How Should Florida Re-open The Economy? This Is Your Chance To Tell The State Task Force.

April 26, 2020

The Re-Open Florida Task Force Satuday launched a public comment submission portal open to all Floridians. Public feedback will be a critical component of the Task Force’s final report to Governor Ron DeSantis. All interested Floridians are encouraged to submit their ideas regarding the safe re-opening of Florida’s economy.

The Re-Open Florida Task Force is seeking public comment as it finalizes its recommendations on exactly how to reboot Florida’s economy.

The state launched a public comment submission portal open to all Floridians.  The comment form asks for name and contact information and allows for the submission of a comment up to 4,000 characters. Attachments up to 30Mb are also accepted.
Floridians may submit feedback on any topic related to the re-opening of Florida’s economy, including the impacts to small business, healthcare, education, tourism, agriculture, retail, recreation and sports and construction.

“Comments that are not relevant to the work of the Task Force or the safe re-opening of Florida’s economy will not be considered by the Task Force,” the form states. It also notes that comments with threats of violence may be forwarded to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for further review.

“Public feedback will be a critical component of the Task Force’s final report to Governor Ron DeSantis,” the Governor’s Office said in a press release.


16 Responses to “How Should Florida Re-open The Economy? This Is Your Chance To Tell The State Task Force.”

  1. Thomas Beard on April 29th, 2020 4:25 pm

    open up, we have to get back to work

  2. The Plague on April 28th, 2020 6:59 am

    Unless we have more testing, keep it locked down. We’re already seeing spikes as the beaches open, and as someone living with three people that have lung problems we ALL need to be tested. Asymptomatic carriers. Besides: what more testing gonna do? Well prove either myself or the opposition correct about overblowing.

  3. rance on April 27th, 2020 4:47 pm

    Back to work, individuals decide how to take care of themselves, there have been plenty of people that have been completely ignoring CDC safety guidelines for over 2 weeks, but people have been backed into a corner by this sickness and the human disaster it has created so it comes down to the necessity to survive outweighs the risks…go with God

  4. Cyndisue on April 27th, 2020 11:16 am

    COVID-19 and our response to this virus has impacted every single person in our country, our state, our counties and our communities. I can see a total shut down of an area such as New York who have people stacked together in high rises and densely populated communities. But, this virus is destroying families and lives with the shut down of livelihoods. Many businesses will go bankrupt, people will be unable to pay their bills or feed their families. Many are depressed, angry and feel helpless to do anything about it. You don’t hear the media discussing the emotional impacts that this is causing. How many people are moving to drugs and alcohol to try to mask their helplessness? How many people are committing suicide or turning to crime to pay their bills and feed their families? No one knows. My family is ok so far even though we didn’t qualify for the stimulus money. But my son who has a family, a 7 month old daughter that he is trying to provide for is struggling and isn’t making enough money to pay all of his bills. He is in the food industry as a server and during this time of year when he should be making enough money to save for the lean times in the fall and winter, is unable to pay his bills now, much less save any for those lean times. You need to reopen all businesses so that they can try to recover from this tragedy. You need to hold China accountable for not containing this virus and alerting the world to this contagion so that an appropriate response could be made before so many have gotten sick or died. It is inevitable that EVERYONE will be exposed to the virus eventually. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop it. Support efforts to test people for antibodies so they can prove to their employers they are able to return to work safely. Support efforts to find a viable therapy for those who are at risk of dying because of underlying conditions. Hospitals are laying off people because they don’t have enough patients since any procedures that aren’t an immediate emergency have been put on hold. Please don’t allow this to destroy families and livelihoods any longer. Enough damage has been done. Too many people are suffering. Let people get back to work so they can provide for their loved ones. Most can’t hold out much longer and the long term repercussions this causes will only get worse if you don’t DO SOMETHING NOW!

  5. concerned citizen on April 27th, 2020 11:04 am

    Lisa…You think it is fine for the electric company to continue work, water company, food stores. You think it is fine to put themselves at risk. That SOUNDS SELFISH.

    I suspect that the people that want you to stay home are people who have money coming in from some source or have enough saving to live on for a while.

    Treat it like the flu…..stay home…
    Science shows..that when you are exposed to a “bug” your body becomes immune to that bug. If you are old, weak or sick…stay home.

    Think about daycare’s…..Many are running now.

  6. TR SPORT on April 27th, 2020 10:49 am

    I am a small business that never shutdown. I know better than anyone how to run my business. If you want to wait on Tallahassee to figure it out, you’ll be broke.They can’t run the state much less tell you how to run your business. Open up and let the rough end drag.

  7. concerned citizen on April 27th, 2020 10:47 am

    Lisa….Not selfish at all….It is survival and not depending on the government for my well being. The virus should be treated like the flu…If you have it stay home…simple!!

    Tyson claimed. “Farmers across the nation simply will not have anywhere to sell their livestock to be processed, when they could have fed the nation. Millions of animals – chickens, pigs and cattle – will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities. The food supply chain is breaking.”

  8. Stephen Booe on April 27th, 2020 5:21 am

    At some point, we need to realize that we have individual and personal responsibility. We also need to realize that it is very easy for those who have continuing income to talk about remaining closed, but it is very difficult for those whose income has ceased. When businesses have failed, it is a disaster – its just not a disaster for those unaffected by the failure.
    Let those who are afraid stay home, and those who want to get back to work should be allowed to do so.
    In the end, maybe months or years from now; we will know whether we should have panicked like we did. Then, it will be too late to do anything about all the lost jobs and the failed economy. It will also be too late to help those whose lives have been turned upside down with disastrous personal results.
    This “error on the safe side” program has not been safe for everyone. We have let fear control us – and it has not been good.

  9. Kay k on April 26th, 2020 10:05 pm

    Small businesses who are not getting any assistance cannot afford to stay closed. I think we have had our eyes opened to the fact that we need to do things differently. We need to be allowed to take the necessary steps to manage our businesses as safely as we know how. We need allowed to open and take responsibility to do everything possible to prevent the spread of the virus while doing so.

  10. BG on April 26th, 2020 10:02 pm

    I would Love it …BUT …NO NO NO NO NO

  11. Michele on April 26th, 2020 8:49 pm

    This virus has the same death rate as flu. Let sick people stay home, everyone else should be allowed to get back to work. Fear and stress just happen to lower ones immune system plus not being allowed to sun bathe at our beautiful beaches lowers our vitamin D levels which in turn makes us more susceptible to viruses!! Open up everything!

  12. Lisa on April 26th, 2020 1:37 pm

    I agree with Carla H and will even add that there should be isolation until 2-3weeks after the last case has recovered to make sure there are no more cases & maybe even 2-3 weeks more just for precaution. southener, you sound selfish. That’s what some are still doing going around not caring if they pass it unknowingly to someone else. If someone gets it you think oh well it’s on them. Well it’s not just on them it’s on their loved ones too. Think about others than just yourself. I heard someone say its basically 2and degree murder if you disobey the law not caring if someone gets it and dies. Whoever intentionally went out just because they felt they were above others & passed it on to someone and they died, the selfish one caused someone to die.

  13. southerner on April 26th, 2020 9:41 am

    Let’s open up all stores and let the individuals decide how to care for themselves. Just take extra precautions by washing your hands and covering your cough. If you are sick…stay home. If the economy crashes we will be worse off than before.

  14. Local on April 26th, 2020 7:59 am

    Open the beaches, at least to the locals. No hour limits. If you can go to Walmart and bump into other buggies why can’t we go to the beach.

  15. Mike Morgan on April 26th, 2020 7:14 am

    Returning to normal is not just an option, it is essential. Continuing this stoppage and freedom abridgment is absolutely crippling economies all around. This is the time to leave personal choice where it belongs—with the person.
    So the proposal is easy…lift all orders and allow people to chose their level of risk aversion. Top down mandates are not effective as they cannot determine case-by-case who should or should not be exposed. So, if a person chooses to stay home and isolated, they may do so. If the person chooses to return to their normal, they are free to do so. This is much like how it was before the lock-down. Personal choice and personal responsibility should be how things operate. Open now with no restrictions.

  16. Carla H on April 26th, 2020 3:46 am

    My opinion is do not be in a hurry. Yes everyone wants to get back to normal, but the real fact here is life or death. Maybe not for some, but for most. I would not even begin to talk about reopening until the hump is almost flattened. It’s a big decision to make and we haven’t been quarantined long enough to keep from having a big surge of cases again. I think we should at least quarantine til the end of may and then look at the big picture again.