Century Approves Nearly 10% Budget Increase, Even Though Much Of It Was Illegible

May 21, 2020

The Century Town Council voted this week to increase their current fiscal budget by nearly 10 percent — even though council members were unable to read some of the line items they voted to increase.

The town’s budget for the current fiscal year that began October 1 was $3,637,645, and is now amended to $3,946,623. The $309,278 increase comes from an anticipated grant of about $110,000 for a sewer project, a transfer of $79,783 from special revenue and anticipated savings in a few budget categories.

Four members of the town council took part in a teleconference budget workshop May 13 discuss the changes with town accountant Robert Hudson.  Councilman James Smith did not attend.

On a motion by council member Luis Gomez, Jr. and a second from council member Sandra McMurray Jackson, the council approved the budget amendment 5-0 Monday night with no chance for public comment.

After approving the budget, Council President Ann Brooks complained some portions of the budget document were illegible and impossible to read.

The images above and below show the increased budget document that the Century Town Council voted to approve. The council’s vote increased some of these illegible line items. To see the complete budget pdf as presented to the council, click here.


23 Responses to “Century Approves Nearly 10% Budget Increase, Even Though Much Of It Was Illegible”

  1. MR REALITY on May 24th, 2020 5:08 pm

    If they have the ability to SCAN a document and then SAVE that document as a PDF, they have the ability to EXPORT to original documant as a PDF to the same scanner/printer, one would think….It looks to me like it was MADE blurry for a reason AS the rest of the document looks fine. You would only print out an original document to then SCAN, for no other reason than to doctor it up, IMO. THIS IS WHY PDF ARE CREATED. TO LOCK THE DOCUMENT FONTS.

  2. Shay on May 22nd, 2020 12:41 pm

    Dang!!! They can’t even send a pdf correctly. I hope they put in for extra money for office supplies.

  3. William Reynolds on May 22nd, 2020 12:23 am

    >>wait a minute…how is a PDF, BLURRY?

    They create pdfs by scanning documents. The don’t use Acrobat.

  4. MR REALITY on May 22nd, 2020 12:21 am

    wait a minute…how is a PDF, BLURRY?

  5. LRG on May 21st, 2020 11:13 pm

    I agree with my mailing address is,the hole bunch needs replacing. They are just a sorry excuse for leadership.

  6. DK on May 21st, 2020 4:09 pm

    My Dad used to tell me growing up Do Not Count On Money Until It’s In Your Hand.Looks like grants not even sure if they will get and money saved on other things was enough for these crooks to jack the budget up?I think my 6 years old grandson can budget money better than these flunkies.As one of my middle school teachers used to say Join The Circus Be A Clown Be A Clown!

  7. bewildered on May 21st, 2020 3:05 pm

    Now this is weird. If your copier is out of ink, print the document as many times as needed.

  8. Resident on May 21st, 2020 2:28 pm

    They so use to loans with terms that look like that. They’s how they get 750 years to pay back millions and make loans to council members.

  9. Hahaha on May 21st, 2020 12:35 pm

    Awesome, now y’all can’t see that interest-free loan I got.

  10. freedom on May 21st, 2020 12:33 pm

    Jeez William, you’re not supposed to report the bad stuff. You’re supposed to report that Century is looking out for the taxpayers by using the ink until the last drop!

  11. Well on May 21st, 2020 11:22 am

    Councilman Smith did not want you listening to
    the conversation therefore he did not dial in.

  12. chris on May 21st, 2020 11:13 am

    “Proof that Century is running out of Ink.” They have plenty of red ink to go around.
    The entire council and the mayor are a joke, and not a funny one..

  13. Big Boy on May 21st, 2020 11:00 am

    Where is Mr Smith this time. Probably trying to figure out who he going to blame for this comedy show. Can’t read the budget and no public comment. Come on how corrupt are you people. People you need to Vote Vote Vote It will never get any better anyother way.

  14. tg on May 21st, 2020 10:32 am

    Proof that Century is running out of Ink.

  15. John Doe on May 21st, 2020 9:59 am

    century gonna be century

  16. tg on May 21st, 2020 9:22 am

    Only legible with Rose Colored Glasses.

  17. Bob on May 21st, 2020 9:05 am

    The blind leading the blind?

  18. Dwn on May 21st, 2020 8:58 am

    Step 1: Develop legal petition requesting a referendum to unincorporated. Work with Supervisor of Elections David Stafford on the requirements.
    Step 2: Gather signatures, likely 10% of the registered voters of the city.
    Step 3: Present to Council, pass a motion for a referendum consistent with Florida Statutes.
    Step 4: SOR Stafford places on ballot. The people vote.
    Step 5: Remain incorporated, or dissolve the municipality, and transfer infrastructure and assets to new managing parties.

    The processes and procedures are spelled out in Florida Statutes.

  19. sam on May 21st, 2020 7:21 am

    pitiful. but then what would you expect?

  20. Sedition on May 21st, 2020 6:25 am

    Business as usual. Most of them are probably illiterate anyway.

  21. my mailing address is Century, but I live in Walnut Hill... on May 21st, 2020 6:22 am

    First of all, if you can’t read the budget, why would you even think it’s ok to approve it and sign off? I clicked on the PDF, and you can’t read it! The whole council needs to be replaced…just saying, get someone in there who can budget, can print a legible document, and who doesn’t seem to have their fingers in the pot!

  22. SW on May 21st, 2020 6:19 am

    Fuzzy math?

  23. JTV on May 21st, 2020 6:16 am

    This is reality tv best when binge watched.