Tuesday: COVID-19 Cases Up By 27 In Escambia County, Second Death

April 7, 2020

A second person has died and two dozen new COVID-19 cases have been reported in Escambia County since Monday, according to the Florida Department of Health. The number of hospitalizations in the county also increased.

The death was a 78-year old male that had contact with a previous case but no travel. The first COVID-19 death in Escambia County was reported Saturday morning — a 75-year old female. There have been two fatalities in Santa Rosa County.

According FDOH’s evening report, there are now eight cases in residents or staff of long-term care facilities in Escambia County, an increase of five since Monday.

The Florida Department of Health reports 168 total COVID cases in Escambia County. Of those, 150 are local residents.The number of hospitalizations in the county also increased by three to a total of 12.

The number of cases in Santa Rosa County increased to 66.

Statewide, there were 14,747 cases including 14,302 Florida residents. There were 1,894in the hospital and 296 deaths.

Escambia County cases:

  • Total cases — 168 (+27 since Monday)
  • Pensacola — 121
  • Cantonment — 21
  • Bellview — 5
  • Perdido Key — 1
  • McDavid/Walnut Hill — 2
  • Molino – 1
  • Century — 1
  • Residents: 153
  • Nonresidents — 15
  • Hospitalizations:  15
  • Deaths — 2
  • Men — 86
  • Women — 80
  • Youngest: 2
  • Oldest: 95

Santa Rosa County cases:

  • Total cases — 66 (+3  since Monday)
  • Milton — 25
  • Navarre — 17
  • Gulf Breeze — 12
  • Pace — 7
  • Jay — 1
  • Residents: 48
  • Nonresidents — 0
  • Hospitalizations — 10
  • Deaths — 2
  • Men — 40
  • Women — 26
  • Youngest — 2 months
  • Oldest — 84

Florida cases:

  • Total cases — 14,747
  • Florida residents — 14,302
  • Non-Florida residents — 445
  • Deaths — 296
  • Hospitalized — 1,777


7 Responses to “Tuesday: COVID-19 Cases Up By 27 In Escambia County, Second Death”

  1. Lee on April 8th, 2020 8:40 am

    It’s not the cases that have been identified we need to worry about; it’s the spread by people who have no idea they have contracted it. Hence, stay at home, use masks, etc. Compared to highly populated areas, it shouldn’t be difficult for people here to follow guidelines when they have to go out. Yet, we have selfish folks determined to continue put themselves and others at risk. Likely the same people complaining about businesses and services being shut down. Whether you believe this virus is real, or you still think it’s a hoax, does not make you immune. So, the next time you stand outside a store, unprotected, standing up close and personal, talking to a neighbor or coworker like everything is “normal,” and have the arrogance to make snarky comments about people wearing masks, realize those people aren’t just protecting themselves and whomever they go home to; they are protecting you, too.

  2. Sue on April 8th, 2020 1:41 am

    Thank you for the updates. I especially liked the zipcode breakdown.

  3. Jerry on April 7th, 2020 11:43 pm

    The numbers will probably double each day since no one there took it serious enough to lock things down 3 weeks or more ago. Its very sad

  4. Susan on April 7th, 2020 6:23 pm

    Thank you for providing this information.

  5. Bruce on April 7th, 2020 5:03 pm

    Thank you for posting what you have

  6. William Reynolds on April 7th, 2020 4:35 pm

    >>Can you break down to separate Beulah from cantonment and bellview

    We have no way to break it down any further than the Dept of Health does.

  7. Bruce on April 7th, 2020 3:40 pm

    Can you break down to separate Beulah from cantonment and bellview