Palafox Street In Downtown Pensacola Will Be Pedestrian Only For Mother’s Day

May 9, 2020

A section of Palafox Street in downtown Pensacola will be converted to pedestrian traffic only on Mother’s Day to promote safe outdoor retail and restaurant activities for businesses and individuals visiting downtown for the Mother’s Day holiday.

Palafox Street from Garden Street to Main Street will be open to pedestrians only from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday, May 10.  Visitors are asked to maintain a six foot separation and to not gather in groups of more than 10.

“We know the Pensacola community is eager to support local businesses and restaurants as we begin to enter into an economic recovery period from COVID-19,” Mayor Grover Robinson said. “Our goal is to provide an opportunity for the public to show their support in a safe way. We are very excited we will be able to open Palafox for our citizens to celebrate Mother’s Day. We are grateful for all that the mothers of Pensacola have done to make our community great.”

Limiting the street to pedestrian traffic only will provide additional space for downtown visitors to more easily practice social distancing while supporting local businesses.


7 Responses to “Palafox Street In Downtown Pensacola Will Be Pedestrian Only For Mother’s Day”

  1. Mary on May 10th, 2020 9:02 am

    @Anne…..we must be long-distance cousins. There is NOTHING downtown to draw me down there.

  2. NPC on May 9th, 2020 9:09 pm

    We were instructed not to attend church services or have gatherings. Home improvement and grocery stores have been busting at the seams with the same people who would be attending church services. Opening the streets to foot traffic for the benefit of those businesses on Palafox St. is what we are told but who is it to actually benefit?

  3. bob c on May 9th, 2020 1:35 pm

    Driving downtown on South Palafox Street it is Very Noticeable how much of an impact the BARS make.
    Hopefully there is a LOT of revenue for the City and County coming from those bars in tax money.
    Wondering if the Take-Out alcoholic beverages will continue to be available?
    Also notice the number of homeless who set up their sites in the median on North Palafox along the blocks before Wright Street. Shopping buggies overflowing with their belongings and piles of clothes while people sit or sleep on benches.
    Shop owners you have our sympathies for the people sleeping in your doorways and just out on the sidewalks in front of your establishments.
    And, of course the usual every street corner beggar with cardboard signs and being Hungry or Need a Beer.
    Welcome to downtown Pensacola.

  4. BR on May 9th, 2020 10:41 am

    While driving through town the other day, I couldn’t help but notice restaurant servers on the street were not wearing mask. I emailed one restaurant manager and was told they were on backorder but were going to wear home made mask the next day. Four days later and still no mask. No one cares. Stay away.

  5. Jennifer on May 9th, 2020 9:58 am

    Glad they are giving people a choice

  6. Ktis on May 9th, 2020 9:44 am

    This country has to get back to what it was over a month ago.
    We all need to pull together and take our country back from others trying to tell us what we can and can’t do.
    People open your eyes we have had worst disease and virus and came through.
    Stop letting this one or others make you scared of your own shadow.
    You give up now you might as well did your own hole and just crawl in it.
    If sounds harsh to bad. I want my life back and enjoy again.

  7. Anne on May 9th, 2020 6:21 am

    Strange, since the Mayor and City Council have BANNED any “Permits” for gatherings of 50 or more people.
    Now, he wants to have a Street Party?
    Thinking like that is just Amazing.
    Us, we have plenty to keep us entertained, planting flowers, trimming hedges and mostly keeping our distance — for a bit longer — from a bunch of “Who Knows Ya” strangers.
    Not afraid, just being safe for our family.
    God Bless those in the path of the terrible fires around here.