Our View Update: Escambia County Decides To Release COVID-19 Situation Report

April 11, 2020

UPDATE: Escambia County announced Saturday afternoon that they will once again make their Emergency Operations Center Situation Report available.

NorthEscambia.com published an editorial Saturday morning (below) calling for access to the report.

Escambia County released the following statement Saturday afternoon:

In support of board direction from April 2 and extensive legal review, we will be providing the COVID-19 Escambia SitRep document in addition to the twice-daily Joint Information Center updates, State of Florida Situation Reports and daily Escambia County specimen collection totals.

“In keeping with Board’s direction on April 2, staff and legal counsel have reviewed the COVID-19 Escambia SitRep to ensure we have the opportunity to continue the mission of protecting the public without jeopardizing the confidentiality of any health related data that is protected by state and federal laws. We believe the information in this incident report will provide the community with more detailed updates during this extraordinary time.
said County Administrator Janice Gilley.

“This information is being released in furtherance of Escambia County’s official duties and responsibilities to serve the county’s citizens, businesses and agencies during a public health emergency.  Information appearing in this document was compiled from multiple sources and community partners and thus Escambia County does not assure the accuracy of the reported information,” said Escambia County Attorney Alison Rogers.

“It is not the intent of Emergency Management to withhold information. This has been an unprecedented event in which the county is not the lead agency, but serves as the resource manager during the incident. Emergency Management’s intent is to put out accurate information in a timely manner while making sure our community partners’ information does not violate any state or federal regulations. Emergency Management will continue to obtain up-to-date information and to communicate that to the citizens of Escambia County,” said Emergency Manager Eric Gilmore.

Below is the NorthEscambia.com editorial published Saturday morning:

Escambia County is now withholding the public release of a key report that summarizes the local response to COVID-19.

Escambia County Attorney Alison Rogers determined that the situation report is exempt from public disclosure as a “threat assessment.” It’s a report called simply the “sitrep.”

While the county’s media relations department has not directly released the sitrep to the media or public, key county leaders have forwarded the report to media outlets including NorthEscambia.com. The report contains varied information from local agencies like ECAT changes, student meal totals from library and school feeding sites, COVID-19 testing sites, hospital information and law enforcement agency statuses.

Essentially, it’s a one-stop summary that was used by EOC partner agencies, county leadership including commissioners, the media and members of the public to monitor the county’s response. Many the report sections basically say “normal operations.” And while it might seem that law enforcement information could be sensitive, there was nothing that the Pensacola Police Department or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has not already stated publicly like the number of quarantined officers.

There were no secrets in the sitrep.

How much of the sitrep did NorthEscambia.com publish? Directly, nothing at all. It served as a reminder for us to create and publish certain stories on our own. But more importantly, it was like a reassuringly good dad talk. “Son, we have a problem, here’s what is happening, nothing is suddenly worse, and what I know, you know. We’ll get through this together.”

Last week, Escambia County Commissioners agreed during a meeting that any information the county has should be released to the public and media.

Commissioner Jeff Bergosh posted a copy of the report on his blog this week and highlighted the percentage of ventilators available at local hospitals (which was actually a good number — about 80% unused). That data is a good bench mark of a worsening problem, which we do not currently have.

But suddenly the sitrep became a confidential document the public cannot see and commissioners cannot distribute under Florida statute 119.071(3) which seems to be geared more toward terroristic threats.

“For the SITREP to suddenly be deemed ‘unreleasable’ is wrong I believe,” Bergosh wrote Friday on his blog. “I want it released as it was being released before. The citizens, especially during these times of uncertainty and panic, deserve complete transparency. To suddenly say a document is ‘classified’ is wrong. This will sow angst, anger, mistrust, and fear needlessly.” The underlining and bold emphasis were his.

“The public records law is supposed to be interpreted liberally — leaning toward maximum transparency. In this instance, the county’s attorney is conservatively interpreting this law. Too conservatively in my opinion. It is wrong, so far as I am concerned,” he continued. “Threat Assessment??!!?? Really? This virus is a common enemy to all (even our real enemies overseas)–It’s not as if we are at war and the enemy is studying our hospital capacity information! We’re all fighting this together—-and information is critical in this fight. And the citizens deserve this information!”

Bergosh is asking for a virtual special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to decide that the sitrep is available to the public. The sitrep release is an option seemingly available under that the same Florida statute under which it was deemed unreleasable.

It will be up to BOCC chairman Steven Barry to determine if a special meeting will be called.

“Regarding Commissioner Bergosh’s request for a special meeting on his blog today, I believe it’s the chairperson’s responsibility to attempt to accommodate reasonable requests from their colleagues.,” Barry said in a text message to NorthEscambia.com “However, I am certainly not going to ask the board to convene in person for any type of meeting while the Governor’s orders are still active. I have spoken with Attorney Rogers and Administrator Gilley today, and I know they are actively working with Emergency Director Eric Gilmore to address concerns related to the release of different types of information and data. I am optimistic that they will be able to arrive at a course of action that balances the release of information that meets the needs of our board, our media partners, and most importantly, our citizens and constituents, with the privacy issues related to medically protected information and the public safety issues related to the integrity of threat assessment reports. I believe it is only prudent to give the new course of action some time to see how it’s going. In closing, I am open minded to Commissioner Bergosh’s request to schedule what would be a virtual, or electronic meeting, but will consider it more next week.”

Barry made it clear that he does support the release of information.

“I absolutely support the release of any information that does not violate any person’s medical privacy or sensitive law enforcement or operational planning information,” he said.

NorthEscambia.com is joining the call made by other local media, including the Pensacola News Journal and Rick’s Blog, to release the situation report as soon as it is created. There was been nothing in previous editions of the report that needed to be hidden from public view, and we pray our situation improves and nothing in the report gets any worse. But Escambia County citizens are all-in during this pandemic situation, and we should know what our situation is. There’s nothing to hide.

Editor’s note: This story has been update to reflect the sitrep was not always issued every single day, but rather several days per week.


36 Responses to “Our View Update: Escambia County Decides To Release COVID-19 Situation Report”

  1. Kelley on April 13th, 2020 8:42 am

    When we the people don’t get the accurate information we can’t make a good decision. If we have good input we can make good choices. We would be more willing to do the correct thing and work together ❤. But with bad input we sometimes make bad choices . You get people that stop trusting, it builds fear and anger. We fill we don’t count and our voice doesn’t get heard. The government and media need to get their act together so we all can work together and start healing. Stop distorting the truth or withholding the truth.

  2. Susan on April 12th, 2020 12:29 pm

    @ Cathy …why are you shouting?!
    @ Toddzilla where do you get your ‘empty beds/ staff sent home info?’

  3. William Reynolds on April 12th, 2020 12:01 pm


    The Florida Department of Health. Privacy laws don’t apply to death numbers because no people are named.

  4. Cathy Beck on April 12th, 2020 11:59 am


  5. David Huie Green on April 12th, 2020 2:20 am

    “the National News Media’s , for some reason stopped showing the daily Coronavirus Updates from the leading doctors in infectious diseases, but there are two or three channels that show it on cable.”

    If any are showing it, then the national news media still is.

    Those who aren’t showing it live have possibly tired of having to correct the many false statements made by the one speaking before the leading doctors in infectious diseases, hearing legitimate questions called “nasty questions” or being told what questions they SHOULD have asked or just that they should be praising the speaker as he focuses on his ratings.

    The situation got as bad as it did in large part because he blew off the leading doctors in infectious diseases because he thought they were part of his “Deep State” enemies and that the pandemic danger was all “just a hoax.” He even tells them not to answer questions if he doesn’t like their honest answers.

    When a man has a long history of lies, misstatements, and ignorance, reporters aren’t obligated to publish his lies for him. It is a disservice to those interested in truth, people whose lives depend on facts rather than snake oil.

    You can still watch him on the channels who don’t care about truth. Last I checked, anybody with internet service can watch.

    David for honest, honorable people

  6. Kelly on April 11th, 2020 5:08 pm

    Why have we only tested 5% of our community? It is still so hard to get tested in escambia county. You do not have to have a high fever to have the virus you can have alot of other symptoms and they are not taking any of those into consideration to get tested. It’s like we are the red-headed step children of florida.

  7. Sherry Ewy on April 11th, 2020 4:40 pm

    You go northesacombiacounty.com you represent us. Not the tourists. Thank you

  8. Sherry Ewy on April 11th, 2020 1:26 pm

    Now this is when people SHOULD start complaining about conspiracies and misinformation. THIS is when people should be concerned. This is like 1984. The government deciding what information the public “ needs” to know for our own good. Statistical information is not protected by hippa. No names are mentioned. I wanna know what’s being kept from us, and I wanna know why. I also want to know if this has to do with TOURISM, And tourist season approaching. My mouth is flapping and it’s flapping all over Twitter.

  9. Norah on April 11th, 2020 1:01 pm

    Reminds me of the National News Media’s , for some reason stopped showing the daily Coronavirus Updates from the leading doctors in infectious diseases, but there are two or three channels that show it on cable. I watch it daily. Why Attorney Allison Rogers and the National News Media’s reason for not informing the people is beyond me. This is not a communist country.

  10. ER RN on April 11th, 2020 12:53 pm

    “privacy issues related to medically protected information…” per Commissioner Barry. If he is talking about HIPPA then he is totally wrong. I am sure that report does not list any names of individuals that have tested positive or being treated or their treatment. In my opinion, Mr. Barry rolled over and became a “yes man.” Covid 19 is a virus and not a terrorist act.

  11. Felicia Cunningham on April 11th, 2020 12:53 pm

    Every Escambia County Citizen should be tested for COVID-19 before we open up fully. Then we will know where we need to isolate and help who we can. If we don’t then we will be helping a new strand emerge before we have control over this one. Please make everything transparent so the public will no what they are up against.

  12. Ronda Kelly on April 11th, 2020 12:39 pm

    Reports not released to the public = no justification for people keeping their businesses closed, right? No news is good news so I take it everyone can reopen now? Someone has a LOT of explaining to do. Why does Escambia need to hide stats that other counties keep public? Trying to hide this will only make people assume the worst and keep future tourist away from the unknown. Ridiculous.

  13. Neighbor on April 11th, 2020 11:30 am

    They may want to hide the information so they can use the $1.3 million the city was given for the Covid 19 response!

  14. Sketchy business on April 11th, 2020 11:09 am

    Why does Alison or other parties want to hide this information? There is a reason for the request and I believe that it should be made public.

  15. John Reading on April 11th, 2020 10:46 am

    This is where the county administrator should come in and solve the problem. No real need for an actual BOCC meeting. Regardless of Barryss assessment that government should STOP for the bug.

  16. Estrella Nueva on April 11th, 2020 10:35 am

    It was fine until the report was posted on a blog.

  17. tg on April 11th, 2020 10:13 am

    All to protect family identity.

  18. mq on April 11th, 2020 10:03 am

    Sadly another way for local, state, and federal government to take control.
    The control and loss of rights is becoming as concerning or more concerning than the virus itself.
    Thank you William for making us aware of this. I have been following the reports each day as they were published. You do a great job of keeping us all informed.

  19. Tommy on April 11th, 2020 9:36 am

    Some could and would assume that if such report is suddenly and without reason withheld from the public that there is no longer and health emergency. Perhaps Attorney Alison Rogers is saying that there is no longer a risk of infection and that she personally assumes all responsibility of future infections. However, I know Jeff Bergosh and believe he will do everything within the power of his office to get the public those numbers which do not violate any known law.

  20. Toddzila on April 11th, 2020 8:56 am

    Ok, let me see if I understand. The county officials seem to be okay with reporting FUD and Doomsday News, but when the lack of explosive numbers like predicted, empty local hospital beds, and medical staff being sent home due to lack of patients, then suddenly this al becomes too much of a secret for us rednecks to comprehend.. Got it. Roll eyes emoji.

  21. Susan Henderson on April 11th, 2020 8:46 am

    We need the truth.

  22. Jeff on April 11th, 2020 8:42 am

    You can take this 2 ways
    All is good and let’s all go about our day(NOT THE CASE)

    OR it was fine till we reached 200+ sick and it made Escambia look bad and that is all they are worried about not the sick just there jobs. Well by not getting the information out how will we know when the numbers start to drop and it safe? This is an outrageous and makes me sick of our leadership.

    WE NEED THIS INFORMATION this is the one place I get all my information on what is going on with Covid-19 in Escambia County my home.

  23. Concerned Citizen on April 11th, 2020 8:38 am

    I hope reporter and journalists as yourself will challenge this. No way this is legal, also her actions will be remembered next election cycle. Thanks for all you do.

  24. mat on April 11th, 2020 8:20 am

    What Attorney Rogers has done is made it harder to trust
    our local government.

    I have not seen or read any personal medical information
    by northescambia.com about any single person with the
    covid-19 virus. It is all general statistics about our local area.

    We are all in this together.
    There’s nothing to hide.

  25. Concerned citizen on April 11th, 2020 8:09 am

    So does this mean that we will not get daily updates on the number of cases for Escambia and Santa Rosa counties each day?

  26. Escambia Co., FL Resident on April 11th, 2020 7:56 am

    Please publish this daily report! I have to work and live in this and surrounding county and need this information to keep educated about the progress of this disease and it’s spread.

  27. Lenny on April 11th, 2020 7:49 am

    Who are these bone heads we have as elected to work for the people of Escambia Co. I will not call them leaders because that would be quite a stretch. Knowledge is power and the residents of this area should have the tools to make informed decisions for themself and not have to rely on a politically motivated talking heads to inform them of the facts as they see fit to present to the public This state has sunshine laws for a reason, and now is not the time to keep the citizens in the dark. That kind of thinking only fosters distrust and fear, give us the facts we are adults and have the right to this information.

  28. Kate on April 11th, 2020 7:45 am

    Florida’s sunshine is the broadest of most states, why information is being kept from the public is certainly a violation of our rights. Nursing homes need to be exposed for which have the covid-19 and which may not. Having loved ones in nursing homes is hard enough without knowing if your loved one will die from covid before their time is up.

  29. Estrella Nueva on April 11th, 2020 7:11 am

    Classic case of a rogue public servant misusing and abusing position of power and access to information, IF, he did NOT have explicit permission to release on a blog.

  30. James Wilson on April 11th, 2020 7:05 am

    If I had the money I’d file in court immediately to force release of this information. The FDLE JUST navigated the swamp of parts of this county and they want to hide information, AGAIN???

    The attorney who advised this should be replaced. This is a clear INVITATION to state and national groups to file suit. Guess what? Since it’d already been on the public domain without changes or any violations of privacy etc, a judge will probably laugh at the arguments of the attorney classifying it.

    This virus is a vital public health danger to EVERY citizen so withholding information that helps people shape their response and behavior to PROTECT themselves from it is essential.

    As a taxpayer, I’m very upset that vital county funds AND attention will be diverted now because of this stupid tenuous and ultimately invalid legal opinion to classify. I know HIPPAA and if this attorney thinks it’s violating that they must have gone to online law school!! Maybe they wanted more billable hours when they defend this classification in court…guarantee by Monday afternoon someone will have filed.
    Stupid and DANGEROUS decision.

  31. Lou on April 11th, 2020 6:39 am

    Why wouldn’t you release the information? Sounds like a power trip. Times are scary enough….we need to know what is happening in our own local area.

  32. M9S on April 11th, 2020 6:32 am

    Withholding information so they can control the narrative. Give out good news and reopen America for economic reasons. We are all being treated like inmates

  33. David on April 11th, 2020 5:25 am

    I don’t always agree with your reporting, but you nailed this one.

  34. Me on April 11th, 2020 5:07 am

    As a citizen & life long resident of this county, this makes me furious. All I can say is AMEN William!
    Attorney Alison Rogers is WAY OFF BASE on this one! There is nothing in this report that is confidential or violates the Sunshine law. Who or what is she scared of!
    Keep up the good work William!

  35. Sedition on April 11th, 2020 4:54 am

    Some heads need to roll over this cloak and dagger garbage.
    All names of those responsible need to be published.

  36. SW on April 11th, 2020 3:19 am

    Take our word for it and just obey, citizen!