First Positive COVID-19 Case Confirmed At Century Health And Rehabilitation, FDOH Says

May 15, 2020

The first case of COVID-19 has been reported at Century Health and Rehabilitation in Century.

According to data published by the Florida Department of Health, a staff member has been confirmed positive at the facility located at West Highway 4 and Industrial Boulevard in Century. While the state required the individual to be reported as a staff member, administration said the infected individual was a vendor that visited the facility.

“According to the rules established by the Agency for Health Care Administration, we had to report that an approved and appropriately screened vendor that came into the facility was confirmed positive on Tuesday. Even though this person is not a staff member at Century, I had to report this,” Century Health and Rehabilitation Administrator Scott Berube told

“When this person came into our facility last Friday (May 8), the individual was wearing full PPE, including a N-95 mask, gown, face shield and gloves. All residents, family members and staff were notified. Resident safety is our top priority. We are doing everything we can to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our facility,” Berube continued. He encouraged anyone with questions to contact him.

No residents at the Century facility have tested positive for the virus, according to FDOH’s latest report.

As previously reported, a dozen other long-term facilities in Escambia County have recorded positive residents or staff members. photo, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “First Positive COVID-19 Case Confirmed At Century Health And Rehabilitation, FDOH Says”

  1. Deana on May 20th, 2020 4:34 pm

    Nurse Nana, a vendor means an outside company that an organization has a contract with. This could be a therapist or technician. It is probably not for vending machine maintenance. It says to contact the administrator if you have questions. You should contact him if you aren’t sure.

  2. Nurse Nana on May 16th, 2020 12:27 pm

    Sad. Cause not even famikies het tonentet facility to have a short visit with family members what kinda venders? No visitors for vending machines.. employes could bring snacks. If its others venders. Leave at door an let employes take inside. Hooe it doesnt spread we have family there

  3. Melanie on May 15th, 2020 7:51 pm

    The article stated “the vendor wore ppe” then how did the get test positve? If he wore the proper ppe while insode the nursing home then everyone could be protected.

  4. Deana on May 15th, 2020 10:43 am

    If the employee wore PPE, the residents could all be safe.

  5. Tammy on May 15th, 2020 9:24 am

    Praying for all staff and residents.

  6. bewildered on May 15th, 2020 8:36 am

    Jerry might be correct – at least some residents will test positive. But as long as they don’t have any or very mild symptoms no real harm done.

  7. Jerry on May 15th, 2020 5:55 am

    Each person that staff member came in contact with, now probably has the virus.