Florida Politics: ‘Don’t Ask For Government Permission’ – Mike Hill Mocks Unemployed Constituent

April 19, 2020

by FloridaPolitics.com

Rep. Mike Hill of Pensacola, no stranger to gaffes in normal times, is stepping up his game during the coronavirus crisis.

Hill’s latest antic is an email to a constituent who made the mistake of reaching out to the Panhandle lawmaker for help navigating the state’s unemployment claims system.

“It is clear now that government created this disaster,” Hill wrote Amanda McCallum, a server at a Pensacola bar, “and government does not have the answer.”

“When Americans are tired of being afraid and instead want to work and provide for their families,” Hill insisted, “they will.”

“Don’t ask for government permission,” Hill advised.

McCallum has no control over whether she works, of course. The same government that Hill is a part of closed bars and dine-in restaurants as a precaution against the spread of the coronavirus.

McCallum posted Hill’s response on her personal Facebook page.

Hill’s career in the Florida Legislature has been typified by unforced errors, as even casual observers of The Process know.

Before this year’s Session, the legislator was yanked by Speaker Jose Oliva from the House Public Integrity and Ethics Committee, after offering offensive commentary about the LGBTQ community.

In May, audio was released detailing Hill’s exchange with an audience member at a meeting with a group called Women for Responsible Legislation.

A man in the audience (incorrectly) cited 1 Corinthians, saying it supports putting gays to death, then asks Hill to sponsor legislation allowing the same.

Hill is heard on tape laughing before saying, “I wonder how that would go over.”

That drew condemnation from not only from lawmakers of the opposing party, but also Gov. Ron DeSantis and Speaker Oliva.

Oliva released a joint statement on the matter with Speaker-designate Chris Sprowls: “We unequivocally condemn both the question asked of Rep. Hill, and Rep. Hill’s laughter and refusal to push back and remind his audience that this is America and we don’t stone people to death we disagree with.”

Hill’s recalcitrance has led to a serious primary challenge in Michelle Salzman. She is backed by former Senate President Don Gaetz, former Rep. Frank White and several other influential Northwest Florida Republicans.

Hill’s fundraising was frozen during Session, and he raised just $1,250 since Sine Die. He has under $20,000 cash on hand, a perilous position to be in with the GOP establishment squared up against him.

Salzman has approximately $27,000 on hand, with a high burn rate cutting into over $52,000 raised thus far.

Hill was elected to HD 1 in 2018 after previously holding HD 2 and giving it up for an ill-fated Senate run.

His return to the Legislature took every trick in the book — he trashed one of his Republican primary opponent for being childless and falsely claimed that he had both President Donald Trump’s endorsement and, oddly, his star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

He won the GOP nomination by just 542 votes.


23 Responses to “Florida Politics: ‘Don’t Ask For Government Permission’ – Mike Hill Mocks Unemployed Constituent”

  1. David Huie Green on April 22nd, 2020 4:13 pm

    “David Hue…Obama…couldn’t get the Democrats to fund the needed supplies to restock for the next event.”

    True. He couldn’t and they WERE/ARE needed.

    Democrats WERE in control of the House in 2010, afterward Republicans controlled up until 2019. Democrats led in the Senate until 2015.

    The Democratic Party did not fund President Obama’s repeated plea to replace supplies.
    President Obama failed while trying to save Americans — of any party or none.

    He who followed never asked even though his party held both House and Senate until last year.
    He never asked.
    He never tried.
    Even as Americans are dying, he uses it to benefit himself & his ego, saying he won’t listen to those who fail to praise him.

    If you think failing versus not trying or caring makes them equal…I see a difference.

    Mike Hill also seems indifferent. I used to think better of him. It seems I was wrong.

    David for better people
    (oh, and it’s Huie, not that some can tell)

  2. Adam Evans on April 22nd, 2020 9:20 am

    David Hue, So Obama had a completely Democrat controlled Congress during and after the H1N1 Swine Flu, but, couldn’t get the Democrats to fund the needed supplies to restock for the next event. That’s the Democrats for you. The democrats probably sent that money to Planed Parenthood to pay for abortions.

  3. Cathy Driscoll on April 21st, 2020 9:36 pm

    Thank you Mike- well said! When my parents were living during the Great Depression there was no such thing as unemployment. Less complaining and more getting back out there to work. Instacart and Shipt is hiring aggressively in this area.

  4. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2020 6:58 pm

    “After the H1N1 swine flu, Obama never replaced the used supplies in the following 9 years he was in office.”

    No, he did not.

    From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases and 12,469 deaths in the United States. President Obama USED supplies to SAVE American lives. And yes, President Obama didn’t replace them.
    He repeatedly requested replacement money; Congress repeatedly shot down his requests.

    In contrast, the president who followed didn’t even try despite pleas of his staff. He has said repeatedly since then that nobody could imagine it. Actually, many had.

    “President Trump never said Covid19 was a hoax.”

    Nor did I say he did. He said that of the ones saying it was a threat to Americans, questioning his preparedness.

    Our president said:
    “And this is their new hoax. But you know we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We have 15 people in this massive country…we are totally prepared.” (I skipped a lot of back-patting. You can read it all at: https://factba.se/transcript/donald-trump-speech-kag-rally-north-charleston-south-carolina-february-28-2020)

    “we are totally prepared.” He did not speak truth.

    David for truth

  5. Adam Evans on April 20th, 2020 5:04 pm

    I made a typo and said Obama’s following 9 years. It was actually 7 years that didn’t replenish the supplies depleted by H1N1 Flu Virus.

  6. Adam Evans on April 20th, 2020 4:55 pm

    Mike, he didn’t laugh at a “group”.He laughed at the absurdity of the question.

  7. WOW on April 20th, 2020 1:54 pm

    Seriously…wonder if he would have the same sarcastic tone if his job was deemed “nonessential” during this pandemic and his pay was cut. There are A LOT of hard working American citizens that have never had to file unemployment before now that need help… they are in this situation by NO FAULT of their own. GET OFF YOUR ARSE and DO YOUR JOB Mike Hill…in case you forgot… IT’S WORKING FOR THE PEOPLE. If you can’t do that…do everyone a favor and resign now. No way you are getting re-elected. This Republican will NEVER vote for you.

  8. Adam Evans on April 20th, 2020 9:07 am

    I advise anyone that seriously believes David Hue’s post to do a little research. His post is just rehashed Facebook false memes. After the H1N1 swine flu, Obama never replaced the used supplies in the following 9 years he was in office.
    Go to Snopes, a left leaning web site, and you will see, even they agree, President Trump never said Covid19 was a hoax. When President attempted to ban, not just Chinese, but all entering the US from known infected areas, people like David Hue called him a racist.
    Mr. Hill didn’t say the government created the virus. He said they created the bureaucratic nightmare for trying to get assistance.
    He speaks of Jedediah Bila. She was on the view rubbing shoulders with Whoopie, but Hillary Clinton didn’t like her questions.

  9. David Huie Green on April 19th, 2020 10:39 pm

    “government didn’t create a virus, what is the matter with FOX and this jerk.”

    True, government didn’t create the virus, but what he wrote was: “It is clear now that government created this disaster, and government does not have the answer.” and that is accurate. Problems only become disasters if mishandled such as when the head of the executive branch ignored repeated warnings, declared the entire thing “Just A Hoax” — while people were dying in greater numbers daily.

    Even when he finally realized it might be a problem, he only banned Chinese coming to America, not isolating the thousands of others coming from China, unknowingly bringing the virus among us.

    He didn’t replace equipment used for the previous pandemic threat, didn’t increase the stockpile of potentially life-saving equipment as advised by what he calls “The Deep State,” because he’s paranoid, lies nearly every time he speaks, brags about his lies, calls reporters “Nasty” when they ask legitimate questions rather than praise him.

    This makes for a government-caused disaster. We need competent, caring people in charge.

    He even declared he would not listen to the pleas of governors requesting help saving American lives unless they praise him.

    I don’t know about Fox, but Jedediah Bila of Fox told him: “Enough with the 3rd grade name-calling.” Fox can’t be all bad.

    David for better people

  10. BT on April 19th, 2020 7:12 pm

    As long as Hill gets his government check, he will look down on anybody who wants government assistance.

  11. Mongo on April 19th, 2020 5:03 pm

    Mr. Hill, if ignorance was a virtue, you were richly blessed with it.

  12. Better Angels on April 19th, 2020 4:06 pm

    I pray nightly for the better angels to come forward and stop all this hate. God created everyone.

  13. Denny on April 19th, 2020 1:28 pm

    The poor woman asked for help in filing unemployment but, instead of giving help, he gives a speech and tells her to just go to work. He has more influence in getting businesses open than she does! Meanwhile, she still has no help in getting unemployment.

    He has accomplished nothing in office except grandstanding. We need someone effective in the legislature; if you just want someone to agree with you, talk to a neighbor.

  14. TR SPORT on April 19th, 2020 9:42 am

    Right on Mike Hill, government did create this disaster and they sure as heck are not the answer. Yes government didn’t create this virus but listening to the two quack doctors sure didn’t help. It’s time for businesses owners to open up, they know what’s good for them. Mike keep doing what your doing and you got my vote.

  15. Mike on April 19th, 2020 9:30 am

    This guy needs to go.. Vile human being.

  16. Just Saying on April 19th, 2020 8:23 am

    What an ass…smh at the idiocy still running rampant in the world today. You would think we would be beyond such stupidity in this day and age.

  17. StraightShooter on April 19th, 2020 7:22 am

    He has not folded to the pressure and drink the Kool-aide. He still has my vote,

  18. Kate on April 19th, 2020 6:56 am

    What a jerk, government didn’t create a virus, what is the matter with FOX and this jerk.

  19. bob c on April 19th, 2020 6:30 am

    Mr. Hill, sounds like you have similar education in public service as that of Mr. Henry Hawkins of Century, FL.
    How can you portray yourself as a Christian and yet scatter the truth as though it was chicken feed?
    We here are not, nor have we ever been supporters of you. We have found your term in office to be one of non-function and you have not had any bills passed to support our district.
    Best thing would be for us to have a new and honest representative.

  20. David on April 19th, 2020 5:55 am

    Hill has to go for good

  21. mike on April 19th, 2020 3:56 am

    oops, Mike, you done did it now! and don’t you know that group you laughed about votes too!?!

  22. Matchbox on April 19th, 2020 1:33 am

    Wow…is all I can say when I see ignorance this blatant.

  23. Citizen on April 19th, 2020 12:42 am

    He sounds as moronic as Underhill
