Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson Tests Negative For COVID-19 After His Son Is Confirmed Positive

April 3, 2020

Update: Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson has tested negative for COVID-19 after being tested today, Friday, April 3. Mayor Robinson was tested due to his son testing positive for COVID-19.

Mayor Robinson will continue to self-isolate and monitor for symptoms for two weeks, according to the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with City of Pensacola policy.

In an abundance of caution, City Hall will be deep cleaned and sanitized over the weekend, in addition to the enhanced daily cleaning measures already taking place due to COVID-19.

Mayor Robinson has not exhibited any symptoms of COVID-19, and he will continue to be available to perform his job duties from home while quarantined as he is able.

Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson announced Friday afternoon that he has been tested for COVID-19 after his son tested positive.

Robinson released the following open letter:

Dear citizens of Pensacola,

Today, I was tested for COVID-19. I have not received the test results, but regardless of the outcome, I will be self-quarantining until I can confirm that it is safe for me to be around others.

My son, Grover Robinson V, has tested positive for COVID-19 and is recovering at home. He is doing well and is expected to make a full recovery.

I wanted you, the citizens of Pensacola, to hear this first from me rather than from another source or rumor.

Regardless of what happens, rest assured that you are in good hands with very capable employees here at the City of Pensacola. We have an incredible team of hardworking people working every day to serve our citizens.

I will continue to do everything I can to serve you while ensuring I am not putting anyone else at risk while I await the results of my test.

It is always my commitment to be as transparent as possible with those who have elected me to serve them, and these circumstances are no different. I will provide an update to the public once I have my test results, whether positive or negative.

I urge you all to continue to do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Follow the directives you are receiving from health officials and Gov. DeSantis. The safety and the future of our city is dependent on all of us working together to stop this virus from spreading.


19 Responses to “Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson Tests Negative For COVID-19 After His Son Is Confirmed Positive”

  1. Beulah Gal on April 5th, 2020 7:54 pm

    You said it, Tina. It took two weeks for the mobile unit to even allow my husband to be tested. It’s now been six days and no results.

    When he was approved over the phone, the nurse said they were running the tests in-house now and it shouldn’t take more than a couple of days. In person, he was told 5-7 days. The info sheet they gave him said 4-5 days. It’s ridiculous!

  2. Jerry on April 4th, 2020 9:58 pm

    Once higher up people start to suffer from COVID thats when they will actually care and do something about it. If they had put orders in place weeks ago and shut things down this wouldn’t be as bad.

  3. Tina on April 4th, 2020 5:26 pm

    My question is how did he get his test results back so fast ,
    When everyone else’s is taken 7 to 10 days ?
    I mean, seriously that’s ridiculous !!
    And so unfair to those waiting on results , he no better than anyone Js.

  4. Sherri Redwine on April 4th, 2020 3:34 pm

    Im glad your son is recovering. I know they cant put every positive in the hospital because they have to put the serious cases in first. What i don’t understand is how does a positlive in a house and the other family members not get it. I really don’t understand that. Just wondering. Thank you

  5. Louise on April 4th, 2020 3:11 pm

    Undertaker: why are you so negative and glib?Mayor Robinson has always put others welfare before his own. It doesn’t matter if he’s mayor or whatever , he only wants what is best for the public. He was elected to serve the citizens of Pensacola, and in order to continue to do that without causing harm to others he has to know his condition. Are you a bit jealous maybe?

  6. Ensley Boy on April 4th, 2020 8:11 am

    How can you live with someone with the virus and not get it?

  7. Bewildered on April 4th, 2020 7:51 am

    AGS thinks like I do. Where do all these positive people go? You read they are sent home and are doing well. If it makes no sense it is not true.

  8. Ricky on April 4th, 2020 12:48 am

    Thank you for letting the public know that your son is o.k.
    Your a good man and an excellent mayor.
    My mother use to say “what will be will be”.
    God Bless you and your family!

  9. the undertaker on April 3rd, 2020 9:38 pm

    How nice to be the Mayor… you get your test results in only hours when others take a week.

  10. Lesli Douglas on April 3rd, 2020 8:18 pm

    Coral, Ocean,& I wish you & your family fast & full recovery. Y’all ate in our prayers.

  11. David on April 3rd, 2020 8:14 pm

    @ JF , you need not to get your news or info from Fakebook or Twittie

  12. Henry Coe on April 3rd, 2020 6:43 pm

    @JF, You should spend some time researching Covid-19 from a medical & scientific perspective instead of looking at it from an economic perspective.

  13. Wellthen on April 3rd, 2020 5:52 pm

    Anyone wanting a total lockdown are welcome to do so on there own. Please do so and anyone else you can convince. Good luck and hopefully the result won’t put you in the loony bin.
    Unfortunately all people won’t listen and don’t have common sense so we must be told over and over like toddlers not to touch the hot burners on a stove.

  14. tg on April 3rd, 2020 4:10 pm

    Deborah lock down so you dont get it. Get it!

  15. Terry Hare on April 3rd, 2020 3:45 pm

    Mayor Robinson, does your son know how he was infected? Did he travel or just by contact? thank you

  16. JF on April 3rd, 2020 3:27 pm

    I see comments wishing to shut the city or State down! How long would they want it
    shut down! There has to be some common sense! You can not shut a country down,
    Life goes on! One does not know how or where the son got the virus, but he is recovering! No more than if he had polio, mumps, influenza or any other viral disease!
    We cannot let the medical experts run the country! America will not survive shut down! The experts predict 250 thousand or so will die of the virus! They don’t say how long that will be! A month, 6 months, a year! So would they want the country shut down for a year? Come on, we need to open up the Country and practice safe conduct, wear mask, no risky behavior, use hand sanitizer and stay out of smoke filled bars and other close areas without good venlation!

  17. AGS on April 3rd, 2020 3:26 pm

    Why would you send someone home that has this so it can potentially be spread to others? All confirmed should be in hospital… I confused?

  18. Deborah Jarrell on April 3rd, 2020 1:51 pm

    I beg you PLEASE lock down Pensacola before we are all stricken with this hideous virus!!!

  19. Sharon White on April 3rd, 2020 1:38 pm

    Thank you for being open and honest with your health and your son’s. I pray he gets well quickly and that your test is negative. You and all our public officials are doing a great job keeping us informed. Thank you all for your service