlikely to infect others if you are out in the fields, woods, lakes, rivers, in your own home or auto, if you stay more than six feet away from others at work, suchlike — that masks aren’t needed in those settings.

    It acknowledges there may be medical conditions which would make mask wearing impossible. It does not suggest any try to do the impossible (like getting a two year old to wear a mask, for instance).

    One who still seems to BELIEVE it is just a HOAX and FAKE NEWS declared, “Testing has “ramped” up case numbers, no actual death (rare).” Rather than accept the reports of 470,703 COVID-19 deaths worldwide (and counting) of which 122,247 (and counting) were Americans — REAL PEOPLE who had hopes and lives and loved ones who will miss them.

    More will die in part because they are “defending their rights” from imaginary enemies while placing their faith in liars who don’t REALLY care that they die.

    David for better people — including better reading teachers

  41. Well on June 21st, 2020 10:15 pm

    No K Thane…
    I believe the comments show how everyone has their own opinion and some want theirs to be everyone else’s.
    Do what’s right for you and your family and stop complaining about or belittling others for how they cope.

  42. K Thane on June 21st, 2020 8:25 pm

    These comments clearly show how uneducated Americans are regarding science, health issues, other countries and how insensitive people in this country are and have a lack of value for any life but their own. Yes, I was born here, live here and I am appalled at many of the comments of my fellow Americans. If you can’t follow the rules for yourself, please isolate yourself totally to save the lives of your fellow countrymen!

  43. Bring it on on June 21st, 2020 8:03 pm

    Jerry,…thugs are burning down cities without recourse but arrest someone without a mask ? The day I wear one pigs will fly.

  44. TDG on June 21st, 2020 7:51 pm

    Reilly, are you thinking of this? “No person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state.”
    But then we find:
    876.155 Applicability; ss. 876.12-876.15.—The provisions of ss. 876.12-876.15 apply only if the person was wearing the mask, hood, or other device:
    (1) With the intent to deprive any person or class of persons of the equal protection of the laws or of equal privileges and immunities under the laws or for the purpose of preventing the constituted authorities of this state or any subdivision thereof from, or hindering them in, giving or securing to all persons within this state the equal protection of the laws;
    (2) With the intent, by force or threat of force, to injure, intimidate, or interfere with any person because of the person’s exercise of any right secured by federal, state, or local law or to intimidate such person or any other person or any class of persons from exercising any right secured by federal, state, or local law;
    (3) With the intent to intimidate, threaten, abuse, or harass any other person; or
    (4) While she or he was engaged in conduct that could reasonably lead to the institution of a civil or criminal proceeding against her or him, with the intent of avoiding identification in such a proceeding.

  45. DK on June 21st, 2020 7:44 pm

    I do truly feel bad for people that have died from this but I’ve said it before if you live in fear stay at home because I’m not wearing a mask for anyone that is my right everybody’s talking about peoples rights so that’s mine and it ain’t happening!

  46. Kris on June 21st, 2020 7:28 pm

    Not mandatory

  47. Henry Coe on June 21st, 2020 6:43 pm

    The reason to wear the mask when you are around others is because YOU or another person could be infectious and asymptomatic for up to two weeks before you are feeling sick. That two week period of having no symptom is the time when you could b spreading it to others.
    I find it bizarre that we have come full circle to needing to have this conversation again but it is because we relaxed in trying to get things back to normal in May and now we are paying the price.
    It’s really about the science and the data, not the economy. That being said, the longer we ignore the science and the data, the more costly this will be.

  48. Reilly on June 21st, 2020 5:32 pm

    What if you are a person with a concealed carry license? It’s a federal law that that is unacceptable.

  49. Kat on June 21st, 2020 5:22 pm

    I’m sorry but I guess I’m one of those ignorant people then, as I don’t wear a mask.. I am also high risk… I have been high risk my whole life due to a disease that I have had.. I have tried many times to wear a mask, but I can’t.. for one I have a panic attack, for another, I can’t breathe when wearing one.. which I’m sure is a reason that others are not wearing them… due to my meds, I take a chance on getting cancer and several other diseases that can kill me.. but you know.. it is my life.. I have always lived carefully.. if sick I stay home, I don’t go anywhere unless I really need to when healthy even.. I have always stayed back away from people well before this became the standard today due to my very low immune system.. but I refuse to wear a mask as I do like breathing… and in those masks I cannot.. and that is for medical reasons.. so some of ya’ll need to deal with the fact that there will be people whom can’t wear them for some reason.. most are medical reasons.. everyone needs to realize this crap is not going away.. it will be around just like the friggin’ flu.. it will change up each year, so it will require a different vaccine every year just like the flu.. I’m sorry for all the people that have passed away from this crappy virus.. but life needs to continue on..

  50. Susan on June 21st, 2020 2:01 pm

    I knew when I saw this headline the” experts “from the University of Google and QAnon would be educating the rest of us. @ David why should ppl mind signing a waiver if they are certain they won’t get sick? @ Chelle infringing on the rights of ppl taking precautions could be socialism too.@ bmrklean, @ Debra where are you getting your scientific information from? Please cite source. Because that is incorrect. From Forbes 5/12/20 …’Take surgeons for example. During long procedures they wear surgical masks for hours with no ill- effects on their carbon dioxide levels. Having a surgeon with an altered mental state would not be in the best interests of either the patient or the surgeon and thankfully, this simply doesn’t happen.’

    The Covid 19 cases continue to rise……..seems like Covid doesn’t care if it’s hot outside???
    Time to stop politicizing Science.

  51. Jill on June 21st, 2020 1:43 pm

    Enough with the masks already. It is ridiculous and I cannot believe so many Are actually listening to this advice. Wearing a mask while inside your house and car?? Truly shocking at the level of stupidity and fear. I bet if you start telling people to shave their heads, they will do that too, no questions asked.

  52. Drw on June 21st, 2020 1:40 pm

    I will start wearing a mask when you can’t smell my farts through my underwear and pants.

  53. James on June 21st, 2020 1:16 pm

    Anybody saying masks do not protect you are çlearly uneducated. The purpose of the masks are to limit the transmission, not to protect the wearer. This has been known for months.

  54. Stephen on June 21st, 2020 12:48 pm

    Sounds like some of you would enjoy loving somewhere like North Korea.

  55. Sue on June 21st, 2020 12:03 pm

    I see a lot of people here don’t understand how masks work. Surgeons & OR nutses wear masks for hours every day. They don’t suffer from inhaling CO2. They don’t inhale germs all day & become ill. Nor do they wear masks to protect themselves. Their masks protect the patient.

    I wear a mask when I go out. I am very well aware that it won’t protect me from inhaling any virus in airborne respiratory droplets. It does keep me from touching my face. It also protects all you fools who don’t think masks are necessary. If I cough, I’m not spraying droplets in your direction. I’m protecting people like Debra & bmrklean, who apparently don’t believe in science.

    Masks should have been mandatory from the onset. Your “right” to decline this precaution ends where my nose begins. Literally.

  56. Yassss Queennnn on June 21st, 2020 12:01 pm

    Yes Jerry!! Been saying that the whole time!! Totally agree

  57. MR REALITY on June 21st, 2020 11:08 am

    anyone who DOES NOT wear a mask in public is SELFISH, UNEDUCATED, LOSER who just does not get it AND yes, should be required to sign a waiver that says if they catch covid 19, the hospitals will refuse you medical treatment!

  58. tell me now on June 21st, 2020 11:03 am

    jerry I agree with you the rest of these people just don’t care or they are ignorant

  59. MR REALITY on June 21st, 2020 11:00 am


  60. Sherry Ewy on June 21st, 2020 10:48 am

    @jerry These people are just devoid of a basic education. They are following the advice of a moron. There’s not one thing that can be done but to try to protect yourself and your family from ignorance. They can’t help themselves. I totally agree they shouldn’t be allowed to drain the public health system. Their foolishness is taking up resources. Personally, I don’t think they deserve an opinion. Since they don’t feel there’s a problem, why not sign a waiver refusing medication and treatment if they become ill?

  61. Debra on June 21st, 2020 10:21 am

    Masks are voluntary per Governor DeSantis. In my opinion, based on research, breathing in our own Co2 is harmful. Trust each Floridian to be responsible without draconian citations and control. We all care in Florida. If you are wearing a mask and someone isn’t, your “covered”..we shouldn’t police others.

  62. John Provo on June 21st, 2020 10:03 am

    I agree that mandatory use of masks should be enforced. Could have been effective if done earlier but it’s not too late to have a positive effect!

  63. Billy on June 21st, 2020 9:50 am

    You should move to China.

  64. bmrklean on June 21st, 2020 9:50 am

    Jerry, did you realize that the mask is not effective in stopping the virus. These masks are not made for a virus. The N-95 mask is effective for Tuberculosis, which is a bacteria, not a virus. The only way to be protected from a virus is by wearing a positive pressure respirator with a full body suit. When a person Don’s a mak and wears it every they are contaminated, their car, and all who they come in contact with. This idea of wearing a mask everywhere is a problem. It lowers your immune system, as well as causing furthur health issues by making you breathe your own bacteria laden c02. Your response sounds like the Gastpo during the Nazi rule.

  65. tim on June 21st, 2020 9:44 am

    The ones that dont wear masks dont care about themselves much less anyone else, this ignoring precautions has been going on for weeks, and the pandemic of stupidity rages on…

  66. David on June 21st, 2020 9:37 am

    @ Jerry, your have some serious intellectual psychological issues
    Have them sign a waiver to deny them medical treatment?
    You are so damn demented with that response , really demented
    Have you entertained sterilization?

  67. Debra on June 21st, 2020 9:14 am

    DeSantis conveyed he would not employ draconian measures or government citations. We trust our people in Florida to be responsible. Research shows masks do nothing other than cause individuals to become sick from their own CO2. Testing has “ramped” up case numbers, no actual death (rare). I wore a mask before Anyone else for a long period. Aside from being mocked and sneared, it made me sick. Herd immunity and the hot summer will crush this tool of fear.

  68. Chelle on June 21st, 2020 9:06 am

    Sure, Jerry, that makes so much sense. Let’s infringe on the rights of Americans and make it a socialist country.

  69. Donna on June 21st, 2020 8:55 am

    The only minorities that truly exist in the world today are those of us with common sense good morals and the ability to think for ourselves !

  70. Donna on June 21st, 2020 8:51 am

    Have you ever thought of it this way ! If Anybody who is at high risk wear their mask and protect them self . That’s what’s wrong with this country we opt out to make it someone else’s responsibility ! If you are high risk and go by the standards placed on everyone else your changes of catching this is slim to none !

  71. Jerry on June 21st, 2020 5:56 am

    It should have been made mandatory and arrest those that don’t want to wear it or don’t comply. Or have them sign a waiver to deny them medical treatment