Florida Schools To Remain Closed The Rest Of The School Year

April 18, 2020

Florida schools will remain closed to students for the remainder of the school year, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Saturday.

“It’s obviously not the ideal situation, but given where we are in the school year, we felt that that was the best decision to go forward,” DeSantis said, adding the state’s progress with virtual education made his decision easier.

“You have huge participation. Florida’s worked very hard to be a leader on that,” DeSantis said. “We have folks all over the country watching what we’re doing, so I felt that that was a good thing.”

The Department of Education (DOE) was weighing whether a reopening advisory would be limited to some school districts and whether parents could choose to keep their children distance learning.

“I think you had kind of a division amongst folks whether this was a good idea or not, and I think the last thing you want to do is, like, force everyone in school then have half the kids not show up because their parents didn’t want, teachers didn’t want to do it.”

School administrators across the state were advising against students returning. Giving students only two weeks of in-person classes would not have provided students a big enough academic benefit, DeSantis acknowledged.

FloridaPoltics.com contributed to this report.


6 Responses to “Florida Schools To Remain Closed The Rest Of The School Year”

  1. Puddin on April 19th, 2020 8:02 am

    Sounds good but what about school employees? Will we continue working from home? Will we be paid?

  2. Gman on April 19th, 2020 6:04 am

    Smart decision.

  3. Mike Lee on April 18th, 2020 11:35 pm

    I think they should void all the grades for the 4th quarter because the amount of work being output on the students seems too much and EOCs are cancelled so there’s no point. And to add the student are not learns on system they call “distance learning.”

  4. Concerned parent on April 18th, 2020 9:37 pm

    With closing the school for the remainder of the year, how’s this affect our Srs?

  5. Willis on April 18th, 2020 6:24 pm

    It seems those new Home School Teachers are doing some learning too.

  6. Carley on April 18th, 2020 6:12 pm

    Can you please reopen Pensacola state college in Pensacola FL please . And what about college