Restaurants, Hair Salons, Gyms And Churches Can Open Monday In Alabama

May 8, 2020

Restaurants, hair salons and gyms can open on Monday in Alabama, Gov. Kay Ivey announced Friday morning .

Restaurants will be allowed to reopen at a 50% occupancy rate with a six foot spacing between tables and other guidance that has been agreed upon by the Alabama Restaurant and Hospitality Association.

Barber shops, hair and nail salons and other similar-type establishments will be allowed to open up with restrictions, again with guidelines that were developed by the State Board of Cosmetology.

A similar announcement about barber shops and hair salons was made Friday by Gov. Ron Desantis.

Gyms can reopen subject to social distancing and sanitation rules. Hair salons and other close-contact providers can also open Monday subject to social distancing and sanitation rules.

“Today’s order will hopefully provide another round of hope for all of us,” Ivey said.

“I know this has been tough on you; it hasn’t been a joy ride for us either. I so appreciate the personal sacrifices you’ve made to keep yourself and others healthy,” she said.

More information is in the graphic below, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Restaurants, Hair Salons, Gyms And Churches Can Open Monday In Alabama”

  1. Lee on May 9th, 2020 5:40 pm

    Florida has reported 2,500 new cases since Monday. Testing is sketchy at best, and non existent in some places. Even at the WH the POTUS and VP were exposed, first reporting even the names of those testing positive, now refusing to respond about other testing there. One governor was recorded on a phone call saying that the situation was getting worse even as he was reopening his state. And today there is evidence that top WH officials are keeping CDC information from the public. If this thing isn’t so bad, will just disappear, etc., why are some people trying so hard to keep it quiet?

  2. southerner on May 9th, 2020 12:00 pm

    FREEDOM! If you are too scared to get out, stay in.

  3. Safebear on May 9th, 2020 8:47 am

    Numbers keep going up, deaths keep going up and here we have a governor, just like Florida, taking economy, entertainment and vanity over life. I hear the hair dressers have been busy all along – at the funeral homes….smh

  4. Common Sense on May 8th, 2020 8:23 pm

    Politicians=lowest common denominators

    This will cause a spike in infections and deaths due to this deadly virus but at least
    A bunch of egotistical, narcissistic politicians are happy.

  5. VB on May 8th, 2020 7:51 pm

    I agree with CW. What is the difference in a bar in a nightclub? If a hair salon can open then why can’t a movie theater in a bowling alley? At a hair salon you’re very close in contact. I don’t really understand the logic. I’m happy things are opening but it doesn’t make sense. Also if you’re sick just stay home. If you’re scared stay home. Everyone should just keep practicing social distancing as much as they can when they’re out and using sanitizer and if you choose to wear face masks. If some things can open then I think everything should. But that’s just my opinion.

  6. CW on May 8th, 2020 6:54 pm

    So what makes a night club different from a bar?