Florida’s Unemployment Website Is Down Until Monday

April 25, 2020

Florida’s troubled unemployment website is down until Monday as the state struggles to catch up with payments to jobless residents.

“In order to maximize payments to claimants, the CONNECT system is offline and currently making payments and processing claims through Monday, April 27 at 8 a.m.,” the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity said in a social media statement.”

Visitors to the site on Friday were met with a message about the downtime and a link to an alternative site.

Paper applications are also still available for printing.


9 Responses to “Florida’s Unemployment Website Is Down Until Monday”

  1. Kelly on April 27th, 2020 1:19 pm

    so today tried to log into the connect website, still cannot get on site, it keeps taking me back to the beginning. Filed my daughters unemployment on March 29. Received response via letter from DEO that she was required to request her benefits every 2 weeks on “CONNECT” and do her workforce. Also requesting a copy of her ss card to identify her. Called the number 800-204-2418 for help this morning after the governor said that would be lines open for us to call – its says and I quote “sorry it is not possible to handle your call at the moment-please hang up and call back later” then tells you that their phone lines are busy…

    I am about frustrated…..this is ridiculous

    Anybody out there having the same issues or received a letter requesting identification.

  2. TR SPORT on April 27th, 2020 12:53 am

    That’s just typical government. They can’t keep anything up and running. Remember OBAMA CARE? The private sector is so much more streamlined to do the task, but I forgot the small businesses are being destroyed by this sham. I tell ya, Venezuela is becoming a reality.
    SHEEP NO MORE !!!!

  3. Tom on April 25th, 2020 6:39 pm

    To (No problems) you may have filled out in 20 minutes true. That’s not the problem, the problem is the months or month between filing and receiving the actual money.

  4. Tom on April 25th, 2020 12:40 pm

    I am in danger off getting my utilities cut off, this website was designed to not work to discourage its use. Currently Florida has the slowest unemployment system in the whole country. I wish anyone in the state government cared at all. Do they realize people like me who applied in March and not received stimulus yet are literally getting power cut off. There needs to be more news about how bad Florida’s unemployment website and situation truly is. Worst in the country.

  5. No problems on April 25th, 2020 11:37 am

    I did my husband’s in less than 20 minutes. I had no issues with the site on Thursday.

  6. patd on April 25th, 2020 9:11 am

    please get right,typical republican goverment.i dont know why people are surprised this is their platform they run on every year.

  7. D rock on April 25th, 2020 7:10 am

    ‘Over educated stupid’? Wow this is somebody that’s been fighting the website when you could have printed out the form and just mailed it in by now. As far as shutting down the for the flu. You must be kidding? Even Fox news doesn’t even spew that nonsense any more. 50,000 people are dead from your ‘flu’. Spend more time filling out you paper application and less time on believing Facebook my man.

  8. Valerie on April 25th, 2020 6:16 am

    I am just stressed about this website. I’ve been out of work for 2 months now. I work four part-time jobs in the hospitality/sports Industry…for cruise line all within downtown Tampa.

    My coworkers at all of these jobs are suffering through the aggravation of trying to get anything from website. Stories of signing in, getting kicked out, starting all over, and now their absolutely outlandish nerve of closing down this website!!!! and Advising they are closed basically 12 hours each day and now all through the weekend?

    Apologies I hope I abited rules. I tried Better call Behnken, writing congressman, and I’m at my wit’s end. I have to move on Sunday because I cannot pay my rent.

  9. Daniel Brown on April 25th, 2020 5:10 am

    How are people getting payments when I’ve been trying to just get through the application process for over a month every day and still haven’t made it all the way through the process on the website. Just typical government stupidity. Just like the thank all the overeducated stupid people in charge for letting something like the flu to shutdown the country. Well done