Century Applies For Grant To Finish Updates To Land Development Code

May 19, 2020

The Town of Century is applying for a $30,000 grant to update the town’s land development code (LDC).

The town council voted Monday to approve apply for a Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Community Planning Technical Assistance Grant for fiscal year 2020-2021.  If the town receives the grant, it will be used to update portions of the LDC that were adopted in 1991, prepare a zoning map and offset the cost of publishing the changes.

Portions of Century’s land development code were previously updated. The $30,000 grant will allow them to finish the project.

In 2016, the town received a $25,000 Community Planning Technical Assistance Grant from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity that was used to updated five chapters of the LDC. They applied for another grant in 2018, but did not receive funding.

Pictured: Century Assistant Clerk Kristina Wood, Peggy Fowler of Peggy Fowler and Associates and consultant Debbie Nickles at a 2017 land  development code workshop in Century. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Century Applies For Grant To Finish Updates To Land Development Code”

  1. Dave on May 20th, 2020 8:49 pm

    Perhaps the town of Century can apply and get one of those PAYDAY LOANS or Pawn the county trucks for some added embarrassment to themselves

  2. Dwn on May 20th, 2020 5:52 pm

    Frankly, where is there any building boom or large scale developments across northern Escambia County north of Quintette Road?

    Aside from pulpwood, a bit of lumber processing, and commodity crops, the unincorporated areas aren’t any beacon on a hill of an economic opportunity panacea.

    Away from its coasts, the lower South is simply withering. Declining population. Very low incomes. Few destinations for tourism. Economic success is measured by the presence of a Wal Mart, fast food restaurants, dollar stores, a car dealership, and a high school. Often, an interstate interchange is a kick starter, but those are already in place.

    Century is missing several of these components of so-called rural “success”. But no other location in North Escambialand offers more. In fact, there is less.

    In our free capitalistic market, existing opportunities elsewhere are closing much of the lower South away from interstate highways, coastal cities, and moderate sized inland cities like Montgomery. The only sure thing going in the rural South may be continuing depopulation. That bodes poorly for those who remain.

  3. Chris on May 19th, 2020 11:29 pm

    A picture of a 2017 land development code workshop. Sure did pay off for Century.

  4. Lda on May 19th, 2020 8:49 pm

    Need to get a grant and fix the bridge on Freedom rd.

  5. Oversight on May 19th, 2020 8:53 am

    Using “development” and “Century” in near vicinity to one another is quite the oxymoron.

  6. tg on May 19th, 2020 8:53 am

    Century is all out of Development. Its in Survival Stage.

  7. DLo on May 19th, 2020 8:10 am

    There shouldn’t be a Century Land Development Code, they shouldn’t be asking for more handout money to update it, the entire thing should be handled by the county. Century can’t afford to update its laws, it can’t afford to keep its water and gas in order with more and more grants, it’s ridiculous. Every thing they do is just redundant of what the county is already doing, except the county can actually afford to operate. It’s way past time to dissolve this dinosaur, stop begging for more grants to do basic, essential government operations when a more cost effective, fiscally responsible option is already in place.

  8. mike on May 19th, 2020 7:27 am

    how’s about leaving things the way they are and apply for some grants to upgrade infrastructure of things the people use, not changes to get an excuse to raise property taxes. call it what it is. Century gov should be scrapped and Escambia County run the area. keep Vernon Prather of course.

    put an end to this clown show. :)

  9. sam on May 19th, 2020 7:00 am

    what’s the point? how does it benefit the town? does the town need zoning? i haven’t seen any building boom in housing or large businesses moving in to town.

  10. DK on May 19th, 2020 4:52 am
