20th COVID-19 Death, 11 New Cases Reported In Escambia County

May 15, 2020


One death and 11 new COVID-19 cases were reported Friday in Escambia County by the Florida Department of Health.

The death was an 84-year old long-term care facility resident with no travel history that had previous contact with a known patient.

The Escambia County total now stands at 682. The Santa Rosa County is up by two to 182.

Of the 20 deaths in Escambia County, 15 have been long-term care facility residents. There have been eight deaths in Santa Rosa County, all outside long-term care facilities.

Statewide, there were 44,138 cases including 42,940 Florida residents. There have been 7,959 hospitalizations and 1,917 deaths.

  • Total cases — 682 (+11 since Thursday)
  • Pensacola — 513
  • Cantonment — 47
  • Bellview — 6
  • Perdido Key — 1
  • McDavid/Walnut Hill — 1
  • Molino – 4
  • Century — 2
  • Hospitalizations:  57*
  • Deaths — 50
  • Male — 240
  • Female — 330
  • Youngest — 0
  • Oldest — 105

Santa Rosa County cases:

  • Total cases — 182 (+2 since Thursday)
  • Milton — 101
  • Navarre — 34
  • Gulf Breeze — 26
  • Pace — 16
  • Jay — 2
  • Residents: 129
  • Nonresidents — 1
  • Hospitalizations — 23*
  • Deaths — 9
  • Male — 119
  • Female — 59
  • Youngest — 2 months
  • Oldest — 94

Florida cases:

  • Total cases — 44,138
  • Florida residents — 42,940
  • Deaths — 1,917
  • Hospitalizations — 7,959*

*“Hospitalizations” is a count of all laboratory confirmed cases in which an inpatient hospitalization occurred at any time during the course of illness. These people may no longer be hospitalized. This number does not represent the number of COVID-19 positive persons currently hospitalized. The FDOH does not provide a count of patients currently hospitalized.


4 Responses to “20th COVID-19 Death, 11 New Cases Reported In Escambia County”

  1. Reality Check on May 16th, 2020 3:33 pm


    Your examples are weak arguments. Yeah, car accidents happen, but when people purposefully drive in a way that results in a fatality, there is most definitely accountability. Vehicular manslaughter comes to mind.

    Smoking: We’ve known for a long time that smoking is bad for you. Despite massive amounts of cash used to lobby for weaker laws by tobacco companies, we as a society have moved ourselves away from its rampant use. We’ve decided if you want to smoke after you turn the legal age and ruin your OWN life, then fine. We also mitigate others being harmed by preventing smokers from smoking in front of entrances to businesses, campuses, in cars with minors, and just about any other place where someone could inadvertently breathe second hand smoke.

    Alcohol follows some of the same criteria.

    Finally, as far as influenza. Those numbers are for a complete year. Since you seem kind of clueless, that’s 365 days. This virus has killed just over 88,000 people in just four months. That’s over 20,000 more people than the higher end of your example in 1/3 the amount of time. Cars, alcohol, and cigarettes are not contagious. No one is going to SUDDENLY get sick because they come into contact with them.

    I’ve got a novel idea, leave the medical advice to the doctors and nurse practitioners. The reason why this is so different is because your choice to go and get sick and infect others you come into contact with are not necessarily other’s decisions. Yet, you may carry the virus for 14 days before showing symptoms. How many people would you interact with in that time? How many people would they in turn interact with in a new cycle of 14 days. That’s exactly how the number of infected/dead rose so swiftly from 1 to 88,000. Because of people that think like you do, this number has not been begun to slow down. I’m so happy that stupidity isn’t contagious. Who knows how many you’d infect.

    I know the economy is everyone’s new concern, but until there is a vaccine or some other kind of treatment, the life you knew is gone. There won’t be an economy if there isn’t people to spend money.

  2. Molino Mom on May 16th, 2020 2:34 pm

    Numbers continue to rise but lets open everything up! Ridiculous. I don’t care to put myself or my family in danger of DEATH so we will all continue to do as we have been doing – masks, gloves, sanitizer and social distancing! People are crazy.

  3. Rasheed Jackson on May 16th, 2020 10:38 am

    @ Barbara,
    Have you stopped driving? Between forty and fifty thousand people die in auto accidents each year but every day we get in our cars and go about our lives taking every precaution that we can to protect ourselves but still putting ourselves at risk.
    What about Smoking? 500,000 people a year die from smoking related illness. Have we outlawed cigarettes? 40,000 die from second hand smoke, so there is no argument they are only harming themselves.
    Then there is the alcohol issue. 28 people die each day from alcohol related vehicle crashes. Many times it is an innocent person who just happened to be in their path. Have we outlawed alcohol? No!
    Then there is the seasonal flu. ”CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010″.
    You stated. “Some say we have to just live life and sacrifice those who may get it”. Isn’t that what we are doing every day with all these other things that are killing people? So my question is, why is this so different?

  4. Barbara Agerton on May 15th, 2020 10:20 pm

    So sad to know this virus is responsible for so many deaths……surviving family members are suffering………the loss…devastating…(not to mention,loss of employment) (who is going to pay the bills)………….which one of us is next……..some say we have to just live life and sacrifice those who may get it …..well I ask who would they sacrifice first…Grandma..Mom. Dad…a new born baby……yeah……No one .is what they will say no one in my family……like they have said many times,we are all in this together……..