Church Donating Property For Pine Barren Church Road Dirt Road Paving

May 31, 2020

The Pine Barren Baptist Church is donating property to allow for paving of the dirt portion of Pine Barren Church Road near Davisville.

The 0.16 acres at 5270 Pine Barren Church Road is being donated for right of way.

Pine Barren Church Road runs West Highway 4 to Highway 97. About 5,300 linear feet is dirt and part of Escambia  County’s Dirt Road Program.

Base preparation and minor drainage work will be constructed by in-house crews and the paving and striping work will be contracted. The donation of real property from Pine Barren Baptist Church is needed to complete the project. photos.


One Response to “Church Donating Property For Pine Barren Church Road Dirt Road Paving”

  1. Florida logger on June 1st, 2020 5:05 pm

    I hope big speed breakers are put on this road cause I live on this road tired people flying by I can imagine how bad it goin get so add them or I’ll make them my self