75 Percent Of Escambia County COVID-19 Deaths Have Been In These Four Long-Term Care Facilities

May 17, 2020

Of the 20 COVID-19 deaths in Escambia County, 15 have been long-term care facility or staff members.

Five residents of Bayside Health and Rehabilitation Center have died. There have been five deaths associate with Southern Oaks Care Center – four residents and one staff member.

Four residents of the Brookdale Pensacola assisted living facility and one resident at  Arcadia Health and Rehabilitation Center have also died.

The Florida Department of Health releases their report on long term facility deaths once per week.


7 Responses to “75 Percent Of Escambia County COVID-19 Deaths Have Been In These Four Long-Term Care Facilities”

  1. vapor on May 18th, 2020 8:05 pm

    Only a very few types of masks do anything other than look silly. (cloth masks are beyond useless unless you are coughing. If you are coughing you should be home.)

    Even Surgical masks don’t stop aerosol-ized viruses. Droplets from a cough, yes, breath, nope!

    Hand hygiene and a little space works, masks don’t unless you are coughing, then you should be home.

    It it’s not an N95 respirator that is properly fitted with every use, you aren’t doing anything.

    a friend in the industrial respirator industry said it’s like trying to stop a softball with a basketball hoop.

  2. Norma Lynn Lundy on May 18th, 2020 11:18 am

    Yes, where is ACHA or even a Florida organization.fNursing homes, Skilled NH or Intermediate Care providers?

  3. Dwn on May 17th, 2020 11:32 am

    This really demonstrates the vulnerability of our older citizens and health care workers.

    By wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and keeping contact points clean, we express our concern for their safety and well being.

    It is sad that these practices have now been politicized, and in the process has made the elder citizens, first and medical responders, and everyone, more at risk of contracting the disease.

    I’m about having a healthy and functioning economy, too. But the anti- mask and freedom crowd have forgotten the above.

  4. Why on May 17th, 2020 10:57 am

    Governor, I will remember this in the next election. Until it touches you personally nothing is being done. Please protect our elderly. They did not sign up to die for their nation. Protect them.

  5. Herd immunity on May 17th, 2020 10:54 am

    I pray I am wrong. I think they are doing herd immunity on us. A Florida congress person said he was not wearing a mask and referenced herd immunity. I pray I am so wrong. Wear a mask and protect each other. The virus is here and it is not going away any time soon.

  6. Anne on May 17th, 2020 8:33 am

    Sad and unfortunate numbers for our elders and their loving families.

    HIPPA likely blocks sharing of such information yet it would be interesting to know the specific ages of those who passed in our nursing homes.
    Also, other than age, what were the contributing chronic or recent conditions and illnesses of these persons?

    We discuss this a lot and not wanting to be thought as heartless it seems that COVID-19 is the immediate presumed “primary cause” being pressed forward when it was likely a contributing factor yet not the major cause of passing.

    Has anyone compiled and released those numbers?
    Detest this virus and its effects on people worldwide and on the economies and job losses. However as Paul Harvey might say, “And now the rest of the story…”

    Prayers for you to be well. God Bless this United States of America and especially ALL who serve us in Health Care.

    Thanks to ALL in Law Enforcement and wish your Law Enforcement Appreciation Week had been more celebrated.

  7. Kate on May 17th, 2020 8:20 am

    Where is AHCA, not a word from them on the covid deaths, and they are the licensing and Medicare/Medicaid inspection agency responsible. Wht up with them, are they in hiding?