All But One COVID-19 Death In Escambia County Was Someone Over Age 65; 75% Were Long-Term Care Residents

May 22, 2020

Every COVID-19 death but one in Escambia County was someone over 65-years old and 75% of the deaths have been directly related to long-term care facilities, according to the Florida Department of Health.

The death toll in Escambia County increased by three on Thursday to 24 people. The youngest was a 52-year old female, and the oldest was a 103-year old female. Most of the deaths (21) were over 70-years old.

Three-quarters of the COVID-19 deaths in Escambia County have been in long-term care facility residents or staff members (18 total). graphics, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “All But One COVID-19 Death In Escambia County Was Someone Over Age 65; 75% Were Long-Term Care Residents”

  1. David Huie Green on May 24th, 2020 4:54 pm

    “That is 75,000 / 330,000,000 = 0.000234375 or a 0.02% rate of death. Your odds of coming through this alive are 99.98% currently.”

    Closer to 100,000 lately and climbing, but your point is interesting. You can’t get the death rate based on those who haven’t been exposed. Otherwise go for broke and declare there are so many people on the Earth and fewer than 30 have died from COVID-19 in Escambia County. Cook the numbers to say what you want them to say.

    If you are in of those who still believe our leader’s declaration that it is just a hoax, that explains much.

    David for honest people

  2. Klondike Kid on May 24th, 2020 9:33 am

    @ Rocky – I agree 100 %. If you’re scared – stay home but leave the rest of us alone. This weekend the roads are jam packed here with vehicles with outlander tags , apparently nobody wanted to shame them into staying home as long as there was a buck to be made. Also I feel the mask wearing is some kind of social conditioning to stigmatize those of us who refuse. I equate that to the 1980’s when everyone started being conditioned to becoming a smoker hater.

  3. Rocky on May 23rd, 2020 10:18 pm

    These are temporary measures??? Covid19 isn’t going away folks. Just as H1N1, SARS, H1N3 haven’t gone away; it’s here to stay. Or, at least until the election, then it’ll vanish; the Democrats will forget you exist. Unless they’re close to developing a vaccine, then they’ll probably make you jump through hoops for entertainment purposes, until they vaccinate and implant you with a microchip. You’ll no doubt, quietly comply.

    I don’t want to hear “New Normal”, there’s nothing normal about what they’ve proposed. You may be prepared to follow lines around the store, trudge 6 ft. apart, like good little lemmings; you may be prepared to wear your mask until they instruct you to put your Burkas on, and you’ll quietly comply there too, I’m sure… But, I am NOT.

    If you’re afraid, stay home until your savings run out. If you’re still afraid; get over it, go back to work, or go hungry. Don’t expect me to conform, to your fear, don’t tell me, I’m being irresponsible for not complying. I will not be goaded into compliance with stupidity; it’s NOT going to happen. I will NOT be immunized either, as long as there is a single woman standing in this country screaming “My Body, My Choice!” and abortion is legal. Mandatory vaccination is NOT happening.

    There are approximately 330 Million people in the US, 75,000 – 85,000 Covid related deaths nationwide, dependent upon source. We KNOW there are considerable fraudulently coded deaths in Democrat states, inflating those numbers drastically, thus I’m going with the low end. That is 75,000 / 330,000,000 = 0.000234375 or a 0.02% rate of death. Your odds of coming through this alive are 99.98% currently.

    Covid19 is trending just like SARS according to experts, peaked in 3 weeks then fell off into virtual non-existence.

  4. Lee on May 23rd, 2020 6:35 pm

    Thanks to everyone who continues to wear a mask and practices social distancing. I’m healthy but work in a clinic where kids receive chemo. They have no immunity and their lives depend on others being responsible. Even a cold can be a setback that interrupts or delays treatment. Those kids have families who go to work, go to the grocery store, etc., worrying about what germs they are passing on, so of course they are worried about this virus. Considering what some people are dealing with, wearing a mask in stores or crowds seems a very minor inconvenience. It’s not just about rights; it’s about responsibility, too.

  5. DK on May 22nd, 2020 6:51 pm

    As I said if your scared and live in fear stay at home period.

  6. Henry Coe on May 22nd, 2020 5:19 pm

    Re:DK One of the complications of getting the Coronavirus is that it causes blood clots so the person you read about is not the only one. There have also been many additional folks who survived the respiratory aspects of Covid-19 but ended up suffering a stroke.
    When scientist say there is still a lot about this virus they don’t understand, they mean it. They have learned a lot, but have a long way to go.
    As far as considering the possibility of a vaccine for this virus, like HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) people have been battling for 40 years, but still no vaccine. We have better treatments, but not a vaccine.
    This virus and its effects will most likely, IMO, be around for a very long time and unfortunately the virus doesn’t care about the economy.

  7. Rufus Lowgun on May 22nd, 2020 4:19 pm

    I just have one question for those of you who think that somehow your “Freedoms” are being taken away from you. If temporarily doing a few simple things like wearing a mask when you go out, keeping 6 feet away from people, and following the directional arrows on the aisle at the store will keep you from getting someone sick with a disease that might kill them or someone in their family, a disease that based on the published number of infected and dead in Florida is 40 times deadlier than the flu (4.42%, based on the latest numbers), why wouldn’t you? I know you’re out there, because I’ve stopped going to the Walmart neighborhood market because of you. Are you really that selfish?

  8. DK on May 22nd, 2020 3:44 pm

    I’ve said it before IF YOU ARE SCARED AND LIVE IN FEAR STAY AT HOME!Let the rest of us normal folk live our lives!All of this is happening because it being an election year.Inflated numbers by them old Democrat’s.I was reading an article the other day and someone elderly died of a heart attack but it got blamed on COVID-19 go figure it’s happening all around the United State’s.

  9. BRING IT ON on May 22nd, 2020 2:09 pm

    I don’t do much on the Internet and do not watch fake news. I just use GOD given common sense and rationality. The thing is that you don’t destroy an economy when it could’ve been avoided. I’ve owned 2 businesses and I can just imagine what ALL of those small buinesses that won’t be coming back are feeling. Oh that’s right, the government will take care of them. When one business goes down that affects a lot of people and a lot of other businesses. Start looking at the big picture.

  10. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2020 2:02 pm

    “It’s a miracle! COVID-19 has cured death from old age and other circumstances! It’s a miracle!”

    Escambia County averages about 862 deaths per year per hundred thousand people with about 318 thousand residents.
    That comes out to more than 228 deaths per month.
    The above shows 24 COVID-19 deaths in our county since they began dying.
    Therefore, the deaths were not just other deaths renamed COVID-19 deaths or there would be many more.

    And to be honest, old age never kills anybody. It just makes it easier for other things to kill them. That is why we need to try to cure old age, to avoid related medical problems.

    David for curing old age while we’re still young and pretty

    [ 862.1 deaths/year/12 months/year/100,000 people x 318,316 people = 228.68 deaths/month {Feel free to check my math.}
    Source for average annual death rate: (page 8) ]

  11. Whisperjet on May 22nd, 2020 1:27 pm

    ..yall do realize that the left will leave no stone unturned to get a the didn’t work in 2016 and it is not gonna work in 2020..just be sure every voter has a valid I D.

  12. Denny on May 22nd, 2020 12:34 pm

    well duh, on the chart breaking down deaths by age, Mr. Coe was referring ages changing, i.e. deaths of younger people will increase as people start to get out more.

    As for BRING IT ON, your attitude will lead to careless actions the virus will exploit and you’ll regret your words when it affects your family. I hope I’m wrong.

  13. CW on May 22nd, 2020 11:48 am

    @well duh

    You seriously need to stay off of the internet, you’re believing too many of the conspiracy theories.

  14. BRING IT ON on May 22nd, 2020 11:42 am

    Herd immunity does work and has since the beginning of time. This hoax would not have happened if there were a Democrat president. I urge all of you to check out Cloward – Piven and see for yourself that there are a majority of fools that are trying to drive America towards that twisted idealism. I myself will not conform and I’m finally seeing GOOD AMERICANS wake up.

  15. EMD on May 22nd, 2020 10:34 am

    What Rod said. Plus: I hate it when people in positions of supposed knowledge and power, mislead those that are at the top and hurt so many people that are depending on them. Making mistakes is one thing. Lying on purpose is another. Those in collusion with China, need to be put on a slow boat to that destination, never to return.

  16. Herd immunity on May 22nd, 2020 10:32 am

    Herd immunity should not happen in our country. Ask Sweden how it’s working for them. Wear a mask, protect yourself and others. Seniors did not sign up for this. Makes me sick. Wake up America.

  17. well duh on May 22nd, 2020 10:14 am

    @Henry, gee how profound that the numbers will change by mid-june. What pray tell could possible change numbers? Could it be another person died from this hoax? Maybe a hospital changes it’s numbers to ACCURATELY reflect the numbers of actual virus vs. the ones they had nothing else to pin illness on? Oh no, they wouldn’t do that because the gubmint pays extra for covid cases…………..numbers change, DUH. Heck the numbers of daily births in the county change too but who cares right?

  18. Henry Coe on May 22nd, 2020 7:34 am

    I predict by mid June those numbers will be very different.

  19. rod on May 22nd, 2020 6:55 am

    It’s a miracle! COVID-19 has cured death from old age and other circumstances! It’s a miracle!