Monday Was Reopening Day For Part Of Florida’s Economy. Here’s What Opens And What Is Still Closed

May 4, 2020

Here’s what may be open, and what will still be closed as Phase 1 of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ plan goes into effect:

  • Retail can operate at 25% of indoor capacity
  • Restaurants may offer outdoor seating with six foot spacing between tables, and indoor seating at 25% capacity
  • Elective surgeries can resume
  • No change for bars, gyms, movie theaters and personal services such as hairdressers (all remain closed)
  • Schools continue with distance learning
  • Visits to senior living facilities are prohibited
  • Vulnerable individuals should avoid close contact with people outside their home.
  • All individuals should maximize physical distance from others in public
  • Avoid socializing in groups of more than 10 people in circumstances that do not readily allow for physical distancing.
  • Face masks are recommended for in close interactions without social distancing.
  • Vacation rentals must remained closed.


17 Responses to “Monday Was Reopening Day For Part Of Florida’s Economy. Here’s What Opens And What Is Still Closed”

  1. Wilma on May 6th, 2020 11:30 pm

    When will bowling alleys reopen

  2. JW on May 6th, 2020 10:56 am

    “For whom the bell tolls-time marches on”.. let’s hope it doesn’t get out of control by the “not worse than a cold crowd”. Nobody has to believe the government or scientists and Doctors. Just believe the facts and numbers dead. I won’t review all that because a lot of folks need to do more of their own research so they can make more informed decisions. Many.non-weak people have lost their lives to this, so anyone is fair game! Please respect your fellow citizens and do realize a surgical environment doesn’t compare to a hair salon…c’mon. If you see a sheepie wearing a mask don’t assume weakness. Maybe appreciate that I have one on to protect your health. Everyone be well and make good decisions.

  3. Lee on May 5th, 2020 2:16 pm

    @mike – From what source are you getting this information?

  4. Michelle Killian on May 5th, 2020 1:15 pm

    Why is the Motor Vehicle place still closed and the Lottery Office if it’s Safe to go outside except South Florida?

  5. DEE UPSHAW on May 5th, 2020 12:20 pm

    When bars are finally open. Should they be thoroughly sanitized. Also I know a bar that has no heat or a.c. in the bathrooms. Isn’t that a breeding ground for germs.

  6. BG on May 4th, 2020 10:29 pm

    That’s DUM AS DIRT Mike….”NO Worse Than A Cold” How many people have died
    with a cold……Really… Come on now…And by the way if you live lone enough you will get OLD an die….GOD LOVES OLD PEOPLE TO

  7. Eric on May 4th, 2020 8:44 pm

    So motels, hotels, timeshares, and restaurants are all open. Why not vacation rentals? Also, why was WWE wrestling considered essential?

  8. mike on May 4th, 2020 7:59 pm

    only the old, the weak, and children need worry about catching this. everything should be open for everybody else. the closing of bars, movie theaters, etc is nonsense, has been from the start. for healthy people this is no worse than a cold. it is a government powergrab, nothing else. you sheeple keep wearing your masks and stay home. :)

  9. Guy Zampatori Jr on May 4th, 2020 7:57 pm

    Can you visit Florida from New York without having to do the 14 day
    quarantine when you get there. I live in upstate NY. We don’t have
    A lot of people dying like New York City. Planning a vacation soon.

  10. Abreezyy on May 4th, 2020 7:28 pm

    What about the DMV for teens to get their permits

  11. Dwn on May 4th, 2020 3:10 pm

    All this is fine… until one of the assisted living facility employees takes advantage of the open facilities, beyond what is already open of the essential services, and comes back into one of the facilities to work with no symptoms, and infects half the place.

    You may not care about this, but you would if it was one of your relatives in the facility.

    Soon, the infection will ravage certain small towns and cities where it gains a foothold in rural crowds. Churches, “freedom” rallies, teen hangouts on Sunday afternoons, and spreading into rural hospitals and care homes carried by employees coming in to work, totally asymptomatic. Albany, Georgia is a classic example of what will happen.

    Many small towns with older demographics (most are very old), obesity, diabetes, lots of smokers/vapers, and chronic illnesses, will have illness and death rates far exceeding averages. Hundreds of cases, a dozen or so deaths in some small towns will lead to business failures long-term, more hospital closures in rural America, schools unable to operate in the old model. Rural America has already been hearing the bell toll as young people left for the cities. This could be the end for many rural communities already hanging by a thread.

    You cannot pray it away. You cannot shoot it away. These are concocted fantasies. As someone recently said, this virus is really a dumb virus. It only travels six or seven feet from a person, and you just keep surfaces and yourself distanced and clean.

    Yet, some are so obsessed with “freedom”, and guns, and God, and hair salons, and wrestling that we cannot even properly respond to a global pandemic that mostly impacts our elder citizens. Instead, we make up false threats and cringe at inconvenience for the overall good. Nothing but self. People intentionally not wearing masks (freedom, or God will protect me), walking the wrong way down aisles in stores (same reasoning), responding to Tweeted calls to “liberate” (as if the British were replaying 1776 and coming up the Escambia River to occupy Molino, Century, and to invade Walnut Hill). Then raising a few red, white, and blue flags of varying designs, or a yellow snake flag, or appeal to heaven flags, raising military weapons, and turning a pandemic disease into something political in an election year.

    Yes, this is impacting the economy and workers. It’s impacting health care industries the most. But what you are saying is guns and worship and politics are more important than people, neighbors, families. There are no easy solutions. It’s a new and changed world, unless a vaccine is quickly discovered… and that is a long shot, quite honestly. Treatments, yes. Vaccines? Hmmm.

    So, before you relax your standards and start co-mingling, would you at least promise that if you work in elder care homes, either don’t loosen up, or quit your job?

  12. M.f.r on May 4th, 2020 1:15 pm

    Why are tattoo parlors reopening??? I thought they were considered a salon basically

  13. Mikki on May 4th, 2020 12:32 pm

    Why are Bingo halls open? They are entertainment. They should not be open till face to they are not a restaurant or retail store close them down

  14. Susan on May 4th, 2020 10:08 am

    The hair and nail salons need to reopen, this is ridiculous. We need to work.

  15. southerner on May 4th, 2020 9:33 am

    Freedom for Florida!

  16. tommy on May 4th, 2020 8:14 am

    What about Churches?

  17. Natalie on May 4th, 2020 8:05 am

    How can restaurants and elective surgery be open but not the hair dresser or barber shops. They all have close contact with people. This isn’t making sense.