Over 300 Tested For COVID-19 At Cantonment Park Drive-Thru Site

April 28, 2020

Over 300 people were tested for COVID-19 at a drive-thru testing site in Cantonment Monday.

Community Health Northwest Florida tested a total of 306 people during the four hour event, according to Ann Papadelias, chief community engagement officer for Community Health Northwest Flordia.

“It was an incredible turnout,” she said of the testing at Carver Park, which did not require a pre-screening phone call. It was open to any resident of Cantonment and surrounding areas at no cost.

Additional people that could not be tested during the allotted timeframe Monday due to the high turnout were referred to Community’s Health’s existing location in Cantonment for testing on Tuesday.

“First, I want to thank the Cantonment Improvement Committee (CIC) or reaching out to me last week to advocate for a walk up testing site in Carver Park,” District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry said Monday. “Additionally , I want to thank Chandra Smiley and Community Health Northwest Florida for being so receptive to the idea and for meeting members of the CIC at the park to walk through the logistics of the event within only a few hours. Today’s testing was a huge success for our community and absolutely would not have happened without both those fantastic partners.”

Community Health also offers drive-thru testing at Cantonment Pediatrics  at 470 South Highway 29 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Pre-screening is required for the Cantonment Pediatrics location by calling (850) 746-2684.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Over 300 Tested For COVID-19 At Cantonment Park Drive-Thru Site”

  1. Oversight on April 28th, 2020 12:09 pm

    @ Quick, Fast and in a Hurry!

    Even faster than your count. 306 people tested in four hours, you don’t say? Let us run the numbers for reality check. Four hours is 240 minutes. Divide the time by 306 tests, which equates to one test every .7843 minutes or one test every 47.05 seconds. Maybe Burger King and McDonald’s could take a lesson here with speed and efficiency.

  2. Ronda on April 28th, 2020 8:54 am

    It would be interesting to know the results from these particular tests since no pre-screening was required.

  3. Quick, Fast and in a Hurry! on April 28th, 2020 7:33 am

    1.275 peoples a minute!
    Now thats testing!