Century Utilities Offering Payment Options For Overdue Accounts Due To COVID-19

May 6, 2020

The Town of Century is offering help for hheir utility customers that are unable to pay their bills due to COVID-19.

The town is offering a payment deferral for those experiencing a coronavirus related hardship such as job loss, income reduction, school closure or sheltering in place.

A utility payment agreement is available for up to six months with no more than two requests in a 24 month period. [Click here for the payment form (pdf).]

A pandemic payment deferral is available to customers with an economic hardship due to COVID-19, including those that are sick, caring for a sick family member or are out of work due to the virus. The deferral period is for 30 days and must be renewed each month. [Click here for the form (pdf).]

All requests will be reviewed by the utility billing supervisor and must be approved by the city manager or mayor.

Of Century’s 1100 utility customers,  154 reached past due status on their last bill and were mailed a letter explaining the available payment arrangement options. Seven customers requested a deferral, and 45 were scheduled to be disconnected on Tuesday.

Bills are mailed around the first day of each month, and last notices are mailed on the 16th with disconnects typically around the 25th of the month. Century does not disconnect accounts with a balance less than $80 because the utility holds a deposit greater than that amount.

The Town of Century offers water, sewer, natural gas and sanitation services to citizens. Not every customer has every service, and some water and natural gas customers are in service areas outside the town limits.

The Emerald Coast Utilities Authority, the largest water, sewer and sanitation provider in the county, and Pensacola Energy, the largest natural gas utility in the county, have both suspended disconnects due to the pandemic.


2 Responses to “Century Utilities Offering Payment Options For Overdue Accounts Due To COVID-19”

  1. Citizen on May 6th, 2020 2:00 pm

    That’s appropriate.

    IMO Century should “give” the franchise area for the Natural gas, negotiated at the county a couple of years ago to PE. ASAP.

    PE has the business sense and ability to make it sustainable. TOC doe not and until they collectively come to that realization and accomplish that they are treading on a dangerous precipice for mismanagement of public dollars. contractors will willingly drain the coffers. Wake up.

    Perhaps PE wanted TOC to get the meters in, TOC thought they could negotiate, I don’t know but some citizens are not willing to allow it to continue and will not hesitate to have another Grand Jury and SAO follow up.

  2. chris on May 6th, 2020 10:35 am

    Is receiving natural gas but not paying for it a payment option? If that’s the case, this has been going on for years.