Overall Crime Rate Falls In Escambia County As Murders More Than Double

April 11, 2020

The overall crime rate in Escambia County dropped 4.1% from 2018 to 2019 while the number of murders more than doubled, according the 2019 Uniform Crime Report released Friday by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office crime rate was down 4.7%, and the Pensacola Police Department’s was down 5%.

The number of murders in Escambia County increased 12 in 2018 to 27 in 2019, robberies increased from 293 to 337, aggravated assaults were up from 1.769 to 1.828, and burglaries increased from 1,769 to 1,828.

Rapes decreased from 224 to 186, larcenies were down from 7,203 to 6,724 and motor vehicle thefts slipped from 679 to 650.

The clearance rate, the percentage of crimes solved, improved from 31.9% in 2018 to 32.5% in 2019

Of the 27 murders in 2019, 24 were in the county and three were in the City of Pensacola.

Across the state, the crime rate in Florida fell by 6.3 percent, marking the 49th consecutive year the state has seen a drop in its crime rate. The report also shows a 4.6 percent decrease of total index crimes, with 26,128 fewer reported offenses compared to 201


5 Responses to “Overall Crime Rate Falls In Escambia County As Murders More Than Double”

  1. steve on April 11th, 2020 4:57 pm

    crimes of opportunity seem to be the biggest crime margin. Which then leads to the other crimes.
    Opportunity crimes are, leaving your car door unlocked and valuables inside or worse yet a firearm. Then there is people that leave their house keys in the car. Next thing they are inside the house when they think you gone. Then medications. Then if the car has keys an will crank up, GUESS WHAT THEY NOW HAVE, a moving platform to do more crime.

    All that because people do do the simple task of LOCKING YOUR CAR…
    Yes in a perfect world we could leave money on the lawn and it will be there till you get it up. But we dont.

  2. Dwn on April 11th, 2020 2:37 pm

    Crime rate statistics are similar to hurricane season statistics.

    It’s not that bad of a season, unless you were the one who got hit.

  3. Grandma on April 11th, 2020 10:35 am

    Yeah, rates are down because the officers don’t make reports of the crimes. No report – no statistic. Makes the sheriff’s office look good. But this old woman knows that the statistic don’t reveal reality. She knows cause after living in this county for over fifty years, crime has come to her neighborhood-to her street.

  4. Oversight on April 11th, 2020 6:56 am

    The numbers are down, the numbers are down! Eyes rolling. Every six months this is the same old broken record playing. Like yeah, everyone feels safer already, and soon we won’t need police, courts, or jails either. NOT – lol!

    So here’s the reality check. 67.5% of crimes in this article were not closed in Escambia County in 2019. That is of 11,580 “reported” crimes from these numbers, less than one third, 3,763, were cleared. This leaves 7,817 crimes in limbo.

    Now for 2018’s numbers: 31.9% of crimes cleared. That is 3,812 crimes cleared, which are some 50 more crimes cleared than in 2019. But keep telling yourself crime is down and you’ll feel better.

  5. Dissident on April 11th, 2020 5:34 am

    Whew. Can sleep well tonight, knowing that I’m twice as likely to be murdered, and 58% chance nobody will find out who dunnit. At least nobody will vandalize my property when I’m gone.