First COVID-19 Case Reported In Century As Escambia, Santa Rosa Increase By Two COVID-19 Cases Each

April 1, 2020

The total number of reported coronavirus cases in Escambia County and Santa Rosa County increased by two in each county on Wednesday, according to a report from the Florida Department of Health, as the first case was reported in Century and Jay. Escambia County cases:

  • Total cases – 96
  • Pensacola – 66
  • Cantonment – 15
  • Bellview – 5
  • Perdido Key – 1
  • Century – 1
  • Non-residents – 7
  • Hospitalizations:  2
  • Deaths: 0

Santa Rosa County cases:

  • Total cases – 46
  • Navarre – 14
  • Milton – 14
  • Gulf Breeze – 11
  • Pace – 3
  • Jay 1
  • Non – residents – 0
  • Hospitalizations:  7
  • Deaths: 2

Florida cases:

  • Total cases: 7,773
  • Florida residents: 7,495
  • Non-Florida residents – 251
  • Deaths -  101
  • Hospitalized – 990


26 Responses to “First COVID-19 Case Reported In Century As Escambia, Santa Rosa Increase By Two COVID-19 Cases Each”

  1. Mary on April 3rd, 2020 7:27 am

    We only go out for food, hygiene products,& baby supplies (without baby, one of us stays home), & try to get everything we need each time we go so we don’t have to go back out for as long as possible. I walk away from others, stay more than 6ft back in line. It never fails, someone is always trying to stand right up on me. I had to go to the store yesterday, People were everywhere…kids were running through the store with no supervision, others we’re just walking through checking out everything as if the dollar store has new stuff often, one lady comes in and buys bubbles for kids and that’s all…so I am checking out and I am standing in front of the bag area loading bags into my cart and a little boy bumps into me. I turn around and he’s standing there with his father so close to me that they were in front of the debit card key pad! Not one foot between us. What if I was sick and didn’t know, your child is standing under my face… When storms tear up communities, everyone comes together and does their part. What is it about this that people can’t do what’s best for themselves and others in their community? I am so terrified for my family, my children, my neighbors, everyone! Yet so many people act like covid 19 doesn’t exist and it’s life as usual. What is it going to take to get through to people that this is so serious, lives are being lost daily and it’s only getting worse because everyone is out spreading it to everyone else. Please people, protect yourself and others around you and stay home If you can. Don’t go to the store to buy bubbles, make some at home… This virus is not going to stop itself so we have to stop it, by not spreading it. Stay safe and healthy everyone… And thank for letting me vent!

  2. Jerry on April 1st, 2020 10:46 pm

    Other countries had lock downs and community quarantines early on which helped to reduce the number of cases.

    You say its up to the people to not go out or stay home well, they don’t listen . So the state needs to take action to enforce it

    If you expect everyone to just do the right thing , you will be very disappointed .

    What if your grandparents , neighbors, children, and more catch COVID because of some spring breaker that had a beach party? Florida has a huge population of people over the age 50 or 60 that are at high risk of death from this virus.

  3. Lee on April 1st, 2020 10:31 pm

    @Jason – When you say “infected,” I assume you mean “tested positive.” My understanding is that the percentage of carriers can increase to almost half of the population, many of them completely asymptomatic. In that scenario, the estimate you give would be doubled.

  4. Check IQ for voting rights on April 1st, 2020 9:22 pm

    and this individual votes…hopefully not.

    I am not surprised, i think citizens should sue the state of florida for putting them at risk by not taking any measures to stop it until now. Why on earth were the beaches not closed 3 weeks to a month ago. No one is wearing masks or social distancing. The leaders have put everyone there at risk

  5. Mae Carr on April 1st, 2020 9:05 pm

    Finally our governor woke up. I am not sure I understand how some people are not taking this pandemic seriously. We must encourage all our friends and family to stay home to have patience and faith all shall pass. TO STOP THE SPREAD AND HELP SAVE LIVES STAY HOME . YOU MAY BE SAVING YOUR OWN LIFE!
    If we all follow the protocol we will stamp out this virus. Be safe everyone, be mindful and for now keep the social distance.

  6. Matchbox on April 1st, 2020 7:34 pm

    Why are you blaming the elected officials….YOU knew to stay home and self isolate and do the social distancing…so I am curious how you can blame the governor for someone else’s actions..take some responsibility that’s the problem with the world everybody wants to pass the buck..

  7. Mae on April 1st, 2020 6:57 pm

    Lowes/Home Depot have been deemed an essential stores. However since there’s no other places open people are flocking to Lowes/Home Depot because they’re bored. Some how I don’t see the necessity in the lawn and garden center or inside lawn and garden. People are just walking around seeing what kind of flooring they want, light fixtures etc. These employees are putting them self at great risk so that people can get necessity items. Worst of all some of the customers are RUDE and NOT concerned about the safety of the employees, Others or them self. These employees are no different than first responders putting themselves out there with the potential of catching the virus. Other places are are limiting essential products so there’s enough for everybody. I think they should not allow you to buy anything that’s not an essential products and then maybe people would stay home!

  8. Agreed on April 1st, 2020 1:47 pm

    @Jason Yes! Thank you. I agree with everything you’ve said and it clears up so much for those that don’t understand how “flatten the curve” works.

  9. Jerald on April 1st, 2020 1:24 pm

    @ retired nurse- being a former nurse I would think you would understand how these wpidemics work. Everyone knew it was just a matter of time before the U.S. was effected. Thank goodness you are retired and no one has to be concerned with your lack of understanding of how severe this situation is.

  10. Chris on April 1st, 2020 1:16 pm

    …There is no list or data made available by the Florida Department of Health of recovered patients.
    (And a person that tested positive 8 or 9 days ago should still be under quarantine and not considered recovered)…

    Yes Wiliie he is still quarantined. By recovered I mean symptom free and feeling well.

  11. William Reynolds on April 1st, 2020 1:05 pm

    >>Please make sure to update the list with recovered patients as well. My grandad lives in Cantonment, tested positive 8 or 9 days ago and is fine today.

    There is no list or data made available by the Florida Department of Health of recovered patients.

    (And a person that tested positive 8 or 9 days ago should still be under quarantine and not considered recovered)

  12. Chris on April 1st, 2020 12:53 pm

    Please make sure to update the list with recovered patients as well. My grandad lives in Cantonment, tested positive 8 or 9 days ago and is fine today.

  13. LeeAnna de Lange on April 1st, 2020 12:25 pm

    “Sue the state”! We are all responsible for the health and safety measures WE choose to practice. It is by no means an easy situation, however, attempting to attack the state or pass the fault doesn’t do anything accept make you look as if you are a part of the problem. The same people SCREAMING- YOU CANT MAKE ME STAY HOME!, are the same people who make “SUE THE STATE” comments. Let’s just stay home home, cover our mouths, and wash our hands and play toilet paper bowling ball and get through this!

  14. Jason on April 1st, 2020 12:06 pm

    One additional thought, with the current number of cases (94) in Escambia County, the infection rate based on population is 0.030007214% that is 3/100 of one percent who are infected.

    The infection rate in our County mirrors that for the State based on 6,955 cases the infection rate is 0.032378957 which is slightly over 3/100 of one percent.

  15. judy on April 1st, 2020 12:00 pm

    Jerry, You act as if the government is supposed to do your thinking for you. You sound as if you can only do what the gov’t tells you to do. I don’t think the gov’t knew much more than we did, but I KNOW they did not stop you from using common sense and good hygiene to help prevent the spread. If you think the beaches should be closed, stay away from them and stay away from people who go there.

  16. Jason on April 1st, 2020 11:46 am

    There is a 10-14 window of incubation before one test positive for the virus. The State of Florida issued declared a state of emergency on 3/11/20 and the President declared a “National Emergency” on 3/12/20.

    Following the CDC guidelines, the Governor issued a self-isolation request to all Floridians stressing the need to “stay at home”. The Governor ordered beach closings on 3/20/20 when it became apparent that Spring Breakers would not adhere to the self-isolation mandate. Prior to these orders, the data didnt justify the closures.

    As more and more data was obtained, the CDC guidelines changed as well. More and more mandates were issued to meet the ever changing CDC guidelines.

    Those testing positive this month were in all likely infected in early March. Test results in early April should reflect if the previous 2-week period of self-isolation helped flatten the curve.

    It is often hard for folks to realize the true danger when “they dont feel sick” nor do they see evidence of illness within the community. Its only now as the virus has rapidly grown have many heeded the self-isolation mandate to a fuller extent. The same things happens after a hurricane when people are asked to stay off the roads and obey a curfew but yet they dont. Some here opt to blame elected officials when the ones to blame are those who chose to ignore the issued mandates.

  17. Louise on April 1st, 2020 11:11 am

    Close down all the borders, using force if needed. People coming in from out-of-state are not helping matters at all. Some of them are bringing the germs with them.

  18. No logic on April 1st, 2020 10:36 am

    Validity of any data and accuracy of modeling is based on sample size. Our society has turned onto selfish check the fools. Everything decision is based on feel good check the box with intent of not caring about results but having the to blame someone else. From the beginning money has driven the decisions.

  19. Shannon on April 1st, 2020 9:08 am

    I agree with Jerry. I believe our governor is putting everyone at risk by not ordering a stay at home order for the entire state. It is reckless and irresponsible. The people will remember this when he is up for re-election.

  20. CAPT Obvious on April 1st, 2020 8:53 am

    Consider this….One month ago on March 1st NYC had 1 case, now they have over 1000 deaths. Its coming. STAY HOME!!!

  21. Robert on April 1st, 2020 7:07 am

    Many stores have 6 feet marked off and are cleaning buggies, etc. Lowes this past weekend had literally thousands of people (with their dogs) acting as if it was just another beautiful spring planting day. No spacing, no precautions. We ALL have to get on board with the mitigation!

  22. Stay home on April 1st, 2020 6:46 am

    @just saying. Your right, people just need to stay home. I have 3 children under the age of 10. My employer has many of people working at pcc. I explained I was concerned about bringing something home to my kids and they acted like they didn’t care . So yesterday I quit. My children are more important than that. And so is our community. Stay home.

  23. Really on April 1st, 2020 1:28 am

    But state corrections have to work period. Period, no matter what, let’s not worry about there families at all and the administration could care less. All about staffing levels instead of lives. Come to work and risk your life with no hazard pay or go home and quarantine and come back to the infested work place! But I guess we don’t have the rights to go home and do what the government suggests, we are special because we are expendable.

  24. Retired nurse on April 1st, 2020 12:52 am

    Jerry be realilist, do you have a magic ball that tells you how fast or where this new virus would show up?

  25. Just Saying on April 1st, 2020 12:20 am

    Suing would be utterly ridiculous since nobody seems to be following the recommendations anyway. It’s insane how many people are acting like there’s nothing going on out there!

    Stay home, people! Even if you aren’t having symptoms, you could still be spreading it or carrying it home to your loved ones! Do y’all not understand that their deaths could be on your hands? Is it really worth it?

  26. Jerry on March 31st, 2020 10:23 pm

    I am not surprised, i think citizens should sue the state of florida for putting them at risk by not taking any measures to stop it until now. Why on earth were the beaches not closed 3 weeks to a month ago. No one is wearing masks or social distancing. The leaders have put everyone there at risk